Chapter Seventy Four

"Seventy large gold coins for everything. That's my final offer."

"Deal! We'll take it." Kasuyi slammed his palm against the table top with a grin. "Nice doing business with you."

"It's a pleasure. I hope we can continue getting quality stuff from you guys." The owner of the high class establishment returned the grin while sliding over a medium sized metal case that contained the amount of coins. "This case contains eighty large gold coins. A little something extra." The dark haired man with wisps of grey running through stood up and offered his hand, "I really do look forward to our future transactions."

Kasuyi got to his feet and shook the man's hand with a smile. "I look forward to doing business with you as well. You can expect high quality materials from us."

The two discussed a bit more before Kasuyi bid farewell. The moment he stepped out of the room, he was swarmed by his other party members, with questions being thrown in his face left and right.