Chapter 121

After regaining some of their wits, the couple before Kasuyi stared at him attentively as they waited for him to speak.

Kasuyi mulled over his words a bit more before deciding to be direct.

"Firstly, let's start with this." He held out his arms to the side. "Your son, Kai, is with me." He put the words as simply as he could, not planning on explaining more. "And, he has requested that I come to get his parents, so as to ensure your safety."

"Kai?" Melisa held a hand to her chest as she leaned forward slightly. "Is Kai safe?"

"Yes, yes. Kai is very safe. I can show you what he has been up to during his stay with me if you like." He offered an assuring smile to sooth the worried parents' hearts. Although Adam refrained from speaking, the dark haired man's muscles tightened visibly as his bright blue eyes shook ever so slightly.