Chapter 128

After the crowd had calmed down, Kasuyi had properly explained what had happened earlier.

"The Imperial Army knows I am alive, and will stop at nothing to see me dead. Because of this, they had are hell bent on finding me and killing me. What you all experienced earlier, was the attack of a powerful King Class mage who was intent on wiping out Orba." His tone lessened in intensity, but was still firm as he reached that part.

"As long as you are under me, then you will experience perils that you can not imagine. But as long as you follow me, you will also benefit greatly! All those who have an affinity for magic will receive the training that is provided by my Red Robe Abbey, while those who do not will receive tutelage from the Martial Art experts that are also within my organization."

"Um... Lord Kasuyi?" A meek looking man raised his arm from among the crowd.

"Yes?" Kasuyi pointed at him with his gleaming staff.