Chapter 144


"Kasuyi." Elizabeth's voice was a scary calm, her eyes cool, as she looked down at Kasuyi, who was currently twiddling his thumbs and eyeing his feet.

"What happened to the backyard? I won't ask again. If you fail to answer me, then maybe you can go sleep in the chicken house." Her voice brooked no argument.

The small family was currently seated in their living room, with Elizabeth standing just by the decently sized couch. Jonathan was seated with his arms crossed, watching as his wife interrogated his son. He felt bad for the six year old, but there was nothing he could do. He definitely didn't want his wife turning her ire to him.

"You burned my rose bush." Her eyes narrowed and she leaned down lower. "Explain yourself."

Kasuyi scratched his cheek nervously. The look his mother was giving him was definitely not friendly.

"I um... I can explain, but its a bit complicated." He confessed. "I was experimenting-"