Chapter 179

A vicious swipe of heat passed over Abel's nose as he ducked to dodge the angry Flame Wolf, its glowing red claws only inches away from his skin. He retreated a couple meters, his daggers held at the fore. Breeze raked his silver claws across the side of the Flame Wolf before also retreating to the wolf's other side, putting it in the middle.

Two dead flame wolf corpses were strewn at the side, two clean cuts running through their necks. They had died swiftly when Abel and Breeze struck suddenly using the element of surprise. Abel had quickly sunk his blades into the neck of the first, while Breeze had delivered a spectacular head strike to the second that stunned it long enough for Abel to deliver the final blow. Now, they were trying to end the last one.

"Careful, Breeze. It knows it's going down, so it will really go wild." Abel warned his beastly companion.