Chapter 190

After several hours of tempering his energy and body, Seirron finally emerged from the suspended chamber. Steam rose off his body in waves, a sign of the extreme conditions he put his body under during his training session.

Deciding to call it a night and hit the hay, Seirron retreated into his home for the night. Because of the grueling training session from earlier, he was out through the entire night. With the coming of the next day, he would have to meet his new elite squad members, as such, he had to be as rested as possible to prevent any unnecessary accidents.

Time passed swiftly and it was soon morning. Seirron's body clock was extremely sensitive and as a result, he was up alongside the rising sun.

As always, he began the day with a short run around his island. After going several laps and making sure he was properly drenched in his own sweat was he finally satisfied.