I know this is popular, but this is ridiculous! I got more than 300 bookmarked in a single day and it's not even in the rankings yet!

What makes this so different anyway?!

Are you all familiar with the story of Excalibur? Where it's stuck in a holy mound that only the worthy could pull it out?

Well, here he is sticking his dick in the middle of these two divine mounds, his dick was buried inside that it may never hope to see the light ever again.

Okay, that was too dramatic, a sound of flesh slapping each other was heard across the bathroom, he moved his hips back in forth at Koharu's gigantic breast, it felt so fucking soft and warm, it's like he's sticking his dick inside a pussy rather her breast cleavage.

Koharu was kneeling in front of him while looking at him directly into the eyes filled with warmth and affection for him, solely him, it made him even harder than before.

Yuu couldn't hold his burst any longer and he came inside her cleavage.

"How warm…" Koharu spoke while looking at his cum, in her cleavage.

"That felt good," Yuu admitted with a sheepish smile.

"I'm glad, but you still haven't fuck me yet." Koharu gave him the cutest pout that he had seen in a while.

G-gakh! How is it possible for someone to be this cute?! Not to mention, lewd at the same time!

His dick immediately became hard once again, damn he knew that it was already established that this world has a perk of making his dick hard faster, but it really fascinates him, he wondered if he had a bigger dick he'll become harder a lot faster?

There's only one way to find out, it's to look for some penis enlargement items in the group chat. There should be some if what he knew about his previous life was correct, no one likes to have a small penis if you have a chance to make it bigger.

Every guy would seize this chance, and he certainly wasn't an exception, however, he also did have limits, while he might have liked having a big dick, he wanted to have 14 inches as a limit, he didn't want to have an overlarge dick, that sounds inconvenient as hell.

Seeing that his dick became hard, Koharu smiled at it and said. "The little guy is excited!"

He knows that she probably didn't mean anything by that, however, it doesn't mean that he wasn't affected, he felt like an invisible blow hit him in the guts, it's a matter of man's pride!

No like their Jr to be called 'little' even if they are! It's equivalent to a man calling a girl 'flat' as a board, it hurts you know?!

With righteous anger, to serve justice with my little brother, he pushed Koharu into the tub, making her yelp in surprise and he didn't hesitate to unleash his dragon inside her cave.

As his dick entered hers, it was tighter than expected, and her pussy was actively sucking his dick off, it's like it had a mind of its own, as it knows to please his dick.

For a wonderful woman, to have an equally wonderful pussy, she must be the perfect woman alive!

Okay, maybe he was biased since he managed to get a taste of this high-quality woman, either way, it's still a fact that she got a killer of a pussy.

Not even a minute inside of her, he felt cumming already, her inside is just that good if pussy was a goddess he'd worship it everyday.

He could hear Koharu moan a bit as he moved his hips expertly, he was already becoming good with rhythm.

Flesh slapping with each other was such a wonderful sound in his mind.

Slap* slap* slap* !

Yuu couldn't hold it anymore, it's literally impossible for him to do so, even if he stopped right now, he grabbed Koharu's massive breast as he came inside her.

He heard her moan a little as his cum entered her pussy, he removed his dick inside her and couldn't help but admire his work in front of him.

Before he never really saw the appeal of looking at your cum dripping inside a woman's pussy and now, he begins to understand why a lot of men liked to see this scene.

It was glorious, proud of his work he smiled in triumph, though he was exhausted and he couldn't help but stare at his untrained body and I thought. 'This can't continue, I need to increase my stamina, even if I have a small dick at least I want to have better stamina..'

With that, he decided to hit the gym as soon as possible, he didn't want to continue being weak, plus it would be handy to have a better physique in the future.

Suddenly, he felt like someone was sucking his still sensitive dick, and he almost lost his footing, however thankfully he managed to support himself using the sink, he gave Koharu a stink eye, but it quickly disappeared as soon as it appeared because he can't say annoyed at the beautiful creature that was cleaning his dick off.

As he enjoyed himself, the door opened, revealing his hot aunt Kyouka and at the same time, his woman.

Her eyes widened as she saw them, then landed at her daughter who was still sucking him off.

The atmosphere was awkward, at least for Yuu and Kyouka, however, Koharu was oblivious because she didn't notice that her mother was looking at her cleaning his dick.

"Umm…I can explain?" He tried to break into an awkward atmosphere and failed.

Kyouka let out a sigh and said. "No, no it's fine…"

Her eyes landed once more on her daughter and never thought she'd see her sweet child doing such a lewd act as this.

They grew up so quickly.

Breakfast, the most important time of the meal, and that was supposed to be, however, he can't exactly enjoy this important 'meal' as Yuika was teasing them about being caught red-handed in the bathroom!

He wasn't immune to embarrassment, as he's just a human being, he is flawed as he could be, however, he was thankful that he had someone to share his embarrassment with, and that was Koharu, the woman who he had sexual interaction with.

Thankfully though, Kyouka stopped her from teasing them any further. "Yuika, stop being so crude we're in the middle of breakfast here."

Yuika pouted at her mother's words, it was clear that she doesn't want to stop teasing them, after all, it's not everyday she gets to have teasing materials from both Yuu and Koharu.

However, the glare coming from Kyouka made her stop, and finally, he could sigh in relief for now.

"And both of you, there's plenty of room in the house and you choose to do it in the bathroom." Kyouka scolded them.

He knows that he shouldn't do this but, he couldn't stop himself from replying. "That's quite rich coming from you, didn't you let me fuck you in the windows where at some point anyone could have seen it?"

With that, a massive blush appeared on Kyouka's face, and couldn't stop stuttering. "I-i..y-you…"

Damn, for a woman in her forties, she's very adorable, now he understood where Koharu got her cuteness from, it's from her.

"Eh~?! This is the first time I heard of this! Hey, spill the beans? Tell me more!" Yuika excitedly shook his body, it was obvious that she really wanted to know about the incident.

While it wasn't really him who did that act, he clearly remembered it happening, however looking at the embarrassed Kyouka, he decided to give her mercy. "No, it's private."

"Come on! If you tell me I'd let you fuck me in your preferred position, anytime and anywhere." Kyouka was half joking and half serious about this.

He paused for a bit, honestly it's quite tempting and he almost succumbed to it, however, he stopped himself from accepting that. "Still a no."

Yuu couldn't help but applaud himself for resisting such a tempting offer, which he regretted rejecting for a bit.

After a few minutes of pestering, fortunately, she gave up with a disappointed look, too bad for her.

After they finished having breakfast, he decided to confront his aunt and expressed his desire to train his body in the gym.

Since he doesn't have the money to apply for one, surprisingly though, she supported his decision of making his body healthier and gave him her approval.

He originally thought that he had to convince her for a while, but this is quite unexpected, however not unwelcome.

With that, he had his ticket to make his body better.

It's summer and he didn't have many things to do aside from playing with his phone, he was getting bored and decided to check the group chat to see if anyone was online, only to see there isn't.

Not surprised honestly, since those women are busy, maybe except for Ei but she's also busy on her own way, to reach eternity.

He would never understand her obsession with that particular concept, anyway…wait what's this?

Yuu noticed that the group chat actually had some type of currency and he had 100 of them.

So he decided to check what it does.

Alright, it's a bit overused but that currency is going to be called GP as obvious as it could be.

Either way, I'm listening to your suggestions for him to gain some muscles, it's not a bad idea.

Anyway, see ya in the next chapter!