The Sanctuary (2)

Walking side by side through the buzzing town I felt kinda happy, I am not in constant danger anymore and can sleep without being scared that random monsters could just take a bit out of me while I am in the dreamland. So, happy to be back in civilization, or the closet thing, I looked around with glittering eyes as Loft the leaf guy showed me around. I noticed that the majority of the monsters around are some kind of plant or forest animal type. They came in many different shapes and sizes, one was even as large as the houses around here, but by far the biggest one was still the lone monolith.

As we walked through the small town, I realized that monsters are quite friendly, well with exceptions of course, but there is one big difference here. Killing someone is normal here, and differences are often settled via strength, so I was extra careful to avoid provoking anyone around here. Don´t know how it is in a human settlement, but I guess they are much more civil when solving their problems... Nah, they are humans and are just another type of monster if you open your eyes a little bit.

The reason why killing is allowed is that, it helps weeding out the weak and useless and strengthens the strong, or so Loft said, but there are still some rules to prevent rogue killings and protect the ones with high potential.

I couldn´t expect more from a community full of mixed races of monsters. And to my surprise there is even a currency around here, namely monster cores, the bigger the core the better, but some prefer different affinities and trading cores is normal here. It is a very nice place here, despite the lack of technology, but I don´t think I will stay here for too long, as once I get tier 4 I wound be able to find stronger beings here as this is a C rank dungeon.

"And how many floors does this dungeon have?" asked I another question, while slithering close to Loft to avoiding a wolf monster stepping on me.

"This dungeon has 40 floors, divided into 4 parts. The first 10 floors are covered in dense vegetation, but due to something happening a few years ago the floors 5 to 20 are completely destroyed, as you could see when Metalkill brought you here."

Curious about what happened I intervened, "What happened that could devastate 15 floors to such an extent?"

"Long story short, the queen fought against the current dungeon lord. They were fighting for 32 days, but the humans intervened and injured the queen badly. That is also why you are being rewarded for bringing a human head to the queen." said Loft with a creepy smile.

I smiled wryly at that and continued asking him, I couldn´t let this opportunity ran away, "And where are we now?"

"We are currently on the 21st floor, after the queen lost she fleed and needed a place to recuperate her strength and found this place here. After seeing the bad rulership of the current lord she decided to build this town for every monster that wanted out of the dungeon lord's grasp."

"Wait, but why did Metalkill kidnap me then!" said I with an angry face.

"Oh, her? Well, ha ha ha... she has a soft spot for young and cute monsters, and seeing you, a little snake alone in this dangerous place she probably couldn´t leave you alone. Well, there is more backstory behind this, but you have to ask her yourself about that." said Loft ever so patiently.

This brought my mind to wander, but in the end, I just accepted it as it is and decided to talk to her later when I see her, "Wait, but she didn´t even say a single word to me the whole time?"

"Ha hahahaha, typical Metalkill, that´s because she is very shy and bad with strangers."

"With that appearance?" asked I doubtfully.

"Don´t let one's appearance fool you. You are the perfect example for that."

Hearing his answer I was kind of stunned, "Hmm why?"

"Well, you are not even tier 2, and have a very childish voice, but your mind is that of an adult already. You might not be the most cunning one, but the maturity definitely doesn´t match your level or your appearance," said he with a knowing grin.

I looked at him shocked, 'Shit I forgot about that. Does he know I am a reincarnater? Well, no need to complain over spilled milk.'

"Tehee, you got me there~," said I with a "cute" pose, which he only ignored.

"Anyway, do you know why the dungeon is behaving strangely?"

"Hmm, so you also know about that, how interesting. I have zero clues, but maybe the queen knows more about that. Oh, we are here." said Loft with a big grin.

Looking in front of me I saw a big pit that is drenched with blood and few bits of monsters, while two monsters are currently tearing each other apart. A bunch of smaller and weaker locking ones gathered around the pit and cheered in excitement.

"I didn´t know monsters would do gladiator fights..." mumbled I to myself. I long stopped being shooked of the monster's culture and antics.

"This is the fighting pit, where young monsters fight 1 on 1 to the death. It is the safest method here to quickly evolve and it´s quite popular as you can see. But it is only allowed for monsters that are tier 2 or lower. Do you want to give it a try?" asked Loft with a maniacal grin.

It was the first time seeing such an expression on his usual calm and sagely face. "Maybe later..."

He gave me a slightly disappointed look, that quickly turned normal, "As you wish, anyway your temporary stay will be just a few meters away from here."

Arriving in front of a small clay hut Loft spoke, "You will be staying here, this is also where your companion is staying. So just wait here till she arrives. I will have to say goodbye now, duties are calling."

"Thanks for leading me around the town and answering all my questions!" said I with a small bow.

"Don´t mention it. Anyway, I will see you around, Raas." I nod at him and pushed open the door and went inside. The hut was mostly empty with only a makeshift bed and a few monster cores in the corner.

Slithering towards the bed I lay on the bed and took a deep breath. Smelling the scent of Sahra calm and happy, "I can´t wait to see you again Sahra..."

After 15 minutes of rolling around the bed and doing nothing, I decided to check my status once again.


Name: Raas

Species: Menacing grey youngling serpent (???)

Level: 15

Strength: 89

Agility: 67

Intelligence: 86

Mentality: 60

Hp: 250/250

MP: 130/130


1. Limit Breaker (Increases your stats gained from evolutions)

2. The Survivor (25% increased resistance to all kinds of debuffs!)

3. Royal guard (Gain 30% damage and damage resistance when protecting someone, but betrayals will give you the curse Betrayer leading to a permanent decrease of 10% from your max stats for each betrayal and death after 3 betrayals.)

[Skills: Venom Fang lv 7, Launch Attack lv 3, Slither lv 6, Swimming lv 1, Pain Resistance lv 5, Poison Resistance lv 4, Poison Affinity lv 4, Healing Affinity lv 1, Healing Fang lv 1, Crush lv 3, Intimidation lv 1, Poison Whip lv 3 -->4, Conceal lv 3, Harden lv 1]

[Racial Skill: Grey Out lv1, Solistic Venom]

[Evolution Path:]

[Grey Scales]

[Venomous Fangs]

[Colorful Movement Sensing Eyes]

[Danger Smelling Tongue]

[Vibration Sensing Ears]

[Healing Glance]

[Crystal Core Shield]

"Wow, haven´t looked at my status since the sting Metalkill gave me... My stats haven´t really changed much, except for strength and intelligence. Hmmm, I have to find a way to increase my agility, or I won´t be able to outrun enemies anymore, but I am finally bigger and not a small danger noodle anymore! Hah, if I grow further at such a rate I am sure going to be able to devour everything in my path! Meh, even if staying at this length I am at least bigger than an average anaconda. Hmm, my next step is to finally get some magic! If even those ants and wasp could cast magic then surely I am able to do that too right? RIGHT?"


"I think I should stop talking to myself..."

"No, no go on~"


Hearing a young girl´s voice my head snapped towards that direction. In the doorway stands a small humanoid girl that was leaning against the door frame. She wore a fancy robe and a veil, covering her face and body.

"Wh- How long have you been here!?" cried I out and wondered why I didn´t sense her.

"Since, "Wow, haven´t looked at my status since the sting Metalkill gave me..."." said she while imitating my voice.

"Ghu, so from the very beginning huh..."

"Yup~," said she cheerfully.

"Wait, who are you, and why are you here!"

"Hmm took you long enough to ask that," said she in a jocking mocking tone while walking towards me.

Sitting beside me she fell backward onto the bed and let out a relieved sigh, not even caring that she laid there with her vitals unprotected.

"I am Sahra´s roommate and friend, furthermore I also live here. Well, for now at least."

I scanned her body to see if she was lying or not, but only got a "Kyaaa~, stop starring at me like that, pervert~"

A vein nearly popped after hearing that and I could only trust her words.

After an awkward silence, she began to talk, "So you are Raas, Sahra´s partner, and mate? You sound quite young and to be able to get a mate so early, kinda impressive."

"What, mate? What do you mean?"

"Hahhh~, are you dumb? You are the one that named her and she named you, meaning you are her mate. It is like a marriage for some monsters, " said the girl in a mocking tone.

I kind of blushed out of embarrassment hearing her reply."I- I didn´t know that naming someone is that important."

"Pfff, hahahaah, what´s done is done.... Anyway, be lucky that someone like Sahra even accepted you as her mate."

My head turned towards her, "Heh?"

"You know, Sahra has talked a lot about you, and I mean A LOT. She never stopped rumbling about how cute you are, and how heroic and brave you are and how much she misses you." *Sigh* "But she is a good girl, and cares for you very much, so if you mistreat her I am personally going to rip out your core." said the girl in full seriousness.

"Tss, who are you anyway to say something like that? You only know her for one day max and are already so overprotective about her?" said I with a snarl.

"Hmpf, you will know that soon enough, idiot!" said the girl with a pout, "Now let me rest, I had a stressful day." Laying back down she soon fell asleep.

*Sigh* "This is going to be a pain..." said I with a tired sigh before throwing a blanket over the sleeping girl.


AN: After such a long time we finally reached the 50 chapters mark!

I am kinda proud of myself to be able to write on a story for so long, well it might be nothing compared to the other authors on this site, but idc. I am just happy to reach a goal that I set for myself.

Okay okay, I am stopping already... Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and the new characters!