Power leveling!

Raas froze up as he starred into an endless pit of blue luminescence glowing maw.

"Stop that!" said Sahra sternly behind me, as the maw closed.

With a small pout, the giant maw slowly shrunk till it was only 30cm big. Seeing the full form of the creature, I was stunned.

'Since when could fish fly'

In front of me was now a black and blue glowing fish with a lantern attached to its forehead while it slowly flapped its fins. It looked like a poorly constructed anglerfish that had some holes where blue eerie light shone through with a small old lantern where few glowing orbs flew around. Though its two big hollow eyes resided two small azure flames that shone with hunger.

It giggled a little bit before swimming in the air around me like it was in water, while the two flames gazed at me like I was a tasty meal.

"W- What is that?" said I while my eyes followed the weird fish thing swimming around me.

"Oh, I nearly forgot about him. He is the egg that we picked up together. I unofficially named him, Derat. He only manifested recently. He is harmless for the most part."

"I see..." said I absent-mindedly, not letting my eyes off him.

"Heyo, I´m sorry bout what I did to you two, but sheesh, you didn't have to hit me that hard when we first met, I still can feel the pain. I nearly thought my core would crack. Anyway, the names Derat! The one and only Soul collecting apparition, type anglerfish! Don´t worry I don´t bite, only ripping souls! Well, to be ownest, that was a lie, I do bite! But don´t worry, I won´t bite you, I made a pact with this scary woman here. So welcome back big bro Raas!"


"...ah...yes...hello..." said I bewildered by his manner of speech.

The Soul collecting apparition slowly neared me and starred me into the eyes. The two flames in his eyes burst for a moment before he said, "Ah, what a beautiful soul you have there... You wouldn't mind if I have a nibble right, big bro? Just a small piece will be enough. It is bigger than the other plebs, especially those mindless hooligans roaming the floors. Beh, just thinking of those lowlife souls makes me want to puke. But you know, beggars can´t be choosers. Ah, you can´t imagine the bliss when I had my first good soul. Damn was that nice. I can still remember the taste. When you look close enough you might even spot the soul inside my lantern! He is my prized possession. Well, for now anyway. Hmmm, where was I? Ah, yes, your soul. Even with all those spells, I can clearly smell your delicious soul. I promise it wouldn´t hurt... much."

Overloading my head with his rapid speech I couldn´t reply as he inched ever so subtly closer towards me as I backed away from his small maw that dripped some kind of blue mist.


Coming to my rescue Sahra took out a fist-sized yellow blue and yellow fluorescent core out of her backpack. "Stop begging my mate for his soul you gluttonous fish before I crush your core!" hissed Sahra in anger and staring daggers at the tiny fish in front of me who was just inches away from me.

"Ah, of course, of course! Sorry, got a bit carried away. You know, delicious soul, soul collecter. But damn, your woman needs to relax and loosen up a little bit, if you know what I mean." Seeing the death glare he received from Sahra he promptly continued, "Hehehe, anyway what now boss!" said Derat sheepishly. While continuing to circle around me like a shark stalking his prey.

"Hmm, what now indeed..." asked I myself not letting my guard down and ignoring his comment. Well, to say the least, he has quite the personality...

"Well, Raas dear~ how about you level up a bit so that you could protect our future children~?" asked Sahra who was pushing Derat away and put a hand on my cheek.

Not expecting such an answer my jaw dropped as my head flung towards her.

'What? Dear? How did you come to that?! Even so, it´s too soon! Too soon! And we are from two completely different species! Even if you now look humanlike... I am a snake... It would be weird...'

"You have gotten quite bolt, Sahra. Where is the timid little Singing Stone that clung to me like Mammoth spite?" said Beatrice.

"Hmpf, a lot has changed! I had to adapt, ever since my home was... raided."

"Oh, umm, I´m sorry..."

Feeling the mood going down I pushed my thoughts to the back of my head and chimed in, "Hmm, getting stronger in this crazy world is a good idea. So what do you suggest Sahra."

A blinding smile bloomed on her face as she hugged me. "I am strong enough to power level you till you are at least tier 2! Then you can get some combat experience in the pit!"

"Oh that sounds, nice when do we start!" said I with enthusiasm. I am done with staying so weak and being almost killed on a daily basis.

"No better time than now I would say, little Raas," said Beatrice standing up and draping her cloak and veil over her.

"When will you finally drop the "little"?" asked I annoyed as I don´t like being called small or little when I am a 4-meter long snake.

"Never," said Beatrice with a cheeky smile under her veil and opening the front door.

I could only sigh, as I followed her out with Sahra close behind me and Derat circling around me like a holy ring, instead, it is glowing blue and drooling mist down my head...


(3rd POV)

Reaching the 22nd floor of the Woodland dungeon, the group of 4 were being drenched in the never-ending storm of the floor.

"Ts, the weather is bad as always" complained Sahra as she put the hood over her head. "You aren´t feeling cold are you Raas?" asked Sahra who looked towards Raas who was wearing nothing. Not that she would complain or see anything inappropriate.

"No, I don´t mind a little bit of rain, but it is a little bit breezy."

"Oh, can fix that!" said Beatrice as she cast a small spell that surrounds Raas in an orange glow.

"Thanks, Beatrice. Now finally to some leveling!"

It didn´t take long for the group of monsters to encounter their first enemy, as 4 giant green slugs dropped from the trees.

Seeing the monsters Beatrice immediately took position and commanded her group, "Oh, lucky, those are the weakest monsters around here. Low tier 2 monsters and easy to kill. I will hold the two in the right-back, Sahra take the left, and Raas you kill the one in the front. Shouldn´t be too hard with Sol´s gem and all."

They all nodded and rushed the 4 slugs, only Derat grimaced, remembering the taste of the slug's soul. "Yikes, slugs again..."

Beatrice was the first one to subdue her target as she bound the slugs with thorny vines that sprouted beneath them.

Sahra kited them back and forth and stalled them till Rass was finished with his.

Meanwhile, Raas was having troubles doing damage, as the soft and slime flesh of the monsters made his attacks null, even his venom didn´t work at them. Seeing that his usual attacks didn´t work he opted to try his new skill out. Casting [Sun Breath] felt easier and easier after every cast for Raas. So, gathering mana into his throat he condensed the small fireball as dense as possible, all the while he was agilely dancing around the slow and lethargic slug.

It took him 3 seconds to finally finish gathering mana and condensing it, till it was uncomfortable to hold. Raas stopped slithering around the slug and faced it face first, before unleashing the miniature "sun" flew towards the monster, evaporating the water in the area and finally vaporizing the slug's head.

Raas flinched at the destructive ability and the disgusting smell of molten slug as it slumped down to the ground.


[You have slain a green Everslug]


[You gained 379 exp!]

'Oh damn, that is almost as much as the owl amalgamation gave me!'

While he was lamenting over his exp gain, Derat swooped in and flung his lantern into the monster's body, sinking in like it was intangible. He swirled his lantern a few times around before it out while cringing in disgust.

Raas now approached Sahra and the two slugs which were riddled in small cuts. Sahra spotted Raas and kitted the Slugs so he could easily take them down in one shoot. Preparing another [Sun Breath] he got into position and gathered his mana, but this time he took a lot longer before firing another orange glowing orb towards the two monsters. The orb flue straight into the side of the first one, melting through it before exploding the second one's head.






[You have slain a green Everslug]

[You gained 311 exp!]

[You have slain a green Everslug]

[You gained 286 exp!]

[You leveled up!]

'Hmm a little bit lower, must be because Sahra damaged them quite a bit,' thought Raas before being tackled by Sahra.

"Kyyyy~ Raas, that was soooo cool~!" squealed Sahra like a fangirl.

Raas only sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, before realizing that Beatrice was still holding the last two slugs down.

It took Raas the last of his mana to end the two, as the ability cost quite a lot of mana.

The group gathered up and Derat was the first one to speak up, "Bah, those souls tasted like mud, can´t we kill more intelligent creatures. Even a Nagirus taste better than those brainless slugs."

Ignoring him Sahra hugged Raas while still amazed at her mate´s ability. Beatrice too ignored the small anglerfish´s comment and spoke towards Raas, "quite the skill, amazes me every time when you cast it. But at this rate, it would take quite a while for you to reach tier 2..."

"Hmm how about we raid a shadow cat´s nest? Raas can just blast the whole thing to smithereens."

"Ohhh, yes those have quite a delicious soul! I am in!"

"I agree, sounds like easy exp," said Raas.

"Yosh, it is decided then, Derat, got and scout for a shadow cat nest," commanded Sahra.

*sigh* "Yes, yes..." said Derat while flying away.



A chapter to make my dear reader stay.

What do you think about this new character? I will maybe change Derats name and race if there are good suggestions. Anyway, Raas will finally start to level up and gain more muscles on his bones.

Evolution to tier 2 will be quite a big power spike, as all tier evolutions will be. If you have some good ideas, don´t hesitate and leave some.

Anyway, that´s all from me!