You can do this Jugyeong! You can! I say as I slap my face.


"That's right! Keeping a confident face always helps at times like this!"


"Hey Jugyeong!"-

"Good morning Master Jimin" I bow.

"Don't take it that seriously... No need to be so formal with me, haha"-

He stares at me for a while.

"Uh.huh...what is it? Is there anything on my face? " I start touching my face.

"No, Your Master Jimin is a bit thirsty. How about you get some apple juice?"-

"A-apple juice...?"

I rush to the caféteria and come back running back running to the corridor. "h-here y-ou go *huff*" I breathe heavily.

"Hey hey! Breathe some oxygen before pass out! I didn't even told you to run...Thanks anyways!"-

*Slurp* he drinks the juice. While I stand staring at him.

"I think I should leave..."

"Ahh, there's more, now this!"- he hands me a pile of books.

"Your Master has some important business to visit to~ so put these on my desk, don't you dare touch my bag in my absence!"-

"Sure, class 10-P, right ?"

He nods and walks away. So this is how he's going to act, huh? I could tear him into pieces, but I can't:(

I keep his books and As I'm about to leave I hear his classmates talking...I quietly listen to them.

"He got the score in our class in mock exams too! Aside from his personality, he's perfect!"-

"Oh? Do you think he has a girlfriend? He's so hot!"

"If he doesn't, maybe I should try hooking up with him!"

"Omg...are you crazy? He insults girls if they ask him out!"

"It's o-" as I continue listening to them hiding behind the door I feel someone tap my shoulder.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"- we bothh scream out our lungs.

"heyyyy shsh!" Namjoons tries to stop us from screaming any further.

"Have y'all lost your brains? Don't forget we are at school...why the heck we're yall screaming so loudly!!?" He scolds us.

"Uhhh sorry hyung.." Jimin Apologizes rubbing his back head. He's so polite to his hyung.

"And you Jugyeo-" Namjoon speaks with narrow eyes piercing me until I cut his sentence.


"It's ok but I need to know what happened that y'all had to scream so loudly!"

"First of all, what were you doing here!? Second, why the heck did you scream?" Jimin asks me but I'm all embarrased with my eyes glued to the ground.

"Uhh... I came here to keep your books and Why did you suddenly pop out if nowhere and tap my shoulder like that, it scared the shit out of me!! So i shouted but why did you shout with me?"

"You shouted so I joined you.."

"Ahhh..... you both are so childish! Y'all fight on the smallest things like children...so cute" Joon pinches my cheeks.

"You better head back to your class or you'll be late!"-

"Oh yeah Master Jimin!"

"Hey what's with that Master thing?" They chat with each other on their way back to the class.

"Uh... nothing, she likes Calling me master" liar.


"ahhh...sua..... I'm hungry!" I groan rubbing my stomach.

"Hehe... They're serving corn dog today!"-

"Wowowowow!" I see Jimin walking towards us Jimin!!? Not again. Please have mercy on me ! I try my best to avoid him and continue talking with sua. "Hey Jugyeong! Hi Sua!"- wth ? Is he even the same Jimin as the morning one!!?? "Heyy Chimmy!" Sua jumps in excitement. She and Namjoon call him chimmy. Be he finds it annoying.

"Yaahh....stop calling me that, it doesn't suit my personality you know?" He straightens his backs and pats his shoulders.

"He's right! It doesn't suit his personality, cause he's a jer- ahh anyways what do you want ?" I try my best to be more polite.

"Hey sua I need Jugyeong for sometime, can you have lunch with Namjoon hyung? Ok bye then~"-

He drags me holding my wrist. I almost run. Despite being so shot how can he walk so fast!? "Ahhh...why are we going to the roof top!!? You know if we're caught we'll get in trouble!!"

"Just be quiet, will you?"-

Ahhhh...his glares are scary. He turns the knob open and we enter the roof top.

"Wow! I've nevwr been uo on the roof top! This view is awesome!"

"Take it"-

"Huh? What's this? A lunch box !? Why are you giving this to me?"

"I brought my sister's lunch with me by mistake. I thought I'd give it to you."-

So is he also telling me what to eat!? Wait this is delicious!

"Your mom is an amazing co-" i was cut off by his death glares.

"Anyways! Be ready tonight!"-

OMG... where is he taking me!? I can't even refuse!

"Huh? Ohk...text me where to meet...you have my number right?"

He nods.



jerk: Hey weirdo!!

me: Heyy Jerk!!

jerk: I'm your MASTER JIMIN !! Anyways...complete your work and be ready till 8.30!

me: You never told me, where are we going?!

jerk: sUrPrIsE!!!!

me: Please>:(

jerk: It won't work weirdo乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ

me: Pleaseeee?!..... Easy peasy lemon squeezyyy!!

jerk: Naah!

me: It's useless arguing

with you jerk,smh! -_-

jerk: You know right?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)btw.....put your make-up today! I don't want people to call you ugly!

me: Ahhhh...it hurts....

anyways, Byee!

jerk: Byee.

Jerk, active few seconds ago..


He really speaks to the point! No side talks! Anyways.....

I complete my daily chores and watch Tv.

"Taeeeehyyyyuunnnggggg!!!!!!!!gimme my phone back!!!!"-

"Take it if you can!"-

"Ahhhhh.....can I have some time alone! I can't believe she's older than me still behaves so childish! Ahhhh...did you hear me chae!? Tae? Or...."

"Shut up Jugyeong....and you little brat gimme my phone back!!"

"La lala la la....la lala la la!"- he sticks his tongue out and teases her.

THEY ARE iMpOsSiBlE!!!!!.........