In the beginning, the realm was void. Whether by some transcendent plan or a simple whim, the primordial elemental spirits descended upon the world. Deep within the core, they breathed life into Etheria. With their mighty powers, they gave form to the planet. They crafted mighty mountains, fiery volcanoes, fathomless oceans, great continents, and lonely islands. Together, they filled Etheria with new life. The primordials then returned to their planes and fell into a deep slumber. However, the powerful energies that emanated from the primordials had come together, creating a swirling maelstrom of magic. This vortex bathed the entire world in their elemental magics.
From the eye of the storm, the celestial gods were birthed. Their genesis drained the primordial maelstrom of its energy. The celestial gods looked upon the lands and formed their own creations after their own images. This the races of Etheria came to be. This was Etheria's "Golden Age", where the gods roamed amongst mortals and all lived in harmony.
However, one inauspicious day rifts opened all around Etheria. From the fissures, millions of creatures poured out, seizing land and devouring all that stood in their path. In response, the celestial gods lead their creations to resist and push back the invaders. Yet, despite their victories, the war of survival continued.
From the fissures, a new enemy emerged, the null gods pushing back against the tide of battle. Plunging Etheria into chaos and turmoil. The great celestial gods, whose power was beyond imagination, were in a stalemate. Etheria tottered on the brink of destruction. Embers rose in the night as entire kingdoms burned. The null gods wielded the energies of destruction and corruption. As kingdoms and nations collapsed under their onslaught, the celestials weakened.
In a desperate gamble to save Etheria, the celestial gods unified their powers. By restricting themselves to the celestial realm and creating divine rules, they increased their power. However, they could never walk upon the soil of Etheria ever again. With their new power, they summoned heroes to act as their avatars in the battle against the null monsters. These heroes led the forces of Etheria as the celestial gods battled against the null gods. With their combined efforts, they closed many rifts and killed several null gods.
The ones who remained living were sealed while others fled back into the rifts. However, the war and chaos brought by the monsters of the rift had changed Etheria forever. Even the celestial gods who once unified splintered apart, seeing opportunities to foster their own strength from the chaos. Etheria is once again in turmoil. The celestial gods have turned against one another. Peace, the thing everyone fought for, was but a dream. The world is being devoured by corruption, obsession, rage, greed, lust, and deceit. Monsters and horrifying creatures from the rifts stalk the lands, seeking to free their gods, whilst the celestial gods and their creations bicker and feud amongst each other.