Season 2 Episode 4: Outdated

"The King and the Queen have been replaced. It seems that your information is outdated, your highness.." 

"What?" Gilbert Gottfried looked at General Ivan, stunned by his words. "What nonsense are you spouting? Are you trying to trick me, General?"

"There's no trickery here, your highness!" General Ivan spoke calmly and continued, "Everything that I've told you is the truth. The King has been overthrown by his own blood; his son, Blake Bancroft. And he has been the King for the past few weeks. The people are content under his rule now, your highness! It seems that you should be worrying about your informant's ability first, your highness!"


As soon as the General finished his words, Gilbert Gottfried slammed his fist on the table once again, gritting his teeth as he yelled out, "Are you mocking the skills of my men, General? Are you trying to imply that my men are incompetent? Is that what you're trying to do?"