Season 2 Episode 19: It Comes At Night

Claude clenched his fist and punched forward, aiming for the enemy's stomach.


Claude's fist shot forward, and the fist which was reinforced by body strengthening techniques, collided with the opponent's body, bursting through his stomach and organs and came out though the other side before he pulled his blood covered hand backwards. Claude heard a grunt as his opponent swiveled and fell backward, as a spray of blood squirted from his stomach.

Claude tilted his head up as he stared at the figures stuck to the walls of the alleyway and he said, "So you've recognized me as a threat after I discovered your presence? Is that all it takes to antagonize you? Dear lord, no wonder you people have a lot of enemies.."

One of the figures spoke in a cold voice, "Take him down. He might look strong, but he can't fight all of us."