Season 2 Episode 46: Living In A Lie

'To think I even considered Dalton Palmer as the greatest foe I could face,' Claude snickered in his mind. Of course, Dalton had the potential to grow even stronger if given enough time and guidance, but right now, Javier was much stronger than any student Claude has ever faced.

Javier was, as some would like to call, a complete cultivator. He made sure that he was consistent in utilizing and mastering all of his skills and techniques, whether it came to speed, power or even reflexes, and only after he made sure that everything was balanced did he move forward. He wasn't the strongest, nor was he the fastest, but he made sure that he didn't fall behind by improving each and every aspect of himself and not becoming someone who was dependent on one thing.

'I thought that this contest would only be amusing at best,' Claude had a wide grin on his face as he stared at the scroll with anticipation in his eyes. 'But now, I feel as though I can't wait for it to begin...'