Season 2 Episode 87: True Victory

"Russell Davies is definitely a strong opponent. He's intelligent, powerful, thinks quickly and is highly unpredictable. He's a scary opponent to face. No junior will be a match for him…" Javier took a deep breath, his eyes still fixed on the arena as he continued, "... Unless that junior is Claude Rayforth."

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The sound of footsteps could be heard, and all of a sudden, everyone turned quiet. All eyes were on the arena, and from the dust clouds emerged a figure. He held a katana high up in the air, and walked victoriously, as the audience got a clear view of the victor. This time there were no last minute twists. No turnarounds. Just Claude Rayforth, standing in the middle of the arena.

A few minutes passed by without any noise when all of a sudden, a chorus of excited shrieks and cheers sounded throughout the arena, as the crowd had erupted into a celebratory mood.