Chapter three

Day broke not long after and at this point I was deep within the woods. By now the boys would be up. I did doubt that they noticed yet though, it was too early for them to get me for breakfast and they probably assumed I had slept in.

I did wonder what they would do when they found out. Would they look for me? Would they be upset with me? I tried to be happy despite my questions and nerves.

My feet dragged on as the sun shone through the trees. It was mid-noon. The shadows of the small delicate leaves clumped into small patches of shade. Sweat trickled from my forehead reminding me of water.

I was parched not to mention hungry. I had stolen an apple from a tree for breakfast. Yet now it was around noon and my stomach growled eagerly for food.

I then heard what sounded like heaven. Trickling water splashing onto rocks not far from where I stood. I slung my bag off me. Then I rushed forth and splashed into the deep river.

I had read in books about vegetation growing alongside rivers. In the books, there were amazing pictures of waterfalls and flowing rivers. I had always wanted to go.

Yet even though my brothers taught me to swim in a kitty pool they never let me see these places. The water felt cool against my skin. The sun's heat had been unkind to me I learned quickly to stay in the shade to avoid this.

I dunked my head underwater; opening my eyes I glance through the river. The water was somewhat murky but I could see small fish swimming about.

My stomach gurgled telling me it was time to eat. I felt a need to breathe and pushed myself off against the river floor to the surface. I gasped for the fresh co2. Fresh air filled my lungs as water droplets trickled down my skin.

I got out feeling refreshed. Getting out of the river I felt the clothes I was wearing cling to me. I also felt the itching grass stick to my wet feet as I walked to my bag.

Regaining her composer to spite my itching feet I opened the bag and pulled out two stiff, rough Items. Flint and steel lay in my hands and A smirk pulled my lips. I collets the brush and sticks off the forest floor and soon made a toasty fire.

Then using my bow and arrows I tried to catch my lunch. My practice at my home soon paid off as three fish lied in front of me. They flopped around like well... A fish out of water. Thankfully that didn't last long as I made a kabob on a stick and roasted it over the fire.

I had to admit It was not as good as Jaren's cooking but I was thankful for it nonetheless. Even after I ate, I sat by my well-made fire, not to pat myself on the back, and rested.

In the back of my mind, I wondered how my brother was doing... And how they reacted. I almost felt... regret. Before I remembered my mother.

I needed her to explain. I wanted to understand and then I would face my brothers but till then I had to keep searching. My mind jolted to a stop when I heard the raspy voices of two people.

They seemed to edge closer to me and I was paralyzed in fear. I had never met another person besides my brothers and I had no clue If these people were enemies.

As my heart pounded trying to escape my chest I ripped myself off the ground and stomped out the fire before drawing my bow. I tried to stop my fingers from trembling as they neared.

As they finally come into the clearing one of the two's eyes widen. I take a second to examine both boys in detail. Both Have a dotted freckly face and orange-reddish hair like men in books I have read.

The taller of the two boys raises his hands in defense and my eyebrow curves upward. " Friend or enemy"? My voice comes out more powerful than I had planned. Both boys make eye contact and then look back at me.

"F-Friend!", The shorter of the two says, "We're not here to harm you!" I warily lower my bow. Even as he said this my guard stayed up. " Hey miss you need some dry clothes?" The taller one that I am to assumed was the eldest asked.

I scoff, " I do not take clothes from strangers thank you". I stayed as calm as possible when uttering this. " Fine". He crossed his arms. " I'm Justin and that," He indicated to the other boy, " Is my little brother ash".

I nodded and stated my name to them politely. With my guard still raised a watched the boys smirk. " Guess we're not strangers anymore". Ash said. "yeah..." My words still held a hit of suspicion as I followed them along the river.

It only took around twenty minutes to reach the small hut they called home. I cautiously strolled in and looked around at the decor. The house surely looked old but a smell of apple spice wafted through the air from candles placed on the mantle of a grand fireplace.

" There are clean shirts and jeans where our sisters' room use to be..." I nodded not daring to ask what happened to their sister. I wandered into the door frame to my left and through on new dry cloths. Luckily they were my size and fit nicely.

I -skeptically- walk out and smile. " Thank you". The oldest snickered. " Don't thank us stay here as long as you need... Oh and maybe inform us about why you were wandering in the woods alone..."

I glace to the floor. "I would like to keep that to myself for the time being but I will take up your generous offer to stay..." I mumbled quietly. They both nod and started a new conversation.

A thousand things filled my head. Why are these boys being so friendly? Were my brothers wrong about the world? Maybe If I get to know them they can help me!

My heart almost skipped a beat in excitement. Of course, I would not force it on them and I needed to get to know them first. Yet maybe... Maybe I have a shot at this.