Ch 15: That's very mean

On Sunday evening, Yajna got a call from Nikhil "Hello Yajna, What are you upto now?"

"I am watching Television in my room" Yajna replied

Nikhil said "I and Ankur waiting outside your ECC"

Yajna came out of a room in a Pyjamas outfit and went to Nikhil "What are you doing here?"

Nikhil said "Get ready, Let's go for bowling"

Yajna said "You guys carry on"

Ankur was chatting on his phone with Sravanthi. Ankur whispered to Nikhil "Sravanthi is too coming"

Nikhil asked "Why did you tell her about bowling?"

Ankur kept silent. Yajna interrupted them and said "I will get ready in 5 mins" and she thinks "Today, I have to find who is Sravanthi. From the way Nikhil talks to Sravanthi 'Nikhil don't like her more than a friend but she wants to get closer to him' "

Ankur, Nikhil and Yajna went to the sports complex. Sravanthi joined them in the sports complex.

When Sravanthi saw Yajna with Nikhil, She had a bad feeling about her

Before starting the game, Sravanthi said "Whoever wins they can ask for one wish" and thinks "I am gonna ask Nikhil to be my boyfriend"

Yajna thinks "I guess everyone is good at playing except me". Ankur thinks "Nikhil and Sravanthi are good at bowling. It's impossible to win them" Nikhil thinks "I should ask Yajna to spend time with me on New year eve"

Sravanthi started bowling first. She hits all ten pins and is knocked down with the first ball (Strike), a player is awarded ten points.

Nikhil hits Strike too. Ankur hits Spare. It was Yajna's turn. She took the ball and hit none at the First ball. She took the second ball and barely hit 6 balls. Yajna was happy for hitting 6 balls.

Nikhil asked Yajna "You never played before" Yajna said "it's my first time"

Sravanthi was distracted by Yajna and Nikhil being together and hit 5 pins in the second frame.

Nikhil hits continuous Strike or Spare. Yajna barely hits Spare or Strike.

When Nikhil's score was in lead, Ankur muttered to Nikhil "Are you going to ask Yajna out? She can't say no"

Nikhil acts like thinking "Mmm.. It's actually a good idea" Sravanthi overheard their conversation and got angry with Yajna.

The final score of Sravanthi is 230. Nikhil's score is 240. Ankur's score is 180. Yajna's score is 90.

Yajna said "Winners can get a wish from other players. Nikhil, what do you want?"

Sravanthi mocked "Yajna, you are only bad at bowling or everything. You scored last and excited that Nikhil will ask you out."

Yajna asked "What are you talking about?"

Nikhil said "Sravanthi, Don't expect me to be anything more than a Friend. Don't pester me anymore. This is my wish"

Sravanthi cried and went outside of the room. Ankur said "Nikhil, that's very mean".

Ankur followed Sravanthi silently till she reached ECC. Ankur texted her "Don't worry, you will find someone better than Nikhil. He is a jerk"

At the bowling hall, Yajna said "Nikhil, You should be grateful for being liked by someone"

Nikhil stared at Yajna and left the place. He thinks "she insulted Yajna and she is asking me to be grateful". Nikhil was being silent and he walked around the campus. Yajna followed him quietly without saying anything with a 2 meter gap in between.

Nikhil got a phone call from Ankur. Nikhil asked "What is it?"

Ankur asked "Where are you? I will come to you"

Nikhil said "I wanted to be alone. You have dinner"

Ankur was about to say something but Nikhil disconnected the call. Yajna texted him "Are you alright?"

Nikhil didn't text her back. He switched off his phone and went to the Football ground and sat in the bleachers seat.

Yajna sat beside him and asked "Are you really going to avoid me?"

Nikhil asked "What are you doing here?"

Yajna said "I followed you for the past 2 hours. You didn't even text me back. I guess you wanted to be alone. Should I leave you alone?"

Nikhil didn't reply. Yajna got up from the place to leave. Nikhil holds Yajna's hand "You came here to accompany me. You can't leave just like that"

Yajna said "I am hungry"

Nikhil said "Bear it for 1 hour"

Nikhil made Yajna sit and he lay on her lap and closed his eyes and said "I miss my mom" and Yajna caressed his hair gently.

After 10 mins. He opened his eyes and got up from the place. "Let's have dinner"

Yajna asked "Are you okay now?"

Nikhil said "What do you think?"

Yajna said "You look more than okay"

Nikhil said "Then, Let's have dinner together"

Yajna thinks "This is the second time, I am having dinner together." Yajna followed him to FC.