Ch 32: Singing Competition

Next day, When Yajna and Poonam were walking to the class, Yajna and Aravind sir crossed each other. Poonam stopped Yajna and pointed out a Person "He is Aravind Sir, What should we do now?"

Yajna said "Should I ask him for his email ID or phone number?"

Poonam said "First we should catch him. He is walking too fast"

Yajna asked "Why do you want his contact details?"

Poonam said "I don't know"

Poonam can't catch because of her heels. Yajna finally reached him. She held her breath and said "Excuse me, I am a trainee from G02 065.You were teaching us FA1. You suddenly disappeared. Can you give me your email ID or something in case of any doubt?"

Aravind sir said "I will be your mentor for FA3 teaching you Data structure"

Yajna said "Ohh, Thank you"

Aravind sir nods his head and leaves from the place. Poonam asked "What did Aravind Sir say?"

"He will be our mentor for FA3"

Poonam smiled "Really, this is really good news"

At classroom, Yajna said to Nikhil "Aravind sir will be our educator for FA3"

Nikhil said "I didn't ask you" and thinks "Does she like him? What makes her so happy?"

Yajna said "I just gave you information. Nothing else"

Nikhil asked "How do you know about it?"

"I met him just now. Aravind sir told me about it"

"Do you like him?"

Yajna said in absent minded "Yes.."

Nikhil shocked "Seriously?"

"No.. I like him as our mentor like everyone. I respect him. What do you think?"

Nikhil smiled secretly "I didn't think anything"

Nikhil's Notepad fell down from his desk. Yajna picked up his notebook. She accidentally saw an outline picture of the girl sleeping on the desk whose face was buried in the desk covered by her arms.

Yajna asked "This drawing, it looks like me, Did you draw this picture, Nikhil ?"

"I drew this picture, but it's not you"

"The face is totally covered. I can see only a little bare skin of cheeks. I guessed only with her earring. It looks like mine."

Nikhil remembers the day of New Year. Yajna was sleepy and he just outlined the picture of her while she is sleeping. when he tried to continue, she woke up.

Yajna returned the notepad to him" I never knew you could draw. Finish this drawing, I want to see whole picture"

Trainees got mail "Regarding Singing competition for the New Year special. Trainees can nominate themselves through a given mail ID.

1. Songs can be any language

2. Trainees can get a Lyrics of their song with Karaokes to be played in Projector

3. Three Judges will select the winners of the Singing Competition.

4. Singing can be in solo or in group

Venue: Front of GEC2

Date: Jan 8 2016"

Yajna asked Poonam "Are you going to participate in the Singing Competition?"

Poonam said "Yes, I am gonna nominate myself right now. What are you gonna do? "

Yajna said "I don't know. I am not interested. Moreover, I can't sing like you"

Nikhil said "At Least you can try singing. I never heard of you Singing"

Yajna said "I am actually a bathroom singer. Why don't you nominate yourself to the Competition?"

Nikhil said "My throat is not in good condition"

Yajna said "Don't lie"