Ch 35: Haunted Place II

In the building, lights are on in the staircase and in the lobby except inside the rooms. So, the chance of getting scared is less.

Nikhil scared her "boo" she was about to shout. Nikhil covered her mouth with his hand. "It's me Nikhil. Don't shout."

They were so close. Yajna looked at Nikhil. Nikhil slowly takes his hand off from her mouth.

Yajna said with the sullen face "Huh.. You scared hell out of me"

Nikhil asked "So, are you scared?"

Yajna replied "No, I am not" Yajna's mind voice "I am not going to defeat myself easily"

Nikhil asked "What is the story of the building?"

"There is a story about this place. People hear a girl weeping in the staircase, a girl wearing an all white dress drops herself from the third or fourth floor, shadows across the window, blackouts for 10 minutes. Do you believe in these Nikhil?"

Nikhil laughed "People are crazy these days to create rumors like haunted building"

Suddenly there were blackouts, Yajna widened her eyes. "It's blackout" she got scared and hugged Nikhil tightly.

Nikhil placed her hand around her shoulder and said "Someone said that she is not scared"

Yajna said "It was someone. I am scared now. Why suddenly blackouts?" While she asks she tightens her grip around his waist.

Nikhil felt the warmth of her and the lotus aroma too. He doesn't want the lights to come back soon. "Did you wear your Perfume even when you visit Ghost?" Nikhil patted her back.

After 10 minutes of blackouts, the lights came back. Yajna was still holding the Nikhil. Nikhil called "Yajna, the lights is back"

She loosen her grip around him slowly and looked around. Yajna felt relaxed. Nikhil asked "Did you get scared?"

Yajna said "I am scared of dark, not ghost"

He flicks her forehead and "Still, you managed to tell lies" while talking to Yajna.

Yajna made a sound "ahh" while rubbing the forehead with her palm. "Why did you hit me in the forehead?"

He looked at the terrace from left to right slowly.

Yajna asked "What are you looking out for?"

"I saw a girl wearing a white dress and loose hair over there." Yajna turned to look around "I didn't see anything there".

Yajna holds Nikhil arm tightly and said "Let's go back"

Nikhil said "I was kidding"

She gave him a punch in the chest. "You know how to scare me?"

"You said a girl dropped herself from the third or fourth floor"

Yajna nods her head. "Then, we have to walk around the place in third or fourth floor to find Ghost"

Yajna asked "I am saying this place is not haunted. These rooms are reserved for guest"

Nikhil asked "Why do you have to be afraid? Let's walk around the third floor"

Nikhil walks around the third floor along with Yajna. Nikhil saw room number 306 is slightly open.

Nikhil went towards 306 and said to Yajna "This is the place where the girl might commited suicide."

Yajna asked "How do you know about it?"

"Look, the door is open. How come it is open out of other rooms in the building?"

Yajna asked "Knowing the girl committed suicide why we have to go this way?"

Nikhil said "To clarify your doubts"

Yajna pulled him "Please we can go back. It was totally dark over there"

Nikhil said "I am there for you." Yajna holds Nikhil's arm tighter and tighter in each step towards 306.