Ch 42: A Birth Of Draupadi

Note: I made a short love story of Draupadi and Karna based on bheel Mahabharata. Yajna doesn't know Karna has a love interest for Draupadi. She could only see Draupadi loved Karna in her therapy.

Yajna meets Dr. Armaan next week for therapy. She slowly closed her eyes and found herself in Dwapara Yuga.

Burning with humiliation after his defeat by the students of Drona, Drupada invoked Shiva, the destructive form of God, and sought a way to destroy not just Drona but also his patrons, the Kuru clan. "A son to kill Drona. A son to kill Bhishma. A daughter who will marry into the Kuru household and divide it," he cried.

"So be it, "said Shiva.

In due course, Drupada's wife gave birth to a daughter Shikhandi who also divined that Drupada's daughter was Amba reborn.

Drupada was not satisfied with this child. So he sought the help of the Rishis, Yaja and Upayaja, who knew the secret art of creating a magic potion which when consumed could give women children. The two sages performed a great yagna and threw the magic potion into the fire-pit.

From the flames emerged two children: a man called Dhrishtadyumna who would kill Drona and a woman called Draupadi who would marry into the Kuru household and divide it.

Drupada decided to have his daughter Draupadi married to Krishna, the king of Dwarka. He therefore invited Krishna to Kamapilya and placed his proposal before Krishna.

Krishna was no stranger at Drupada's court and had been visiting him off and on over the years. Draupadi had known Krishna from the time she emerged from the yagya and they were not only on the best of terms, they were, in fact, the very best of friends, especially as he was somehow always mysteriously present whenever she felt she needed him.

Krishna, however, very quickly sensed Drupada's real motive and declined his offer "As the king of a small kingdom, I would hardly be of any use to you in avenging your humiliation"

"The best way to avenge your insult would be to secure the assistance of a warrior like Arjuna," Krishna told Drupada.

"Arjuna? I would much rather he stays dead," replied Drupada, his anger barely under control.

"Arjuna had no enmity towards you. He was merely carrying out the orders of his guru Dronacharya. And as you have experienced, there is none better than him. A warrior like Arjuna is your best bet. To discover such a warrior, I suggest you hold a swayamvara for your daughter Draupadi where the suitors are thrown a challenge that demands considerable skill," advised Krishna.

Accordingly, Drupada, heeding Krishna's advice, Draupad sent a message about Draupadi swayamvara along with her portrait across the Bharata-Varsha.

Karna received the message with the portraits. When Karna saw the portrait of Panchali, he admired her beauty. "Complexion like the petals of the blue lotus! Thick hair like the waves of the ocean, and large, entrancing blue lotus-like eyes radiant with intelligence! Like an image sculpted by the world's greatest sculptor, with unblemished beauty of face and matching loveliness of figure. "

Duryodhana looked at the portrait "She will be suitable for you Karna"

Draupadi was nervous on the day before swayamvar and asked Krishna "Whom should I choose as my husband?"

Krishna asked "What qualities are you expecting from your husband?"

"I have longed for a husband who will have wisdom and moral values, will be strong and well built, a good archer, handsome and intelligent"

Krishna showed the portrait of Karna "There is only one person who possesses all these qualities. His name is Karna"

Looking at the portrait, she was mesmerised by Karna's portrait. His only ornaments were a pair of gold earrings and a curiously patterned gold armor unlike anything I'd seen. His eyes were filled with an ancient sadness. They pulled her into them. She deeply absorbed in thoughts "I choose Karna as my husband"

Krishna said "You can't choose him. Anga-Raja Karna, son of the charioteer Adiratha... "