Ch 29: Kinda Like Him

Yajna and Charmy are sitting at the table. Yajna was looking at Nikhil. Charmy looked at Yajna and said, "You have feelings for Nikhil?" 

She looked at Charmy "Haan? No" 

"Your are saying No and your eyes is saying Yes" 

"Actually, I kinda like him. But not exactly you think" 

Charmy said "I know Nikhil kissed you at the first meet" 

Yajna surprised "How do you know? Did Nikhil tell you?" 

Charmy said "Ankur is the one who made bet to kiss you" 

Yajna embarrassed "I didn't know that. Can you not talk about that incident? " 

Charmy said "You know what you are blushing. Your cheeks are reddened. You are supposed to be angry. This proves you definitely want him to be boyfriend" 

Charmy continued "Let me tell you secret, he never treated anyone specially besides Ankur and you" 

Nikhil and Ankur came with the Pizza. Nikhil asked "What are you people talking about?" 

Yajna said "It's girls talk" 

Yajna started coughing when Charmy asked "Nikhil, If Yajna proposed to you, will you accept her or not?"

Yajna said to Nikhil "I didn't say anything. It's Charmy, made up things" 

Nikhil replied "I don't know" 

Ankur said "When Sravanthi proposed you, You rejected her right away" 

Nikhil said "You too know that day, how she bullied Yajna? " 

Yajna thinks "Bullied me?" 

Ankur said "You acted like Jerk that day" 

Nikhil said "Fine, I acted as a Jerk. But you left me that day" 

Ankur said "What about you? You didn't spend time with me on New Year Eve" 

"This is all about New…" 

Yajna interrupted them "Stop it guys.. I can't eat peacefully" 

Ankur said "I know Nikhil spent time with you on New Year Eve. He changed after you came into his life. " 

Yajna said "Ankur, You are the one who started this. Who gave you the rights to bet on me?" and left the table. 

Everybody remained silent. Ankur asked in a low voice "Nikhil, Did you tell her about it?" 

"It's not me" Nikhil said

Charmy interrupted "It's me. I wanted to know she likes you or not" 

Nikhil said "I will talk to her" and left from the place

Yajna was waiting outside the hotel. Nikhil went to Yajna. "It's my fault from the beginning. I am sorry, don't blame Ankur." 

Yajna said "Yes, It's your fault. Stay away from me. I have no intention to come in between you and Ankur" 

"Finish your dinner." 

Yajna said "I don't have an appetite. Just leave me alone for some time" 

Charmy apologised to Ankur "You too know they like each other" 

Ankur said "I know. It's my fault. I don't have rights to bet on her" 

Charmy said "Trust me, she is not angry at you" Ankur is not convinced. 

Nikhil said to Yajna "If you are not having dinner, then I am not having either" 

Yajna said "Then, don't have it" 

They both stood in silence. Yajna looked at Nikhil and went inside and sat next to Charmy. She didn't look at anyone just finished her dinner and thinks "I don't want to show my anger on food" 

Yajna said to Charmy in private "I am really sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Those words slipped out of my tongue" 

Charmy said "Ankur was a little upset. I can't see him like this. They always fight like this at the end of the day, their fights will be over. They don't like anyone coming in between their fights. They will resolve on their own" 

Yajna scratched her head "I didn't know that" 

Charmy said "It's alright. They will be fine. You take care of yourself. I will leave now. It's already 8:45PM. I need to board a bus."