Ch 47: Draupadi Is Humiliated

Draupadi's repeated pleas fell on deaf ears "Is this dharma," she asked, "to treat a woman so?"

Karna felt pain in his heart when he saw her wearing a single cloth, weeping and pleading for help to everyone. He couldn't stand anything happening in the sabha. He saw nothing in the assembly except Draupadi nor did he hear anything. 

Vikarna, the youngest of the Kauravas, said, "Yudhishtira staked himself first and lost. He had therefore no right over anyone, hence could not stake Draupadi."

When Vikarna opposed it, Karna felt proud of him. But soon Duryodhana replied to Vikarna "You are still immature and your arguments and deductions are flawed. The elders, Bheeshma and Yudhisthira, who are knowledgeable on the subject, are there to resolve the issue."

Duryodhana and his brothers only mocked her. Dushasana told her "she was their slave and henceforth must do their bidding"

Duryodhana, then, laying bare his massive left thigh, patted it and invited her (Draupadi) to sit upon it.

Bheema became furious but was restrained by Yudhisthira from any action. He said "I swore I would break your thigh and kill you" 

The next moment she stood in front of Karna. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She glanced briefly at him. She thought to herself "I have to ask help from other people. But to Karna, I can't ask him directly, it might be an insult for my husbands to get help from a charioteer's son. I believe him, he would understand and help me even without asking him."

Draupadi believed Karna was a last hope, the only one who had the ability to stop Duryodhana. Crying is how Draupadi heart speaks to Karna, When her lips can't explain the pain she felt.

Karna looked back at her, his eyes steady. There was a waiting look on his face, his hands on his sword hilt. He was waiting for a single phrase from her lips "Anga Raj Karna… "

 If Draupadi asked for his mercy then he would stop this humiliation. Even if that meant to kill Dushasan. He shall slice off with a single blow of my sword merciless, cruel hands that had sullied the purity of Draupadi. In a second, He won't be the member of Kauravas assembly, No more friend of Duryodhana, No more head-bowed dependent, silently abetting Injustice. He would fight against everyone in the assembly to stop humiliating Draupadi. 

Draupadi understood "he wanted me to fall on my knees and beg him for mercy. He would have protected me then.I wouldn't lower myself to that, not if I died." she felt betrayed because he hadn't come to her rescue of his own accord. Draupadi passed him by without uttering a word to Karna. He felt "like a thousand lightning struck in his head at the moment. Why had she passed by me? What was she feeling? Am I not worth her asking for help from me? Did she feel it was wrong for a krishariya lady to beg for help from a charioteer son?"

Karna said in anger  "Why all this fuss? A woman who beds five men is an unchaste woman (Vaishya) anyway. What of it if she is only wearing a cheer? Were she entirely uncovered it wouldn't be cause for surprise" 

At this, Arjuna, furious, got up, but he too was prevented by Yudhisthira from taking any action. "Karna, I swear I shall kill you," swore Arjuna.

Draupadi gazed at Karna and felt physical pain is nothing compared to Karna's words that hurted like arrows striked straight to her heart. It was like her heart inside the ribcage was ripped out her chest. She was disappointed by the words of Karna.