Chapter 20: Jinn

RWBY, Qrow, and Oscar survived the train crash, as the train had been separated. They had the relic still, but RNJ, Derek and Draken were still on the moving train. Queen had stayed behind in Mistral, Cora was dead after being taken to a hospital. But she couldn't be saved in time, there was a train car in the snow with the group as a door opened showing a old woman who had also survived the crash.

Ruby remembered what to do about the lamp as she had said Jinn's name. The relic glowed as Jinn came out of it, she loomed over them all glancing around seeing them as she saw Oscar.

"I am Jinn, a being created by the God of Light to aid Humanity in its pursuit of knowledge." Jinn said. "I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every 100 years. You're in luck, as I am still able to answer two questions this era."

Ruby looked at everyone before looking over at Oscar who was Ozpin now. "Jinn..." She looked over to Jinn as she knew what she was going to ask.

Everyone wondered what she was going to ask, as the old woman shook her head and started to walk off. Mumbling about something, until Yang stops her from leaving.

"Woah there, where do you think you're going?" Yang asked. "Not sure if you've noticed. But we're not going to move anytime soon, not yet at least."

"Ruby, what are you going to ask?" Qrow asked looking at her.

Ozpin had a bad feeling on what Ruby was planning to ask, he was going to stall and hopefully make Ruby forget what she wants to ask. "Hello Jinn, it's been awhile."

Jinn looked over to him. "It's a pleasure to see you again, old man."

Ruby cleared her throat. "Jinn....I know what I want to ask."

"Wonderful. Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?" Jinn asked looking back at Ruby.

"What is Ozpin hiding from us?" Ruby asked.

"Ruby NOOOO!" Ozpin shouted.

Jinn smirked as her eye's glowed a little. "Ah, a good question. Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower that sheltered a lonely girl... named Salem."


Everyone looked at Jinn as Ozpin looked away from them. Jinn waited to see if anyone else had any questions for her, Ruby turned to look at Jinn.

"That's all for now." Ruby told her as she held the relic up.

Jinn nods as she disappeared into a cloud of smoke returning to the relic. Qrow grabbed Ozpin by the collar and flung him across the snowy ground.

"Salem's immortal! We can't kill her, this is ridiculous!" Qrow said. "How do we kill someone who's immortal?!"

"Uncle Qrow calm down." Ruby said. "...We'll figure something out, right now we need to hurry to Atlas to warn General Ironwood about her."

Yang scoffs as she crossed her arms. "Great, just great. So does this mean Scarlet's also immortal too?"

"No, it's not possible....wait." Qrow said. "Tch, of course!" He walked off as he shakes his head. "Why didn't I see it before." He started to pull at his hair. "Gahh, damn it. We were so blind during the Haven battle that we didn't notice."

"Notice what?" Blake asked.

Qrow turned around in a huff as he walked over. "When Pepper sliced her arm off when she was choking Weiss, she easily reattached her arm like it was nothing. Same goes for her leg." He started to hit the snow with his fist. "Dear Oum, what did we get tied into!"

"Meaning we're dealing with not only one immortal being, but two? What's next?" Yang asked.

"Yang don't jinx us." Weiss said. "Look, we need to get going before it gets colder out here. The others are likely waiting for us at the next location."

Ozpin got up and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you all sooner. The only one who knew about her was Vest, Qrow you only heard about her from stories and description."

"Bullshit." Qrow said. "If Vest was the only one who knew, then why did she not tell us?"

the old woman walks over. "It's possible she was kept hush hush."

"Look, Weiss is right. We all need to get a move on, we don't know what kind of Grimm come out at night." Blake said. "The sooner we get to the next location, the sooner we can plan ahead of where to go."

Qrow scoffed as Ozpin had let Oscar back in control, and go silent. Oscar looked at them all as he held Ozpin's cane, he looked over to the old woman wondering who she was. "Guys, Ozpin shut himself out..I don't think he'll be helping us any further."

Everyone was silent as Maria started walking away once more. "Come on, follow me. You youngsters are always worried about something. What we all need is rest."


Everyone continued their trek across the snow plain as Yang had Bumblebee with her. Ruby noticed something in the distance as she pointed to it, hoping there would be people there.

"Hmm, looks like a farm." Yang said. "At least we found some place to stay at..."

Weiss nodded her head as they went through the gates and into the farm, Qrow had an uneasy feeling about this place.

One inside the Farm, Weiss walking into the house as she scanned around the area. "I don't see anyone here.." She went into each room looking around as she went into one of the other rooms as she covered her mouth. "Oh my..."

"What's wrong?" Oscar asked as he went to the room seeing what she saw. "Oh...oh.."

"Everyone come here." Qrow said.

RWBY went to where Qrow was, while Oscar followed behind, Maria was sitting down on one of the couches, wondering why Qrow called them all.

"What's up?" Yang asked.

Qrow looks at them. "I know it's not the best time for this, but I think we should split up. Search the farm better that way, see what we can find useful for when we leave tomorrow."

"Alright." Ruby said. "Me and Yang will check outside, I think there may have been a sleigh or something out there that could be attached to Bumblebee."

"Which leaves you two." Qrow said looking at Weiss and Blake. "Check the basement for any food and drinks."

"Understood." Weiss said.

Ruby and Yang head outside, while Blake and Weiss head down the the basement to see what they could find. Maria found a book while her and Oscar stayed inside, Yang and ruby wondered through the barn, not seeing too much stuff. Ruby saw a trailer that would do perfect to get them out and to Argus .

A/N:[I know Vest, Cora, Queen, SODA and Draken weren't part of this chapter, but I'll still credit my friends. I can't take credit for their OC's]