Scarlet had returned to Evernight castle after doing her task in Mistral, she was in Salem's throne room sitting at the table, munching on some chocolates. Even though she had a big meal before returning.
"Scarlet." Salem said looking at her with a glimmer in her eyes. "You have taken care of another throne in my side. However, are you sure Lionheart died in the fire of Haven?"
"The fire was spreading fast, plus I shot him in the leg." Scarlet said. "Now, unless Mistral was on standby to send people in to search for survivors, then they'd have a tough time looking." She opened her mouth and pulled Queen's skull out. "Queen's dead, here's the proof."
Salem rubs her chin before grinning. "How would you like to go to Atlas with Watts and Tyrian? I'm sure you'll run into Ruby and her friends there...that is if they can stop the Leviathan."
Scarlet puts Queen's skull on the table as she grabbed a candle and shoved it in before lighting the candle. "Sounds fun." She stood up as she looked over to Salem. "Maybe I'll get ways to go full hybrid, other than the Nevermore wings."
"Yes, that would be interesting my child." Salem said. "The airship is being prepared, I will meet you at Atlas when the time is right." She looked over to the door before looking back at Scarlet. "I have a new experiment that I will be working on. A new...Grimm."
"Fascinating." Scarlet said. "Of course, you are the mother of all Grimm." She walked towards the door as she turned her head. "If I see Cinder, I will be sure to take her Maiden powers from her."
Salem nodded. "Very well then."
Scarlet walked down the hall of Evernight castle as she walked past Hazel who looked at her, Mercury was confined to a wheelchair now. After what she had done to him, which he did deserve.
"I'm heading out." Scarlet said.
Hazel nods his head a little. "To Atlas I presume?"
"Mmhm." Scarlet said as she was making her way out to where the airship was.
Tyrian and Watts were already out there preparing to get on, Watts noticed Scarlet as he chuckled. "Looks like the princess is coming with us after all."
"Ahh, the more the merrier." Tyrian said with a laugh as he got on. "It'll make our jobs a lot easier too."
Before Scarlet got on, Emerald came out of the doors. "Wait."
Scarlet stopped, not turning her head or turning around. "I'm not changing my mind Emerald. Cinder's Maiden powers are going to be mine." She then got on. "Let's move to dear sisters are going to be having a fun time getting there."
Watts nodded as he was piloting the airship, it started to take off and leave Evernight castle. It could be seen from the window of Salem's throne room, she sat there in her chair with a glass of red wine.
Scarlet closed her eyes to rest for a bit as Watts piloted the airship, they were undetected to radars and Atlas. Since they wanted to sneak in without being spotted, Tyrian let out a small laugh as Scarlet opened one eye looking at him.
"Silence." Scarlet said.
"Ooh, touchy." Tyrian said with a grin. "And what happens if I'm not?"
Scarlet scoffed. "Then I'll be sure you lose more than your tail."
"Now now." Watts said. "Save the killing for Atlas and Mantel."
Scarlet decided to take a small nap while waiting for their arrival to Atlas. Watts kept piloting the airship to Atlas, noticing not much has happened yet to Argus.
Scarlet woke up as she glanced out the window, she could see a bit of snow falling which meant they were getting closer. Her eyes widen seeing a floating city in the sky. She glanced down to the city below it.
"That there, is Mantle, and the floating island is Atlas." Watts said.
"Interesting." Scarlet said. "They have no idea what's about to happen."
Watts nodded his head. "That is true."
Tyrian laughed a little. "I can't wait to get to killing!"
Scarlet licked her lips with a evil grin on her face, she knew that there was a bunch of prey waiting to be consumed by her. Whether they put up a fight or if they were helpless, it didn't matter to her. "Well, it's time for a delightful hunt..let us see which one's will fall first."
"I couldn't agree more." Tyrian said. "Maybe I'll have a chance to kill Qrow."
"I highly doubt that." Watts said. "If him and the others do manage to defeat the Leviathan, they would make their way to Atlas after."
Scarlet scoffed. "Meaning we need to be on our toes."
"Indeed." Watts said. "Brace yourselves, we're entering undetected."
The moment the airship had entered Atlas/Mantel territory, Scarlet prepared herself if there were any guards on standby. She looked at Watts and over to Tyrian before looking back at Watts.
"I'm going to go find a disguise for us, so we can blend in." Scarlet said as she grabbed some sunglasses that were already in the airship as she puts them on. "Don't worry though. I'm going to go by the name of Jane Doe, until we know Ruby and them are here."
"Smart thinking." Watts said. "Once you find what you're looking for, meet us at the bar in Mantel."
Scarlet nodded her head as she didn't give Watts time to land the airship. She jumped out of it, landing on her feet before making a dash into the shadows.
Watts landed the airship as he turned the engine off. "Tyrian, let's go steal us a truck, in the mean time. I will hack into the camera systems and shut them down."
Tyrian laughed as he grins. "Sounds like a plan to me Watts."
Watts smirked, him and Tyrian had gotten off the airship and carefully but casually made their way around, looking for a truck to steal. Scarlet on the other hand, had already made her way to the nearest clothing store to find some disguises. Her eyes had adverted to what looked something similar to what Blake wore, but instead of the jacket being white, it was red. She rubbed her chin as she smirked, deciding to buy it for herself. She had found some outfits for Watts and Tyrian.
"And you are?" The store owner asked since they were cashing her out.
"....Jane Doe..." Scarlet said. "I'm new here, thought I'd buy some clothes on my first day here."
The store owner sighed. "Right, well good luck with finding a place to live then."
Scarlet took the bag after paying for it all, she then headed out and asked for directions to the bar. After getting the directions she needed on where the bar was at, Scarlet made her way there to meet up with Watts and Tyrian.
A/N: [I know Queen was mentioned by name in this chapter, but again. I can't take credit for her character. Credit goes to my friend on Discord.]