Chapter 52: A Warning to the People

Vacuo, surrounded by a vast sandy desert, that stretched a few yards. Headmaster Theodore was a bit on the news of what was going on, but after Atlas had fell. He lost all contact with Atlas, until a new broadcast was being set up.

"What is going on?" Theodore mumbled to himself as he turned away from the broadcast, and looked out the window. "My students aren't ready just yet for this war...I have a feeling Salem's on her way here.." He stood up and walked towards the door of his office before heading out. "I must find a way to get everyone ready."

Coco was outside leaning against the wall as she looked at her scroll. "Damn it, no signal..what the hell happened?" She glanced around as she noticed Theodore. "Headmaster, what the hell happened?"

"I wish I could tell you, but at this moment in time. I can not." Theodore said as he went to gather the other students.

Coco stood there for a moment as she rubs her chin. "Hmm." She hurried to join the rest, since it had seemed Theodore had a big announcement or something else to say.

Velvet looked a bit worried as she held one of her ears as she glanced towards Fox. "What do you suppose is going on?"

"I don't know." Fox said. "It might be urgent."

Sun hung upside down from his tail as he had his arms crossed nodding. "It's possible..Ruby's message went whatever the threat she was telling us about. Might come here to Shade."

Velvet looked over to him as she looked more worried. "You mean, we're not only going to be fighting Grimm?" She looks away for a moment. "It's going to be Beacon all over again."

"We could prevent it." Coco said as she arrived with Charlotte. "Look who I ran into on the way here."

Velvet's ears perked up seeing the two. "Charlotte Flynn."


After all the students had been gathered, Theodore stood in front of them all. Looking at them as he noticed some had worried looks on their faces, and some with pissed off looks. He let out a sigh as he started to walk.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you all here." Theodore said as he kept walking. "As you've seen. Ms. Ruby Rose's signal about the threat was cut off, and now...I have no way of contacting James Ironwood at Atlas." He stopped as he turned to look at them once more. "Atlas has likely fallen. Meaning, that threat is going to target our academy next..first it was Beacon, followed by Haven, and then Atlas...Shade academy is next."

Neptune raised his hand up high. "Uh, excuse me..Headmaster Theo, how are we going to prepare for this? We don't have a slight idea which way they'll becoming from."

Charlotte looked at Neptune and then at Theodore, she raised her hand as well. "I would like to know that too."

Theodore lets out another sigh, he turned around as he back was facing the students. "That I'm aware of...for now, it's best for you all not to panic. But bare with my leadership, and put your trust in me. As the headmaster of Shade academy, I will not let this place. Or my students down." He turned his head to the side. "I want you all to train hard starting now."

Yatsuhashi nods his head as he looked at his team, Coco had a slight smirk on her face as she adjusted her sun glasses. "Alright, you can count on us."

"Hell yeah." Neptune said. "Sun, lets gather our team and start training hard."

"I'm with ya one step at a time." Sun said. "Who knows, if Ruby and the others are coming here to help us, we can see team up with them."

"Agreed." Ilia said as the Chameleon faunus appeared behind the two, she was camouflaged the whole time. So no one noticed she was missing. "I can train with Charlotte, but I did sneak into Headmaster Theo's office...there's a unknown broadcast coming in."

Charlotte looked at her and then at the others. "You think they got the tower back up and running?"

"Maybe...unless it's a new one." Sun said as he shrugs.


While Coco and the other students were preparing to train until noon. Theodore was back in his office as the broadcasting signal beeped, followed by static and white noise. Until a picture finally into clear view, a live video broadcast from Scarlet's utopia.

The live video broadcast had started, Scarlet sat there with a devilish grin on her face. "Good evening, world of Remnant. I'm sure you're listening to or watching this...there's no use in running from destiny, I'm sure you're all wondering. Wait, where's Salem? Who the hell is this silver haired chick." Scarlet snickered as her eyes glowed that Grimm red. "I am Scarlet Rose..Salem's daughter."

Theodore was silent for a moment as his eyes widen a little, this was something he didn't know. Nor was he aware that Salem was long gone.

"For those of you who know who I am, congrats to you..." Scarlet said as she slowly claps her hands. "You've lived this long without me having to kill you, however...if you wish to join the others in death. By all means, face me to the death. Then we will see who has the last laugh, oh more thing before I end this broadcast." She stood up as she picked up the relics. "Headmaster of Shade academy, I know you're watching this..this broadcast is live on every device know to Remnant..If you want your precious academy to stay standing, I would be smart to hand over the relic, that is your warning."

The broadcast soon ended as Theodore was still silent. He clinched the arms of his hair as he shook his head. "No, I won't hand over the relic so easily..." He stood up as he stormed out of his office and out the door. "We need to prepare faster now."

Ilia was lost for words as she had watched Scarlet's broadcast on her scroll, she was shaking a little bit. She didn't know why, but she was frightened to the core. She was frozen in place, as if someone took their cold sub zero hands and grabbed her, holding her in place.

"W-Who was that?" Charlotte asked as she looked at Sun and the others.

"I...I honestly don't know." Sun said. "I've never met her in my life...Blake might've maybe if I? No I can't call her..."

Neptune cocked an eyebrow up. "Why not?"

"The signal is gone again." Coco said holding up her scroll. "Meaning, Scarlet must've put the signal up just to send that broadcast out.."

A/N:[I can't take credit for Charlotte's character, credit for her goes to Jeriboy22]