Chapter 19:

"What do you mean we're not in the Solar System?" Adrian inquired, stunned at the sudden statement from Skylar, "where are we then?"

"I-I don't know." She replied, scrambling with Aria to locate where the ship was.

She and Aria directly rushed to expand the holographic maps presented before them, desperately trying to figure out which system they were in and how far from Earth they ended up being. As the translucent map stretched out further and further, the location of the ship became clearer. Fortunately for the group, the map was fully filled out, clearly showing the location they were within the Milky Way galaxy.

"We seem to have been on course for the Solar System," Aria began, somewhat working out exactly how far they were from Earth, "but we exited the wormhole early. We're about halfway there."

"Can't we start it up again?" Ren asked as Luciel and Marcus tried starting it up again.

Flicking switches and pressing buttons, they hoped that the ship would enter a wormhole again. Silence flooding the bridge as the group waits with anticipation as to whether the ship would jump into a wormhole or not. After a couple of minutes of Luciel and Marcus trying different combinations of the buttons before them, they eventually gave up and stated that the ship wasn't going anywhere quickly any time soon.

"Maybe there's an issue with the crystal." Adrian said, leaping to his feet and he pointed to Kennie, "come with me."

The two, followed by Chronis, headed back down to the engine room and into the isolated round room which held the crystal. Adrian and Kennie instantly went into engineering-mode, analysing the issues and inspecting the crystal as thoughts flew through their heads.

"I thought you inspected it before?" Kennie asked as he circled the crystal.

"I did," Adrian replied, thinking in the corner as he glanced up and down the single side of the crystal he could see. As his mind crossed with possibilities, he glimpsed over Chronos, a puzzled look appeared on his face as his eyes landed on Chronos' jade ones, "why're you here?"

Chronos, who was sat on the cool metallic ground with his knees up to his chest, just shrugged as he replied, "curious, I suppose."

Shaking his head, he returned to thinking over the cause of the ship exiting the wormhole without permission. They had already gotten told about some issues that the ship may encounter when they traded for it but none indicated towards the crystals or the wormhole. As he thought over it, Kennie having finished his inspection of the crystal stepped back and noted some things about it on the tablet he constantly carried on his belt. The thin silver-back device held many important notes and information that he jotted down about all the ships he either flew on or encountered.

"Perhaps it's power ran out or something?" He suggested, flicking through files upon files on his tablet until he reached the specific one about the current ship they were on, "that trader did say that it isn't an unlimited power source, we'd have to change it."

As the two talked over what to do about the crystal and how they were going to change it, Chronos' eyes wandered around the room and eventually landed on the small crack he saw before they leapt into the wormhole. He contemplated whether he should mention it or not, curious as to whether fixing the crystal is replacing it would take longer. Opting that it would take longer for the crystal to get replaced, he kept his mouth shut and simply listened to the conversation between the two engineers on the ship.

"Do you think planet Chyline would be near?" Kennie asked as the two began leaving the room.

Chronos hastily leapt to his feet and followed behind the two towards navigation. Upon reaching navigation, they could hear the mumbles and mutter coming from the bridge as the rest of the group talked amongst themselves as they waited for the next move.

"Here we are," Kennie said, pointing towards a small point on the map, "and the trader said these crystals aren't that rare, planets that grow them are everywhere."

Once again, Chronos sat in the corner, this time on a comfortable chair, as he watched the two converse over which planets might be able to grow the crystals. Neither specialised in planetary environments, which led them to call Marcus and Darius over. Fortunately, the irregularly shaped room had enough space for them all to sit in comfortably and talk about this situation.

When the two arrive, Darius instantly giving Chronos a questionable look before asking Adrian why he was called for. Marcus did something similar but didn't say a word as the two sat beside the window on the other side of the sliding door.

"Could you identify the planets which the crystals would grow on?" Adrian asked, stepping out of the way as Marcus and Darius got closer to the holographic map.

The two looked over it, mumbling between each other as they estimated the properties and environmental statuses of each planet nearby. They were very thorough, not missing a single planet, regardless of how tiny it was before eventually reaching to a couple of planets which they believe to hold the crystals.

"We can travel to this one first," Marcus pointed to a large green planet that wasn't too far away, "it's closest right now and probably has some on."

"Alright then, let's plot a course for..." Adrian glanced at the planet before saying, "planet Terra."