
Gradually, the darkness lifted and the chill faded, but neither totally went away. As far as Theo could tell, they were still inside the shop, but every trace of afternoon sunlight had vanished. Instead, it had become dark as a moonless night, and all of the wares – the chimes, the figurines, the mirrors – had turned solid black, as if the glass had transformed into shadow.

Theo's legs trembled. He squeezed Zenith's arm, digging his fingers into the cold armor. The crystals on it emitted a faint blue glow, but not enough for Theo to see much.

"Ambushed?" he whispered, his breath escaping in icy puffs. "What do you mean?"

Zenith drew his cape over Theo as if to shield him from the cold, though it wasn't much use. "The enemy set a trap. We've been forced into their arena."

"That you have, homunculus knight!" The shrill voice stabbed Theo's skull like a needle. Zenith stiffened and Theo peered past his cape, seeking the voice's source.

A small figure perched atop the highest shelf, merrily swinging its legs. 'A child,' was Theo's first thought, but no child had such clammy gray skin, let alone pointed ears or nub-like horns atop its bald head. When the person grinned, his mouth stretched so wide his face seemed to split in half, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth.

"Imagine, imagine!" the strange creature crowed, clapping long hands together. "Who'da thought I'd find the homunculus knight wandering about all by hisself, no little princeling in sight? Finally gotten tired of babysitting that snotty brat, have you?"

"Who are you?" Zenith drew his sword and pointed it at the creature.

"Me! Why, why!" The creature jumped to his feet and hopped up and down. His twitchy movements reminded Theo unpleasantly of an insect. "I'm none other than Imago, a soldier of the Infernal Legion. But why, they'll promote me all the way to captain soon as I bring them your big shiny bonce!"

"It won't be that simple," Zenith said, colder than Theo had ever heard him. When his cape unraveled from around him, Theo realized the knight was striding toward the enemy.

"Wait, Zenith," Theo gasped. "What's going on? Who is this? Infernal Legion?"

"They're an army of demons after my liege," Zenith said, not facing Theo. "You don't need to worry. I'll defeat him."

"Hm?" Imago's pointy nose twitched. "Who's the kid? Lemme level with you, that hair is an absolute trash fire."

"What?" Before he could stop himself, Theo grabbed at his hair.

Which earned a high-pitched snicker from Imago. 'Focus,' Theo admonished himself. He had more important things to worry about, like just who the hell this Imago person was. A soldier of the Infernal Legion? An army of demons? Vaguely, Theo remembered Darian talking about the long-ago war between seraphim and demons. So the demons were still around?

No time to wonder. Zenith lunged at Imago, cape flaring behind him. "Whoop!" the demon cried, jumping backward. Zenith's sword ended up slashing the trinkets on display, scattering black shards everywhere.

Where had Imago gone? Zenith glanced around wildly, but Theo saw it first – a scuttling motion across the ceiling.

"Above you!" he yelled.

Zenith whirled, sword raised. Imago dangled over his head, clinging to the ceiling on all fours like some overgrown insect. But before Zenith could stab him, the demon scampered away, crawling down a wall and across the floor.

Straight toward Theo.

Theo's heart jumped into his throat when Imago grinned up at him. This close, he saw his own terrified face reflected in the demon's huge black eyes.

Imago's jaw stretched like he was some kind of deep-sea fish, revealing hundreds of needle-like teeth. All aimed straight at Theo's throat.

'I have to get away!' But while Theo's thoughts raced, his body had completely frozen.

Closer and closer those fangs loomed, their tips glistening with saliva. All Imago had to do was clamp his jaw shut and he'd tear Theo's throat clean open.

'Run, dammit!'


A blue blur in front of him. An armored elbow slammed into his chest, knocking him flat against the wall. Trinkets crashed to the floor, raising a shriek of shattering glass.

Then a snarl, a grunt – and a horrible crunch.

Gasping for breath, Theo forced his eyes open. To see Zenith crouching before him, Imago's teeth lodged deep into his sword arm.

'No.' Dread seized Theo's throat. 'No. This isn't happening.'

Imago bit down harder, cracking the armor like the shell of a crab. Growling, Zenith shoved at the demon with his shield, but he refused to let go.

'No, no, no, NO!' Zenith had gotten hurt. Protecting him. Because once again, he was being useless.

The dread deepened into a boiling fury. Hadn't he sworn he would change? He wasn't in this just to learn pretty drawings from Meg. He was here to help Zenith fight.

So what if the ambush had caught him off guard. It was his fault they'd gotten into this mess in the first place, so it was up to him to get them out of it.

The fury blazed hotter sparking through his veins like lightning. No, not just fury. His Levia. It flooded his entire body, breaking through the chill and giving him the strength to rise to his feet.

With each throb of his heart, the Levia cycled faster. Not only his dawn light, but Zenith's brilliance as well. They mingled together until he couldn't tell whose Levia was whose, and it didn't matter, because they were wizard and familiar – one and the same.

An elaborate diagram rose from Theo's subconscious, as familiar as his own body, but he forced it aside. Instead, he dragged forth another diagram, smaller and simpler, and infused its lines with every last ounce of his rage and resolve.

The heat exploded in his chest and bloomed beneath his feet. When a pink glow filled the darkness, he knew he'd succeeded.

Zenith bellowed something raw, triumphant, and Theo might have shouted too. Powered by their shared resolve, Zenith surged to his feet and shoved Imago off his arm.

With a sick crunch, the demon released Zenith's armor and tumbled to the floor. Zenith raised his sword, but Imago scurried out of the way before it could skewer him.

"What, what, what the shit," Imago panted. "What the – you have a wizard?"

"Get back here, coward," Zenith snarled, low and deadly. He lunged, sword swinging, and Imago unleashed a hideous wail.

But before the sword could strike, the demon veered left and leaped for the wall like a frog. Zenith stumbled, caught off guard. It didn't matter, they could get him anyway -

As Zenith spun toward the wall, Imago landed atop a mirror. it. Theo blinked, yet the insane picture didn't go away. Imago was sinking into the mirror's black surface as if it were made of quicksand and swallowing him whole.

"You won't get away!" Zenith slashed his sword, but only managed to clip the side of Imago's head before he disappeared through the mirror. The ensuing yowl echoed as if traveling down a long tunnel.

Wind rushed past Theo's ears, a crackle filled his head, and when his vision cleared he was standing in the store again. All the shelves and trinkets intact, bathed in warm afternoon light. The sudden change sent him stumbling.

A strong arm wrapped around his shoulders and helped him to his feet. Gasping for breath, Theo looked up into Zenith's face. The glasses were back, but they didn't hide the concern shining in his clear blue eyes.

"Are you all right, Theo?" he asked, a little breathless.

"I'm fine, I – but what about you?" Theo pushed Zenith's arm away. "You were hurt – "

With the adrenaline from the fight fading away, a horrible guilt took its place, crushing his chest until he could barely breathe. Heart hammering in dread, he slid his gaze toward Zenith's right arm.

But...nothing. Zenith's shirt sleeve was rolled down to wrist, neat as ever, not a drop of blood to be seen.

"You're okay?" Theo blurted, relieved yet confused out of his head.

"Ah." Zenith unbuttoned the cuff and tugged back his sleeve to examine his arm. Theo's confusion only mounted when he saw an arc of small punctures on the pale skin, like bite marks. But they were far too shallow to account for how hard Imago had been biting, and there wasn't a trace of blood.

"I suppose there's some damage, but it should repair itself soon enough." Zenith nodded briskly before pulling his sleeve back down. "You needn't worry."

"I...I don't get it," Theo stammered. "Is your armor really that strong? I thought there'd be blood, at least."

"Why would there be blood?" Zenith tilted his head, wearing a familiar puzzled expression.

"I mean, he was biting pretty hard!"

"Ah." Zenith blinked. "I don't have blood in my veins, or veins in the first place. I am not an organic being like you or my liege. I am a homunculus, an artificial construct powered by Levia."

"What...." Theo's voice came out a croak. You'd think after all the insanity he'd endured another revelation wouldn't kill him, but still. Meg and Darian had never so much as hinted that Tielos had its own version of magical androids.

Come to think of it, Imago had called Zenith the 'homunculus knight.' So was this common knowledge and only Theo had been in the dark?

But looking at Zenith, Theo just couldn't see him as a machine. He looked every inch as human as Theo, with his youthful face and unremarkable fashion. Only those bloodless bite wounds hinted at anything uncanny about him.

"Does it...bother you?" Zenith said hesitantly. "I did not intend to deceive you, Theo. My deepest apologies."

When he bowed his head, something painful wrenched in Theo's chest. "No, no!" Theo reached out, grabbing Zenith by the arms. "I'm not bothered at all, just a little surprised. Actually, I think you're amazing. Thank – thank you so much for protecting me back there. I won't freeze up like that again."

He was babbling, but he didn't care. Somehow, he needed to get his feelings across to Zenith. He didn't want Zenith to apologize when he had nothing to apologize for.

"Protecting you is my duty," Zenith said, stepping closer to Theo. In the golden light, his eyes seemed to glow. "I'm the one who should be thanking you. For giving me the strength to fight."

"Then I guess it all evens out, huh?" Though it took all his effort, Theo managed a smile.

An answering smile, soft and calm, ghosted across Zenith's face. It was small, and silly, but seeing it made Theo feel safe for the first time since Imago's attack.