The Man in Black Armor 1

"Young master Theo, you seem distracted," Lodo said.

"Huh?" Theo snapped his head up. He'd been bent over his sketchbook, copying the diagram from the grimoire beneath him. This was a more specific and targeted version of a strengthening spell, meant to sharpen a familiar's weapon.

Meg was upstairs in the shop; something had come up and she couldn't join him immediately. So Theo had gone to practice on his own in the basement. He sat cross-legged on a floor cushion, studying diagrams between sips of Lodo's freshly brewed green tea.

"Forgive me, it's just an observation," Lodo said, prowling slow circles around the cushion with his tail in the air. "You're normally a quick study, but you've been fussing over that diagram for almost ten minutes now."

"I have?" Theo started. Come to think of it, he still hadn't finished drawing the diagram, and it wasn't an especially complicated one.

Who could blame him? His mind kept circling back to the surge of Levia from last night, the open window. It had left him unnerved all day; even at school, Sam had asked him several times if he was feeling okay.

But he didn't know if he should bring it up here. Maybe he had just been imagining things.

"Are you not feeling well?" Lodo leaned toward him, whiskers twitching. "Perhaps a little break couldn't hurt."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me, okay?" Theo reached out to scratch Lodo's head. The werecat purred and rubbed against his hand, fur appealingly soft, and it took just about all of Theo's self-control to keep from picking him up and squeezing him tight. This cat also happened to be a very prim and proper butler, who he doubted would appreciate being spoiled like a pet. Still. Theo had always wanted a cat.

"Are you still worried because of yesterday?" Zenith spoke up. He'd been standing by the door like a guard, even though he didn't have to be here. Wasn't like he could help Theo study diagrams. Even so, Theo had to admit his presence was reassuring.

The question startled Theo; how did Zenith know about that incident in his room? Well, it hadn't been the only thing that had happened yesterday, he reminded himself.

"There's no need," Zenith went on talking. "I've already told you, I will protect you with my entire being."

"I know. Thanks." Theo dropped his gaze, face warm. Right. He had nothing to worry about with Zenith here. All he needed to do was study his hardest. The stronger a wizard he became, the more prepared he'd be for any future ambushes.

When he heard footsteps descending the staircase, Theo bent back over the sketchbook. Didn't want Meg to think he'd been slacking off.

But when the door opened, it wasn't Meg. Instead, Darian strode inside. She acknowledged Zenith's bow with a nod before crossing the floor, arms behind her head.

"Meg's still on the phone. Supplier's giving her the runaround, so she might not be able to make it tonight. Sorry about that, Theo."

"It's okay," Theo said quickly. "I'm fine on my own."

"Good. Keep doing your best." Darian bent down to retrieve a black sesame shortbread cookie from the tea tray, earning a hiss from Lodo.

"Beg your pardon, but those are for young master Theo! To help him through his studies!"

"One person can't eat this many," Darian commented after snapping off a large bite.

"I have seen how much food you are capable of putting away, my prince! If you don't cease at once the poor young master will have none left!"

Heedless, Darian grabbed another cookie, while her other hand dug into the pocket of her vest and produced a laser pointer, which she proceeded to aim at the opposite wall.

" think...that will work on me...." Lodo bit out the words through gritted teeth, his fur standing on end.

Darian swooped the laser dot into a figure eight. Meowing loudly, Lodo jumped after it.

Theo clamped a hand over his mouth to stifle his giggles. It'd be too mean to laugh at Lodo's misfortunes.

Barely a week had passed since he'd entered this world, and already he felt comfortable and safe among these people. His friends. Meg's place had become as much of a second home to him as Sam's house. Watching as Lodo fruitlessly chased the laser, while Darian munched away at the cookies and Zenith observed with his usual utter stoicism, the tension in Theo's chest began to unknot for the first time today.

Only for his Levia to sear in alarm.

He wasn't the only one; Darian stiffened and Lodo ceased his chasing. Zenith, meanwhile, crossed the room and positioned himself in front of Theo and Darian.

Heart racing – but not half as fast as his Levia – Theo rose to his feet. "You guys feel it too?"

Darian nodded grimly. "It's been a while since I've sensed a Levia so powerful. And it's getting closer."

Lodo unfurled from the floor, a man again – aside from his clawed fingers and cat ears. He turned his head back and forth, pupils narrowed into slits. "If I'm not mistaken, it seems they are attempting an ambush...."

"The Infernal Legion?" Theo said.

"This shouldn't be possible." Darian's brow creased. "This place is warded, and Meg's barriers are nothing to laugh at."

Theo's Levia flared again, sending him staggering. Zenith grabbed his arm, but a sudden blast of cold wind pushed them backwards. Theo cried out, straining to keep his eyes open.

Through stinging tears, he made out purple light spreading across the floor with the deliberate pace of a marching army. With it came a driving pressure in his skull, bending his shoulders.

"Run, my liege!" Zenith's shout cracked like a whip. "Get Lady Meg – "

Theo had never seen him so panicked before. Darian shouted something in response and whirled toward the door, but it was too late. The purple diagram had already swallowed the entire floor.

The light flooded Theo's vision. It was so dark it was almost black, but flashes of brighter purple streaked across it like forks of lightning. Every inch of this mysterious Levia felt violently, energetically alive, blazing with a rage that chilled Theo to the core.

After too long, the Levia faded. Theo stumbled, clinging tighter to Zenith's now-armored arm, and stared at the strange arena.

It was like they'd been trapped inside a box half the size of the basement, with dark walls rippling like water. In some places they were so translucent Theo could see through them. Bookshelves, scuffed floorboards, even an abandoned cushion and tea tray. The basement?

But he couldn't waste time on sightseeing. Not when the enemy stood in front of them. A tall figure covered from head to toe in armor so black it seemed to absorb all light, bristling with wickedly sharp spikes.

"It's unstable. You weren't able to fully break through the wards after all." Darian's harsh voice came from behind, sounding strangely muffled in this arena. She was back in her full princely guise, rapier in hand.

The armored man did not speak. Slow and deliberate, he drew a huge sword just as black as his armor, its edges serrated like fangs.

"Who the hell are you?" Darian demanded. "What do you want? Are you with the Infernal Legion?"

"My liege, stay – " Zenith shouted.

Before he could finish, the man lunged. Zenith shoved Theo hard enough to send him sprawling, just as a loud clang filled the air. Looking up, he saw Zenith locking blades with the man in black armor.

Zenith ground his blade against the man's, shoulders trembling. In contrast, the man remained calm, as if it took him no effort at all to steadily lower his sword.

'He's strong,' Theo thought, dread swooping in his stomach. But Zenith wasn't alone.

Reaching for his Levia, Theo cast the basic strengthening spell. To his relief, the circle burst bright and clear beneath Zenith's feet.

With renewed strength, Zenith pushed back at the armored man. This time, the armored man took a step backward.

Suddenly he jerked his sword to the side, breaking the stalemate. Sparks screeched as the blades slid apart. The armored man jabbed forward, but Zenith blocked it with his shield.

The impact still sent him flying back. Theo barely managed to jump out the way before Zenith hit the ground with a loud crash of metal.

"Zenith!" Theo yelled.

The strengthening spell had run its course. Quick, another one. But before he could cast it, the armored man reached him.

Theo's heart stopped. All he could see was the armored man's helm, so black it was like staring into a void. He cringed back, even though he'd never be able to escape in time.