Jumping at the Call

"So." Darian heaved a sigh. "Do you have any questions?"

Theo glanced nervously at Sam. She remained as silent as she had been throughout the entire tale, her eyes huge. It had been a long time since Theo had seen her sit so still for such an extended period of time.

What if it had been too much for her to take in? Theo remembered how disoriented he'd been after Meg and Darian had first explained everything, and he'd at least had some hint this world existed in the form of his dreams. For Sam, it must be even more overwhelming to dive in basically blind.

He'd done his best to explain what he knew along with the others; maybe hearing it from him would help it go down easier. But now Sam was sitting here like she'd been walloped between the eyes, and Theo began to wonder if he'd made a mistake deciding to involve her after all.

Darian tapped her foot and cleared her throat. Meg and Lodo exchanged uncomfortable glances.

Then Sam leaned forward just a fraction. Her voice came out quieter than Theo had ever heard it, faint and trembling.

"Are you...are you guys telling the truth?"

Darian looked affronted. "Yes, of course we are. Do we have to repeat ourselves again?"

Sam blinked, once, twice. The next thing Theo knew, she jumped to her feet so fast she sent the chair sliding back at least a yard and unleashed an ear-piercing scream.

"Oh...my....God...this is AWESOME!"

The force of her screech almost knocked Theo out of his chair, and he wasn't the only one; Darian flung an arm before her face as if hoping that'd shield her from the noise while even Zenith looked taken aback.

"Oh my God oh my God oh MY GOD!" Sam kept shrieking, hopping around the sitting room and wringing her hands as if trying to fling them off her wrists. "Oh my god I can't believe it! I never imagined – I'm a wizard – there's another world – oh, this is so – Theo!"

Before Theo could blink she bounded upon him, grabbed him by the shoulders, and proceeded to shake him like he was a crash test dummy. "Thee-OH! Why didn't you tell me? You jerk! So this is what you've been hiding from me all this time? You big liar!"

"Ah – Sam – I'm – I'm sorry – " Theo managed to babble in between violent shakes.

"Excuse me." Zenith's voice, tinged with alarm. "If you could unhand my wizard...."

"Oh, right! Right!" Sam jumped backward, blinking wide eyes. "Sorry!" she chirped, not sounding apologetic in the slightest. "But seriously! I can't believe you were keeping this a secret. I always thought you were a terrible liar, so I have to admit I'm kinda impressed. Only kinda."

"Sorry," Theo said again, guilt squirming in his chest. "I mean it, Sam. I just...I didn't want you to get hurt."

"That's right," Darian cut in, sounding rather exasperated. "Up until today, none of us had any idea you were a wizard."

"Well, I am, so you better not hide stuff from me again!" Sam snapped her fingers.

"Doesn't this...bother you in the slightest?" Darian folded her arms and shook her head. "You do realize your life was in danger earlier today, don't you?"

"Well, you guys saved me! And now I know I'm a wizard so I want to fight too! I'll give these Infernal Legion jerks a pounding they won't forget!"

Theo could practically see the stars sparkle in Sam's eyes as she pumped her fists. Incredibly, in spite of everything, a grin spread across his face. He should have known Sam would react like this. Magical battles, secret worlds – those were the kinds of stories she ate up.

"You...." Darian's eyebrow twitched. "I don't know if you realize the seriousness of the situation...."

"I do just fine! You're the prince and we gotta beat the Infernal Legion to get you your throne, right? Well, count Sam Rowland in!" Sam slammed her fist to her chest and straightened her back, and looking at her like that, Theo felt the last of his doubts trickle away. Not only was Sam taking this way better than he had, but she seemed far more like a proper hero than him. Theo had only found a reason to fight because Zenith had given him strength and he'd decided to save Victor.

Meanwhile Sam didn't even have a familiar yet, or a personal connection to this battle. She wanted to join just because she wanted to. That was the way Sam was; when she wanted something, she dove in headfirst without any hesitation. Like how she'd befriended Theo in the first place.

And Theo wasn't only thinking about her as she was now, but what she had done during the battle as well. Even as a thrall under Melphi's control, she had fought back with every ounce of her being and broken free. All for Theo's sake. To know she'd be by his side from now on, that he wouldn't have to hide from her anymore, swept a warm wave of relief through his entire body.

"It won't be that easy...." Darian looked aggrieved. And very much like she regretted telling Sam anything. Well, too late now.

"I think you have the right attitude, Sam." Meg leaned back in her chair, smiling impishly. "I'll be glad to take you under my wing. The more the merrier when it comes to students."

"Awesome! Thanks, Meg!" Sam hopped up and down. "I won't let you down! I'm gonna be the greatest wizard ever!"

"Now, now, don't get too ahead of yourself," Meg teased. "First you'll need to make a contract with a familiar."

"Oh, right, right! Ooh, I wonder what kind of familiar I'll have! Maybe a handsome guy like you, Zenith!" Sam whirled toward a nonplussed Zenith, giggling. "Wouldn't mind a fancy butler like Lodo, either!"

"Why, thank you, Miss Sam." Lodo bowed.

"There are all sorts of familiars out there," Meg said, her voice warm. "I'm sure you'll be able to find the perfect one for you."

"Okay, fine. Sam is going to be helping us." Darian dragged both hands through her hair. "But you do understand that you can't tell anyone?" She turned sharply toward Sam. "Not your family, not your friends. It's fortunate you turned out to be a wizard, but there's no guarantee anyone else you know will if you get them involved."

Theo didn't like the way she was talking to Sam, as if she couldn't comprehend simple concepts. He stood up, wanting to speak on Sam's defense, but she beat him to the punch. "I know, I know! Besides, I don't have friends except for Theo anyway."

She said it bright and chipper as ever, but Theo winced. Well, it was true on his end too. That was why it had hurt so much to see Sam under the Infernal Legion's control, and why it relieved him so much to be able to fight beside her from now on.

Darian still looked doubtful, but didn't press the issue further. "Fine then. Now that we've explained things, I have a few questions for you."