
The next two weeks seemed to fly past. After Meg treated Theo to sushi to celebrate his victory – much to his embarrassment – he fell back into his usual routine. Visiting the Ruby Emporium after school, studying spells with Sam, fighting practice battles.

Ryan didn't cause anymore trouble either. He seemed to be going out of his way to avoid Theo at school, though every now and then Theo got the uncanny feeling Ryan was staring at him. Since he never managed to catch the guy in the act, he decided to let it go.

Besides, he had much more important things to think about than any grudge Ryan might or might not hold. With each passing day, the masquerade gala drew closer. It felt like Theo would never have enough time to cram all the spells he wanted – needed – to know into his head before the date arrived. Before he might have to confront a powerful member of the Infernal Legion.

Learning spells wasn't the only way he needed to prepare. Instead of a fancy dinner party like the few Theo vaguely remembered Dad dragging him and Victor to as a kid, the gala was more of a Goth-themed cosplay convention. The whole point was to show off your costumes, which meant he needed a costume to show off.

Theo had figured he'd just hit up the local thrift shop and pick up some Halloween pieces there, but Darian insisted on hauling him and Sam to a tailor and getting custom costumes done. It all felt more than a little surreal; Theo hadn't even known tailor shops were still a thing in this day and age, and Darian got really into it, drafting design sketches and poring over materials with the tailor. At least she took Theo's input into consideration, so the end result wouldn't be something he'd totally hate wearing.

As for where she was getting the money for all this...well, he supposed her luck at the Golden Royale hadn't run out.

Sam was just as excited, to Theo's surprise. He'd have thought she'd be nervous about the prospect of facing the man who might have made her into a thrall, but instead she would not stop squealing about how gorgeous her costume was turning out and how much fun she'd have. Once, Theo even caught her scrolling through Michel Rose's Instagram page.

Which made him do a double take. "Er, you're still following him?"

"I'm looking for clues," Sam declared, squinting at the screen. "Maybe it'll jog my memory if I stare at his pictures long enough."

Theo took a few glances at Michel Rose's account himself after that, but couldn't find any sign linking the guy to demons or the Infernal Legion. Just a lot of Photoshop, overwrought costumes, and of course, roses everywhere. He even sprinkled rose emojis all over his captions and replies, making Theo imagine petals blowing out of his mouth every time he talked.

A typical reply to a comment like "omg can't wait to see you!!!" was "Our fated meeting draws ever closer....." plus the rose emojis, of course. Theo had to admire the guy's dedication to his bit.

Finally, the day arrived. Theo went to Meg's place like usual, this time not to practice magic but change into his costume. Though far simpler than the beruffled monstrosity Darian had initially designed for him, it was still the fanciest thing he'd ever worn: a black tux with a pink shirt and black-and-white checkered bow tie. He used a hair clip to pin back his fringe before putting on the mask, which was designed like a black cat, and tried not to feel too ridiculous.

When he went back to the parlor, only Zenith and Lodo were there. Lodo was tending to a pot of tea, dressed in his usual butler getup aside from the plague doctor mask on his forehead. "Ah, young master Theo. You look quite dapper, if I do so say myself. The ladies will be taking a little longer, it seems. In the meantime, would you care for some tea?"

"Tea sounds good." Theo carefully walked to the table, trying to adjust to how the mask blocked his peripheral vision. As he approached, Zenith stood up and dipped into a brief bow, hand to his chest.

This was the first time Theo had seen Zenith in his costume, and the sight stopped him in his tracks. No frills or froufrou to be seen here; just a stark white tux sharply tailored to emphasize his tall, lean frame, the only color coming from a silk ascot almost the exact blue as his eyes. They gleamed bright and clear even behind his simple white mask.

"Oh, wow," Theo blurted. "You look good."

"Thank you. My liege said so as well." Zenith's reply was as matter-of-fact as Theo expected. " look good too. It's rare to see both of your eyes. Well, I can't really since you are wearing a mask, but if you weren't I would be able to, I suppose."

He turned away slightly and fiddled with the end of his ponytail, sending a warm surge of affection through Theo's heart. This might be the most adorable thing he had ever seen.

"Um, do you think I look better like this?" Without thinking, he moved his hand to his hair. "The fringe is a style thing, but I can pin it back sometimes if you, uh, want to see both my eyes."

"Ah." Zenith blinked, looking taken aback. "That's no need. You're fine the way you normally are too."

Theo's cheeks burned hot enough to fry eggs on. How the hell had he ended up talking about his looks with Zenith in the first place?

A thankful distraction arrived when the parlor door flung wide open. In marched three people like they were leading a parade, and Theo couldn't help it – his jaw dropped.

Darian swept in front, resplendent in a costume that put her battle form to shame. Lace dripped from her sleeve cuffs, gold embroidery smothered her brocade coat, and a cravat tumbled in a waterfall of frills down her chest, pinned at the throat by a gleaming blue jewel. Angel wings swept from the sides of her mask, each feather individually carved and highlighted in gold.

Sam meanwhile looked like a fairy in a dragonfly mask and a mint-green dress made from layers of airy chiffon, while Meg wore a slinky scarlet number that clung to her every curve, with what looked like real pheasant feathers decorating her mask.

"Theo, Theo! What do you think?" Sam skipped toward him, surprisingly agile in her high heels.

"You look super cute," Theo said, which made Sam beam. When they'd first met, she had been insecure about her height, thinking it meant she'd never pull off the soft pastel style she loved. Now Theo felt sure nobody could wear it better.

"And me?" Meg playfully tossed her hair, the auburn waves cascading across her bare shoulders. Theo blushed.

"Well, uh...."

"Don't tease the poor boy, Meg." Darian strode forward, giving her walking stick a twirl. Yes, walking stick. Made of finely polished wood with a golden rose head, it added the finishing touch to her whole seventeenth-century nobleman vibe. "Judging by your reaction, I'd say mission accomplished. Michel Rose won't be able to take his eyes off us."

"Huh?" Theo said, alarmed. "You want him to notice us?"

"Let's just say I intend to get my information directly from the source. If he has nothing to do with the Infernal Legion, I can cross 'dancing with a celebrity' off my bucket list. If he does, I highly doubt he would risk attacking in such a public venue."

"That's why this gala is the perfect place for us to get some reconnaissance done. While having a good time, at that." Meg winked. "Well! Shall we go?"