Aquarium Date 2

They set off down the blue-carpeted halls. It'd been years since Theo's last visit, so there was plenty of new stuff to see, like a leafy sea dragon exhibit. And the way Zenith took in everything with wide eyes made him feel like he was seeing it for the first time all over again.

Truth be told, Theo was paying as much attention to Zenith as to the fish. He'd never seen the knight like this before, as intensely focused as he was while training yet in a more innocent, almost childlike way. He stood with his nose glued to the glass long after the other guests got bored and drifted away, and even took the time to read every informative plaque, quietly repeating the fish's scientific name as if trying to file it into his memory.

'This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen,' Theo thought after Zenith finished learning about the Picasso Triggerfish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus. And to think he'd once declared he had no interests.

He'd grown so much in the short time they had known each other. The thought spread a pleasant tingling warmth through Theo's body.

After passing through the shark tunnel – a trip that took nearly half an hour thanks to Zenith's determination to watch every shark – they reached the jellyfish exhibit. This section of the aquarium was dimmer and quieter, more intimate than the huge showcase tanks.

"Ah." Zenith drew in a soft breath when his gaze landed on the tank of moon jellies. Suddenly shy, he approached with slow, careful steps.

His expression had changed, Theo noticed. Not just interested, but transfixed, as if his entire world had narrowed to the jellyfish placidly drifting in front of him. A kind of attention that had no room for anything else, not even Theo.

Theo didn't mind. Bathed in the rippling blue glow from the tank, his eyes wide with awe, he was so beautiful it took Theo's breath away.

How much time passed, Theo couldn't say. He felt like he could have spent forever like this, side by side with his knight and watching the pulsing, fluttering jellies.

When Zenith finally looked at him, it felt like a spell had broken. But his eyes were glittering with an emotion Theo couldn't quite identify, yet made his chest tighten painfully. When he spoke, his voice was soft. "Thank you, Theo."

"Um, you're welcome?" Though he tried to keep his voice down, it blared like a foghorn in comparison to Zenith's. Not to mention he had no idea what Zenith was thanking him for.

"It really is...just like the Tielan sky." Zenith spoke so quietly Theo's heartbeat almost drowned him out. "I thought I might never be able to see it again. So...thank you for allowing me to."

It was only then that Theo recognized the emotion in his eyes. Nostalgia. "You miss home, don't you?"

He hadn't intended to say it, and for a moment he was afraid he shouldn't have, for a familiar hardness came over Zenith's eyes. But the wistful light soon returned, and he nodded slowly. "It is...for the sake of my liege's mission. No sacrifice is too great. Even so...."

His voice trailed off. Theo swallowed a sudden painful lump in his throat and said, "We can stay here as long as you want, okay?"

Zenith nodded, stern and grave, before returning his attention to the tank. Theo watched too – not the jellyfish, but his beautiful, transcendent knight. Maybe it was selfish of him, but it was also something he didn't want to let go of.


They watched the jellyfish for three more hours, until Theo's growling stomach became impossible to ignore. After lunch, he suggested they could go back to the jellyfish, but Zenith decided he wanted to see the rest of the aquarium too.

It was near closing time when Theo stumbled into the gift shop, exhausted but satisfied like he hadn't been in ages. As he searched for souvenirs for the others, he noticed Zenith had stopped in front of a shelf full of large stuffed jellyfish.

In particular, Zenith couldn't take his eyes off a bright blue one with a shy little smile. Grinning, Theo sidled up next to him. "You want it?"

Zenith blinked, looking startled. "It would serve no purpose."

They'd had a conversation just like this before, hadn't they? Hopefully this time, they wouldn't get interrupted by an Infernal Legion ambush.

"It totally would." Theo grabbed the jellyfish off the shelf. "It's a memento of our trip here."

"A...memento," Zenith repeated as if he had never heard of that concept before. "I suppose...but still, to spend your money for me...."

"Nah, I'm gonna do it. Because I want to!" Still grinning, Theo gave the plush jellyfish a squeeze.

"By your will, then," Zenith said, but his tone was light and a small smile lifted his lips. Theo felt like his heart was going to tear straight out of his chest.

After buying their souvenirs, they left the aquarium. Though evening had fallen, the day's heat lingered in the air. Theo handed the jellyfish to Zenith.

"You should name it," he said.

"Why?" Zenith said with a familiar puzzled expression. "It's an inanimate object."

"Yeah, it is." Theo patted the jellyfish's soft velour head. "But if you name it, that's the first step to bringing it to life, right?"

Not the most mature sentiment for a boy his age, but he thought it held more than a grain of truth as he looked upon a young man who had originally been created to be a fighting machine.

"I see." Zenith adjusted his glasses and surveyed the jellyfish in his arms with an air of deep contemplation. Theo watched him, curious what he'd come up with.

After a while, Zenith lifted his head and gave one of his characteristic sharp nods. "I've decided. Henceforth, I shall dub this stuffed representation of a medusid Sir Dareo."

"Sir Dareo?"

Completely straight-faced, Zenith said, "It's a combination of your name and my liege's. I hope that he will live up to it as a worthy knight."

Theo bit the inside of his cheek so hard he tasted blood – anything to keep himself from cracking up. This might be one of his favorite things about Zenith, how stone-cold serious he remained no matter the situation. Besides, turned out his naming sense wasn't half bad.

Today Theo had seen so many sides to Zenith, each more lovable than the last. More than just a perfect knight, he was curious like a child, longed for a home he had left behind, and even had a subtle sense of whimsy.

Even if Theo never saw these sides of Zenith again, he'd hold them in his memory. And he'd be forever honored that Zenith had shared them with him.

Soon they would meet up with the others for dinner. But for now, it was just the two of them and Sir Dareo, walking together in the sunset.