A Gracious Host

The guards surrounded Theo and Ryan, binding their hands behind their backs. Then they marched the wizards up what felt like an endless series of stairs. Just when Theo thought he couldn't take another step, the guards stopped at a door.

They opened it and shoved Theo and Ryan inside. Theo yelped when his knees hit a surprisingly soft carpet. Looking up, he saw a brightly lit room that seemed like it belonged more in a fancy mansion than a prison, complete with a crystal chandelier and gold-framed mirrors.

Theo's heart jolted when the guards turned and left, slamming the door after them. Then came the sound of a lock clicking, followed by heavy footsteps steadily retreating.

Leaving him and Ryan alone.

The guards must have decided that stopping the intruders was more important than watching over two wizards without familiars. Which made sense, but it also might give them an opportunity.

Even if all Theo wanted to do was lie down on the carpet and fall asleep for the next twenty years. His legs ached from the climb, but his heart ached twice as much. He didn't want to examine the place where Zenith had once been, raw and gaping like an open wound. Even thinking about it made a violent shiver wrack his body.

He couldn't face it, not now. 'Zenith is gone.' Not now. 'The contract is broken.' Not now!

The corners of his eyes stung. His body pitched forward, but Theo dug his knees into the carpet, determined not to fall over. Or to cry.

A shuffling sound caught his attention; turning his head, he saw Ryan awkwardly scooting toward the table – or rather, the glass bowl of foil-wrapped caramels on top of it.

Theo groaned. "Seriously? Priorities, man."

Ryan jerked, cheeks flushing red. Then he lifted his chin, assuming a familiar snooty air. "Don't get the wrong idea. We're gonna need all the fuel we can get if we wanna break out of here."

Break out. Well, good to know Ryan was thinking the same thing as him. But what good would it do even if they did escape? Neither of them had familiars anymore.

Theo bit his lip, squeezing his fingers tightly together. Pins and needles stabbed his bound arms, but he almost welcomed it.

Ryan continued his efforts at scooting toward the table. How did he even plan to get the caramels, dunk his head in the bowl like he was bobbing for apples? And then rip off the wrapper with his teeth?

Before he could stop himself, Theo snorted. To think their grand prison break had come down to this.

"What the hell's so funny, huh?" Ryan's shout cut through Theo's thoughts. He glared at Theo, his face flushed and eyes narrowed.

Somehow, his fervor pissed Theo off even more. "Get real. You really think you can do anything even if you do eat your caramel?"

"Dude, it's not just eating a caramel! I'm gonna try cutting these ropes with the corner of the table."

"Yeah, and?" The words kept bubbling out of Theo's throat, dark and bitter. "What's the point? Even if we break out of here, we can't fight. Not without Zenith!"

His voice rose to a shout, burning his throat. For a moment Ryan looked stunned, then his mouth twisted into a scowl.

"Bet you wish he'd listened to your orders now, huh?"

"What?" Theo's heart slammed against his ribcage.

"You heard me," Ryan sneered. "If Sir Zenith had just followed your order to get out of there, he wouldn't have gotten caught by the trap."

As Theo stared at Ryan, numb with disbelief, fresh memories welled up inside his head. Memories he wished he could throw away forever, but not when they were still so recent.

Yes, he'd shouted at Zenith to run. But Zenith had instead tried to protect him and Ryan from a guard.

Something tightened in Theo's chest, stealing his breath. Then it exploded in a torrent of pure rage.

Forcing strength into his legs, he lunged at Ryan. Caught off guard, Ryan couldn't escape in time. Theo's head slammed into his stomach with an impact that sent stars in his vision and tears in his eyes. Didn't matter, because he'd started crying anyway.

Bellowing, Ryan landed on his back. Theo spilled atop him, chin on Ryan's stomach, but quickly yanked himself upright.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Ryan shouted, thrashing like a speared fish. "What the fuck was that for?"

"What do you think?" Theo yelled back, furiously blinking back his tears. "Are you really blaming Zenith? Really? If you wanna play the blame game, look in the goddamn mirror!"

"Huh?" Ryan fell still. "The hell's that – "

"Because Zenith was trying to save both of us – you too. And don't forget why we came here in the first damn place!" His voice cracked, but he didn't stop. "Zenith sacrificed himself to save your sorry ass and all you can do is complain about him? You fucking piece of shit. He did it because he's a good person. If it were up to me, I'd have left you to fend for yourself a long time ago. So the least you could do is be grateful!"

By the end of it all, Theo was gasping for breath and his chest burned like someone was drilling a hole through his heart. He had never screamed so much in his life, and he didn't regret it an ounce.

For a while, Ryan didn't speak. Lying on his side, he stared at Theo with huge eyes like a deer in the headlights. Just looking at him gave Theo a headache, so he turned away.

The sound of a throat clearing. "Hey. Uh."

Theo didn't want to listen to it. He squeezed his eyes shut, wishing Ryan would get a clue and shut up. Or better yet, fall through a hole in the ground and never climb out.

A click, like a key turning in a lock. Theo's eyes flew open.

Just in time to see the door open and Oliver Enson stride inside, a guard at his heels. The guard scrambled backward when Oliver stopped mid-step, staring at Theo and Ryan with naked disgust.

"What are they doing here?"

The guard coughed. "We believed this was the most secure location for them, young master. Here, they are beyond the reach of their accomplices. And without their familiars, they can't do anything."

"I guess that makes sense." Oliver rubbed his chin. He started walking again, approaching Ryan with slow, predatory steps.

Ryan squirmed like a slug, but didn't succeed in getting away or sitting upright or whatever he was trying to do before Oliver reached him. Oliver extended his leg, tilting up Ryan's chin with the tip of his fancy dress shoe.

"So I wasn't mistaken. It really is Ryan Crowley. Was this all your idea? You're that sore a loser, huh?"

Ryan's face contorted. "Give Avia back, you little brat."

"No way," Oliver said. "You weren't strong enough to hold onto that homunculus. She's in better hands now."

"Like fuck she is! You Ensons are trash, but stealing familiars from other wizards? Just you wait, when we Crowleys and our allies catch wind of this, it's gonna be a full-on war!"

"Oh, really?" Oliver arched an eyebrow. "If that's the case, why'd you come here alone? Where's the rest of the Crowleys?"

Ryan gibbered, apparently out of words. Theo didn't care about him, anyway. "You," he snapped, leaning toward Oliver. "Where is Zenith?"

"Zenith." Oliver tilted his head. "Is that your homunculus' name? It's fitting."

Theo had no patience for his games. "Where is he? If he's hurt in any way, I swear I'll – "

"Do what, emo kid? You've kinda got your hands tied here." Oliver snickered like he'd actually told a funny joke. "Look, look, can either of you keep two homunculi at once? Could either of you stop me from taking them? No? Then I think it's more than clear who deserves to be their master."

Grinning, he planted his hands on his hips. Hate lashed inside Theo, black as pitch. This smug spoiled brat – he didn't have the first damn clue what he was talking about. So what if he'd stolen Zenith? Zenith had chosen Theo.

"You are my wizard, the lord to whom I swear my loyalty as a familiar. Give me your charge and I shall fulfill it to the utmost of my ability."

"I am happier than I ever have been. There is none more worthy to be my lord and wizard than you, Theo Hua."

Through everything, they had struggled together until finally coming to an understanding. That sort of thing couldn't be taken by force. It had to be fought for. Earned.

Though he was cornered, more thoroughly defeated than he ever had been, Theo refused to give up. He knew with a conviction that burned hotter than the sun that he would never allow Zenith to belong to a wizard as depraved as Oliver Enson. That if he let Oliver get his way, he would truly be letting Zenith down.

Even weakened as it was, his Levia surged in response. Warmth flooded his chest – not enough to fill in the hole where Zenith had once been, but it gave him the strength to continue glaring Oliver down.

As he did, he felt a little spark somewhere in the core of his Levia. It seemed strangely familiar, but why?

His eyes fell upon the ring on Oliver's right index finger. In the light from the chandelier, the gem gleamed a rich, deep blue. Darker than Oliver's eyes, almost as dark as Darian's.

Hadn't he seen that color before? A star in the sky, far beyond his reach....

Then Oliver waved his hand, and the strange sensation vanished. Theo blinked, feeling like the world had gone off-kilter. Some part of him longed to recapture the feeling, but it was already slipping through his fingers.

And he forgot it altogether when orange diagrams spread across the mirrors and moving images appeared in them, like they had become TV screens. Theo took in the scenes with dawning horror. Crowds battling in dark halls, swords clashing. A woman riding a massive cat. A huge chamber where a dragon with iridescent scales slumbered.

"Aren't I a gracious host?" Grinning like Christmas had come early, Oliver plopped onto the couch. "You get front-row seats to the show!"