
Sweat poured down Theo's neck as he rubbed his wrists against the table corner. He could feel the edge digging into the ropes, but they remained stubbornly tight.

Panic lurched inside him, hot and choking. 'I don't have much time...'

The grunts and groans from the other side of the table weren't helping any. What did Ryan think he was doing, showing off at the gym?

Just when Theo started to seriously consider telling him to shut up, he heard a rustle, then a dull thud. The next thing he knew, footsteps were heading his way.

Ryan knelt beside him, uncomfortably close, and reached for his wrists. Instinctively, Theo jerked away.

"Hey man, I'm trying to free you here," Ryan said.

Theo blushed, but didn't want to apologize to Ryan. Instead, he held still as Ryan got to work on the ropes, biting down protests whenever Ryan tugged too hard. Thankfully, it didn't take long before the ropes unraveled.

Pins and needles shot down Theo's newly freed arms. Fighting stiff muscles, he lifted them and examined his wrists. The ropes had left behind livid red marks, but the pain was rapidly fading.

He turned toward Ryan, only to see the other wizard on his knees stuffing handfuls of caramels into his pockets.

"What is with your candy obsession?" Theo burst out. "Are you five years old?"

"What? They're right there," Ryan said indignantly. "Okay, now I'm ready."

With that, he picked up the empty caramel bowl and rose to his feet. Theo got up as well.

"Uh, what are you gonna do with that?" he asked as Ryan stalked over to the door with the bowl in hand.

"I'm gonna guess there's at least one guard outside," Ryan said. "Enson's dumb, but not that dumb. If we catch them with the element of surprise, we might be able to take 'em out. You find a weapon too."

Could they really do it? The guards were Tielans and had swords, besides. But Theo didn't see an alternative, and every second they wasted only put the others in more danger.

After a quick search, Theo picked up the book on the table. It seemed like some kind of big fancy atlas, and felt comfortingly heavy in his arms.

Ryan was already standing at the door. Heart pounding, Theo came up behind him.

"Yo!" Ryan shouted, knocking on the door. "Anybody there?"

No reply. Maybe there wasn't a guard after all, which would make things a lot easier.

Ryan knocked again. "Heeeey!"

A gruff voice filtered through the door. "Shut up, brats."

"You sure about that?" Ryan raised his voice. "'Cause listen here, I gotta take a leak."

Theo gaped at him. This was his grand plan?

"Ha ha, like I'm gonna fall for that," the guard sneered. "Now shut up."

"No, really!" Ryan yelled. "My bladder's about to burst, man!"

A thud echoed from the other side of the door, as if the guard had punched it. "Shut the fuck up."

Bizarrely enough, a big loopy grin spread across Ryan's face. "Oh, okay, guess that means you're all ready to take the blame when Oliver comes back here and finds the carpet covered in piss."

"The hell are you – "

"I said, since you won't let me go in a proper toilet, I'll just piss all over the carpet!" Ryan yelled. "Or maybe the couch? The candy bowl? Oh man, there's so many surfaces in here to cover in my pee!"

By now, Theo had buried his face in the palm of his free hand. He wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or groan more.

"And you know what, it'll be all your fault! How're ya gonna explain this to the 'young master?' You really wanna tell him it's 'cause you didn't believe me when I warned you and everything? Good luck, buddy! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get on redecorating this place."

The lock clicked and the door swung open. Theo's jaw dropped. 'It actually worked!'

But no time to marvel. Because the guard was standing there, blinking at the very-not-tied-up Ryan.

Ryan swung the glass bowl. It struck the guard square in the head and he staggered backward. His hand flew for his sword but Ryan struck again, the thud echoing through the entire room.

Gathering his wits, Theo ran forward with his book raised. But the guard had already crumpled to a limp pile on the floor. Ryan peered cautiously past him, then glanced over his shoulder and gestured at Theo.

"Coast is clear. Seems he's the only one."

Theo sighed in relief and followed Ryan out the door, though he still clung onto the book. The coast might be clear now, but who knew what awaited in the future. Somehow, he doubted the whole pee ruse was going to work again.

They emerged onto a balcony with a huge velvet-upholstered chair in the center like the top box of an opera house. When he peered over the edge, Theo saw that comparison wasn't far off. A circular arena spread across the floor below, ringed by tiered rows of seats, all of it made of stone like a Roman coliseum.

The coliseum was so huge it must occupy all five floors of the prison. Which meant it had to be located at the very center, accessible from every floor.

Ryan seemed to have figured this out too, because he was already sprinting down the stairs descending from the top box. Theo hurried after him, though he couldn't keep up with Ryan's long strides.

"Hey!" Theo panted when they reached the top row of seats. "Where are you going?"

"We need to find the others, right?" Ryan shouted over his shoulder. "We can try to sense their Levia, but I'd like to do it somewhere that's not so open."

That made sense. At any rate, they had to keep heading downward. The others had defeated the dragon on the third floor, so they'd either still be there or on the fourth floor.

But Theo didn't get much further before the prison's Levia surged, almost knocking him off-balance. Ryan stopped too, shoulders stiffening.

Then a voice echoed through the coliseum as if blaring through a loudspeaker. A horribly familiar voice, high and ragged and savage with triumph.

"I suppose congratulations are in order, intruders. I didn't expect you to defeat my dragon. Perhaps I've underestimated you. Well, no more. It's time to bring this to an end. Come to the coliseum. I'll take you all out at once."

The prison's Levia flashed again, then the voice fell silent. Only for a low rumble to roll across the coliseum. Alarmed, Theo watched as huge archways spread open across the walls that corresponded to each floor.

He turned toward Ryan, who stared back with wide, disbelieving eyes. "What the hell," Ryan breathed. "Has he totally lost his mind?"

Theo couldn't figure out what Oliver's plan was either, unless he had even more powerful monsters in reserve and wanted to unleash them all at once. Whatever his intentions, Theo and Ryan still had to find the others as soon as possible.

"Come on," he shouted, starting down the stairs again.

But he didn't get very far before Levia seared from above like an explosion, making him stumble. This was more than just the prison's solid, steady power; it was bright and concentrated, emanating from one person alone.

Dread swooping through him, Theo turned around.

Orange light glowed from the top box, so harsh it made him squint. As it faded, the overwhelming crush of Levia lightened a little, but didn't go away. He tasted it in every breath, sharp and stinging.

Several people had appeared in the top box. Theo recognized Oliver immediately, his white suit and golden hair like a beacon in the dimness. To his right stood Lyura; to his left, a bear-sized bulldog.

And behind him….

Two figures in gleaming armor.

"Avia!" Ryan gasped.

Theo couldn't bring himself to say Zenith's name. He could only stare.

Something seemed wrong. Even from this distance, he saw the beaten, battered state of Zenith's armor. It made Theo's stomach clench. What had Oliver done to him? And why was he with Oliver now, making no move to resist?

"This should do it." Oliver's snicker rang throughout the coliseum. "Two homunculi. Even if the intruders defeated the dragon, they won't stand a chance."

Rage erupted inside Theo. He rushed forward, but Ryan was already shouting.

"They aren't yours, shithead! Let Avia go!"

Oliver jerked, then leaned over the edge of the box. "What the – how did you two get out?"

"I should have pissed on your carpet after all!" Ryan declared, flipping Oliver the bird. "Avia! Come on, don't listen to that little shit!"

Avia remained still and silent. But Theo couldn't spare her much attention when Zenith was right there. Probably less than an hour had passed since they had last seen each other, but it already felt like several lifetimes. Now they were finally in the same room again, but it brought Theo no relief. Not when he couldn't feel a hint of Zenith's pure, clear Levia.

"There's no point, idiots!" Oliver cupped his hands around his mouth to jeer down at Ryan. "Shout as much as you like. Doesn't change the fact that they're mine. I hold their contracts, not you!"

"That doesn't mean anything!" Fury twisted Theo's voice beyond recognition. "Zenith won't obey just because of a contract. I know him, I know there's no one more honorable. Right, Zenith? I know you don't want this!"