A Career Change

Lyura clasped her hands behind her back and tilted her head, putting on her sweetest smile.

Not that it had much of an effect on the demon glaring her down. If anything, his beady eyes narrowed. Even seated, he towered above her. Though Lyura did have some difficulty telling where the throne ended and the demon began, considering his skin was as hard and gray as the stone beneath him.

"You have ten minutes before I kill you," the demon thundered. "Say your piece."

On cue, the two demons flanking Lyura lifted their swords. This guy meant business.

But Lyura wasn't scared. "I told you," she said, batting her eyelashes. "I want to join you guys."

The demon's heavy brow furrowed. "And why should we accept you? We are the Infernal Legion. Only those who prove their strength and loyalty to the Infernal Lord may enter our ranks."

Right, the Infernal Legion. That was what these guys in fancy uniforms called themselves, or so Lyura had heard through the grapevine after she'd skedaddled from Oliver's place. The rumors had claimed all kinds of things, but what interested Lyura the most was their apparently ability to enslave wizards. Who could blame her for wanting to check them out herself?

So now she stood in some bizarre lair with a floor of black marble, walls that extended far in the distance, and a granite throne in the center. Well, she had to admit the Infernal Legion's power certainly seemed like the real deal.

"Okay, I haven't got a clue who this Infernal Lord or whatever is," Lyura said truthfully, "but I swear I can make it worth your while. See, I've got something you might be interested in."

"Really." The huge demon dragged out the word, skepticism dripping from every syllable. "What could a stray from Earth possibly have to offer us?"

He shifted, his spine subtly straightening, and Lyura noted the swordsmen raising their weapons a fraction. Their commander wouldn't even have to say a word and they'd have her head off. Pretty admirable discipline, she had to say.

"That's easy," Lyura chirped, syrupy sweet. "Information. I heard tell you wanted to know all about some...certain personages."

The big demon didn't move an inch, implacable as a mountain. "Do cut to the chase. You haven't much time."

"You got it, boss." Lyura winked. "You're interested in some little crossdressing chick who's always hanging out with a homunculus knight, yeah? We-e-ell, I so happened to have run across them a week or so ago."

"Is that so," the big demon said, dry as a bone. The two swordsmen stepped a little closer to Lyura.

"Aw, you're really gonna accuse little old me of lying to you?" Lyura offered her best pout, which earned nothing but an even stonier glare in response. Yeah, it'd been a long shot.

Nothing to do but keep talking. "It's true. I even fought them and everything. Y'see, I was working for the Enson family when this chick and her lot broke into their prison. They were legit strong, beat the crap outta the Ensons. Even killed their crystal dragon."

Pursing her lips, Lyura dug through her memories. Everything had happened so fast a lot of it was a blur, but a few specific details leaped out at her. Including her ignominious defeat, but no need to bring that up. "The homunculus was one tough cookie, but I beat him." (Technically, anyway). "Broke his contract with his wizard, some pink-haired emo kid. But emo kid made a contract with crossdressing chick. She used a rapier, and seemed like her elemental powers involved controlling lightning. That's what she used to destroy the Enson ring."

As she spoke, she couldn't stop a shit-eating grin from spreading across her face. With this, she'd played her ace. No random demon would know exactly what weapon and powers little miss crossdresser had used.

Sure enough, Lyura detected a subtle shift in the air around the big demon. For the first time, he seemed to be looking at her seriously. Under the weight of his dark gaze, she almost shrank back, but caught herself just in time.

"What exactly is this Enson ring?" he asked.

Score. "Oh, it's the thing that gives the Ensons all their powers. Lets them make contracts with hundreds of familiars or whatever. Doesn't look all that impressive, if you ask me. Just some little blue rock."

A thud echoed across the lair, making Lyura wince. Then she blinked: the demon had gotten off the throne.

Standing up, he towered at least twice Lyura's height. Okay, she wouldn't lie – she was definitely intimidated. Before she could stop herself, she took a few steps backwards.

Well, shit. This could mean nothing good.

All thought fled when the demon fixed his stony gaze upon her. Lyura had never felt smaller.

"What happened to the crystal on the ring?"

"Uh...I think they took it?" True, she hadn't seen for herself, but she figured it was the most logical thing to do.

"I see." The demon exhaled, his eyelids sliding shut. For several moments, he just stood there like that. Lyura felt every second slipping past, like the sweat dripping down the back of her neck.

After way too long, the demon looked at her again. This time, Lyura sensed his Levia too. It pressed down on her shoulders, crushed her chest until each breath burned.

"You," he said. "What is your name?"

Lyura's heart tap-danced all the way into her throat. She had to cough a few times before her voice came out. "Lyura Tepi."

"Lyura Tepi." The demon nodded, slow and deliberate. "I am Colonel Lode Greisen. Welcome to the Infernal Legion."

"Say what?" Lyura blurted. No way. Could it really be that easy? Not five minutes ago he'd been threatening to kill her.

He must have really wanted to hear that information, huh. Pride swelled inside Lyura, displacing some of the demon's heavy Levia.

"It is what you wanted, is it not?" Colonel Greisen's voice throbbed in her bones. "At any rate, knowing what you do, we can no longer let you go. Even if you wanted to, we would not allow it."

The swordsmen lifted their weapons. Lyura flashed them winsome grins, but her heart wouldn't stop racing.

Seemed she'd hit the nail on the end. Why Greisen was getting so hot and bothered about that little rock, Lyura hadn't the foggiest. Wasn't like he could use it himself, right? Well, who knew.

Anyway, Lyura knew it'd do her no good to keep wondering about it. Right now, she'd gotten exactly what she had wanted. Membership in the Infernal Legion. A new place to stay.

And hopefully, plenty of nice fights right over the horizon.