The People You Meet

Down below, rolling hills and craggy plateaus. Up above, a pitch-black sky dusted with stars. Cold wind in his face, the thrum of the craft's propellers. And his Levia, welling up inside his chest and filling his body with an indescribable ache.

It almost felt like one of his dreams, Theo thought as he gazed at the medusid's swaying tentacles.

Or it would if it weren't for Fia's chirpy voice right next to him. "When Blue's tentacles wiggle like that it means she's super happy! I bet she loves having all these new friends aboard too!"

Blue was the medusid's name, apparently. Some other things Theo had picked up from Fia's nonstop chatter: they were a sea sprite, while Nevy was a golem and Guntar was indeed a werebird. Everyone else were nephilim. The craft had originally belonged to Amaro, but Darian had joined a few years ago after winning some kind of bet against him. Which Theo didn't have much difficulty imagining.

After the introductions, everyone scattered around the craft; Darian had gone belowdecks with Guntar, Meg, and Lodo. Amaro stayed up top, steering the wheel at the bow, and with nothing else to do Theo decided to hang out here and take in the sights.

"It's awesome Prince Darian met so many great people on Earth!" Fia kept babbling, their translucent, fin-like ears twitching. "I was really worried, you know. I wanted to come with her but she was pretty stubborn about only her and Sir Zenith going. It's going to be so lively now! I don't think Guntar and Cay will be very happy with that, but phooey on them. The more the merrier! I didn't expect all these new friends! But I shouldn't be surprised, because Prince Darian is just that amazing!"

"She sure is," Sam said, grinning. To Theo's relief, hanging around Fia seemed to have restored some of her usual cheer. "Oh, Jin, what's up?"

Jin, who'd been sitting on her shoulders, leaned forward and pointed. His tail wagged so fast it was a blur. "Over there! It's so bright!"

Theo stared the same direction. Sure enough, a strange reddish glow painted the ground at the horizon.

"That'd be the Traps!" Fia clapped their hands. "It's a place where lots of lava comes out of the ground. Kurno – the nearest portal town – is right at the edge."

"I see." Just like that, Sam's voice became quiet again. Theo swallowed, trying to think of something to say.

"Hey." Of course, Ryan just had to demonstrate his moment-killing skills. "That Cay dude. Just what is his problem anyway?"

Fia blinked at him. "I don't think he likes wizards much. Well, he doesn't like anyone, but wizards especially. Maybe 'cause he's a sage?"

"A sage?" Theo blurted. Mom had told him to go find the sages, but if there was one on the craft with him…. Though he had to admit he wasn't all too eager to start a conversation with Cay.

"Yep! Or he used to be? I dunno the details. The sages, they train up in the mountains to use their Levia on their own, so I guess Cay thinks Tielans don't need wizards or something. Well, you guys seem pretty cool in my book. I think it'd be great to have a wizard myself!"

"Heh, you think?" Ryan puffed out his chest. "You'd have to be super strong if you want a wizard like me!"

Fia's eyes got even bigger, if possible. "Wow, really?"

"He's just tooting his own horn." Sam tugged on Ryan's ear.

As their arguing voices drifted over his ears, Theo almost let himself relax. At least it meant they were in good form. He glanced at Zenith beside him, who had yet to take his eyes off the sky.

That ache in Theo's chest didn't just come from his own Levia, did it?


The sound made Theo jump. The next thing he knew, Ryllis was leaning over the railing groaning and coughing like a cat hacking up a hairball.

"Whoa! Ryllis, are you okay?" Sam cried, waving her arms. Jin jumped off her to run to Ryllis' side.

"Yeah...this is too much." Ryllis slumped against the railing. "Don't think I'll ever get used to it."

"Wait wait wait, are you airsick?" Sam squealed.

"Never been on a skycraft before. Can't say I was missing much. Ugh…."

"Eek!" Sam grabbed Ryllis' arm. "Ryllis, don't die!"

"Let's go to the infirmary!" Fia took Ryllis' other arm. "We've got some potions that might help."

As they headed off, Ryan ambled after them with his hands behind his head. "I'm peacing out too. Freezing my ass off here."

Some part of Theo still wanted to stay, but he had to admit Ryan made a good point. As amazing as the sights were, he couldn't ignore how the wind was getting progressively colder. Already, his entire face felt numb. Stay out here any longer, and he was bound to come down with something.

"Zenith?" He turned toward his familiar, who nodded.

"I believe Nevy is expecting me for maintenance. I wouldn't want to keep her waiting for much longer."

"So Nevy fixes you and stuff?" Theo asked as he and Zenith headed toward the hatch.

"Correct. My systems are too advanced for her to fully understand, but she is able to repair basic damage."

"I see. Then yeah, you should let her check up on you," Theo said, patting Zenith's arm. Hopefully she wouldn't get too insistent about seeing Zenith's 'pa-hone,' though. "I'll go with Sam. You can find me when you're done, right?"

"Yes." To Theo's surprise, a smile flitted across Zenith's face. "I have to admit...I did not imagine this would happen so soon. The two of us, together on the Blue Sky. It's a fine craft, with a good crew. I am sure you will like it."

It was silly, but the warmth in Zenith's voice made tears prickle Theo's eyes. Thank everything it was too dark for Zenith to see. Still, he hadn't imagined that this would happen either. Or that Zenith would have a place where he felt so comfortable.

The Levia in his chest swelled. As they passed beneath Eulyn, he thought the Blue Sky's steady power became a little softer and gentler.


"It looks like everything's in order," Nevy said, setting down the Levia welder. She had just finished using the tool to repair the lingering damage to Zenith's arm from when Victor had cut it off. Yes, it had been successfully reattached, but with the repairs from the welder not a trace of stiffness remained.

"You've done a surprisingly decent job taking care of yourself, Sir Zenith," Nevy went on as she packed her tools away. "I thought for sure I'd have to fix up every inch of your body. Have you finally learned to exercise some caution in battle?"

"Perhaps it's because I have a wizard now," Zenith said lightly.

"Oh?" Nevy's mouth rounded in surprise, before spreading into a grin. "He seems like a good boy, this Theo. Is his hair naturally that color? What does the symbol on his shirt mean?"

"His hair is dyed, and I believe it's the logo of a musical group." Quickly, wanting to divert her attention, Zenith pulled out his phone and power bank. "I believe you wished to examine a phone? This is the one I used on Earth."

"Ohhh!" Quick as a striking snake, Nevy snatched them from him. "So this is a pa-hone!"

"It's called a mobile phone," Zenith explained as he followed Nevy to the lab entrance. He had to tread carefully in the cramped space, lest he knock over the various tools and parts scattered across the tables. "That is a power bank used to charge it. I don't know exactly they work and it seems they no longer function, but I hope you'll find them of some use."

"Of course, of course!" Chortling, Nevy tucked the items into one of her coat's many pockets. "You have my thanks, Sir Zenith! Now if you could just keep yourself in as fine condition as you have been, I'd have nothing to worry about."

"I'll do my best," Zenith said solemnly, pushing open the lab door. He made to step out into the corridor, only to realize that Nevy was fixing him with a strange, intent stare.

"Is something the matter?" Zenith asked. She had said all of his systems were clear….

"Nothing, it's just…." Nevy tapped her chin. "You certainly have changed."


"Yes, yes. I mean, here you are actually having a conversation with me! I don't remember you ever saying this much during maintenance before. You'd always sit there silent as a statue. Or a machine, I suppose. But now, hmm." Tilting her head, Nevy tapped her chin some more. "It feels like I'm actually talking to a person."

Something tight clenched in Zenith's chest. He could only stare in silence at Nevy.

"Earth must truly be remarkable, if it's changed you so much in such a short amount of time! Well, good night, Sir." Chortling again, Nevy rubbed at her pockets.

Zenith decided to leave her to examine the phone. Bidding her good night, he headed down the corridor.

A thousand thoughts stormed through his head. 'Like I'm actually talking to a person. It's changed you so much in such a short amount of time.' Had he changed? He'd never even realized….

But it was true. Though he had spent years on the Blue Sky, he couldn't remember ever having anything approximating a casual conversation with the other crew. It was all business, relaying information or orders. Otherwise, the only person he spoke to on a regular basis was his liege.

Now...he hadn't even consciously thought about conversing with Nevy. The words had simply come out.

How could a few months on Earth have changed him more than the past several years? Even as he wondered, Zenith felt that he already knew. It wasn't because of Earth in particular, but...the people he had met there.

Or maybe just one person.

Zenith walked faster, unsure why he felt at once both too hot and too cold.