
As he stared at the galley door, Theo tried to swallow the last of his misgivings.

He knew he was being an idiot. Sam had already said as much, but he just couldn't let it go. Okay, maybe some part of him did want to know the reason behind Cay's damage, but he knew full well he wasn't about to get it. More importantly, he needed to bury the hatchet between them. If they were going to spend all their time on the same craft, they might as well try to get along.

Maybe Theo was hoping for too much. But he'd never know if he didn't try, right?

His mind made up, Theo raised his fist to knock on the door. By now he felt rather glad he'd refused Zenith's offer to come with him. He might appreciate Zenith's support, but the knight's presence would only make things a hundred times more awkward.

One knock, then two. The sound rang through the corridor, but no response came.

Sweat trickled down Theo's neck. Maybe Fia had been wrong and Cay wasn't here.

One more try. As the last echoes of the knock died down, he heard a sharp voice from behind the metal door. "It's not locked."

Before he could stop himself, Theo gulped. A cowardly voice in him insisted it wasn't too late, he could still run away, but he shoved it as far down as it could go. Not after he'd already knocked.

So gathering his courage, Theo gripped the door handle and pushed it open. A burst of hot air blasted his face, making him wince.

Through the steam rising from the pots on the stove, Theo made out a cramped spaced crowded with pots and pans, ceramic jars and other containers, and bundles of dried vegetables. The rich smell of meat and spices filled the air, making his mouth water even though he was still full from breakfast.

Cay stood at the counter with his back to Theo, busy hacking apart what looked like a purple pumpkin with a gigantic cleaver. As Theo entered, he threw a glance over his shoulder.

The instant his eyes locked with Theo's, his face twisted into a scowl. Despite the heat, a chill swept down Theo's spine.

"What are you doing here?" Cay's voice was even colder than his expression.

It took all of Theo's effort not to shiver. " see...if I"

Damn it all, his voice rose to a squeak. Sweating under Cay's disdain, he found himself wishing he'd never come here in the first place.

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't need help." Cay intoned each word slowly and carefully, as if addressing an imbecile.

"Um, w-well, well…." Theo hunched his shoulders, feeling like he'd shrunk to about five inches high. "If...if there's...anything…."

Cay glared down his nose at Theo for what felt like an entire lifetime. Finally he swiveled around, raised his arm, and pointed at the sink full of dirty dishes.

"Huh?" Theo blinked.

"Didn't you say you wanted to help? Then make yourself useful."

"Oh." Theo's heart thudded. "Oh, of course. Th-thank you."

Cay only sniffed in response, then hacked at the pumpkin again. Theo hurried over to the sink. To his relief, it didn't seem all too different from Earth sinks, complete with taps and running water. Some greasy but pleasant-smelling substance in a ceramic jar seemed to work as detergent.

For a while, Theo busied himself with scrubbing the dishes. Yet he couldn't help but sneak the occasional glance at Cay. As well as wearing an apron, Cay had tied back his hair with a headband, revealing a diamond-shaped symbol tattooed on his forehead. Its black lines were crisp and stark against his olive skin.

Theo wondered what the symbol meant. Did it have something to do with him being a sage?

Not that he could ask, of course. Even if he was brimming with a hundred questions about the sages.

For a while they worked in silence, and it was almost pleasant. Theo could almost imagine he was cooking with Zenith back home. It helped that Cay seemed so absorbed in his work he didn't have any interest in antagonizing Theo.

When Theo's Levia prickled, he blinked in alarm. But this wasn't a warning, more like...a reaction.

He turned toward Cay, and his jaw dropped. Because while Cay stirred the pot with a long spoon, silvery light gathered around his hands and trickled down the handle of the spoon before dissipating in ripples through the soup.

He had his eyes closed in serene concentration, looking more peaceful than Theo had ever seen him. So of course, Theo just had to ruin the moment by blabbing, "What are you doing?"

Cay's entire body stiffened, and just like that the light vanished. There was no disguising the loathing in his eyes when he opened them.

"I – I'm sorry." Theo shrank back. "I didn't mean to interrupt, just…."

"Hmph." Cay tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear. "This is my job. I'm infusing my Levia into the food. Fortifying it, one might say. Making it more nutritious and filling, so we needn't consume as much."

"Oh, wow. That's amazing," Theo said. No wonder breakfast had filled him right up, even if it hadn't seemed like a lot. "I didn't know Levia could do that."

Cay snorted softly. "This is the specialty I refined as a sage. I use it to make potions as well. No need to rely on a wizard, now is there?"

Though his voice remained disdainful as always, Theo felt certain he wasn't imagining the tinge of pride to it. For some reason, that lifted his spirits more than anything else today.

"That really is amazing," he said. "Um, thank you so much."

Cay spun toward him, looking alarmed. It was maybe the most unguarded reaction Theo had seen from him.

"For what?"

"Uh…." Theo tried to gather his thoughts. "I mean, for doing that. It must be a lot of work, especially now there's all these new people aboard. But you really do want to help the whole crew, don't you?"

Cay blinked. And blinked. Then, coughing a little, he turned back to the pot. "It's just my job."

"But it's important, isn't it? And, uh...I kinda want to apologize too?"

"Now what are you going on about?"

"Um...I didn't mean to, but...sorry for...for making you upset earlier." Blushing, Theo rubbed the back of his head and stared down at the sudsy dishes. "I know it's hard...digging up things from the past…"

"Quiet already." Cay's harsh voice sliced through Theo's babblings like a sword. When Levia bloomed in the air, Theo realized he'd gone back to his work. "Less moving your mouth, more moving your hands. Those dishes won't wash themselves."

Heart pounding, Theo picked up a dish from the sink. Somehow, he felt that though Cay definitely hadn't accepted him, that hadn't quite been a rejection either.


Later that night, Theo crept through the craft's corridors with a globe-fish bobbing at his shoulder. Despite his best efforts, he hadn't been able to fall asleep. Maybe some fresh air up on the deck would do him some good.

He tiptoed carefully, not wanting to make any sound and wake the others up. At least he wouldn't have to worry about Zenith, since the knight still hadn't returned to their room. Which Theo supposed made sense, what with the whole not needing to sleep deal.

At the base of the hatch, he nodded at the globe-fish. Fluttering its fins, it drifted off. There were always globe-fish up on the deck, so he didn't need this one.

Carefully, he pushed the hatch open. Though he'd thrown on a jacket, the sudden chill still made him shiver. He took a moment to adjust before poking his head out.

But before he could climb onto the deck, he noticed someone sitting on the roof of the cabin. A white-robed figure with slate-gray hair blowing in the wind.

Theo's heart slammed against his ribcage. He hadn't expected Cay to be out here too.

When Cay's voice drifted toward him, he froze. For a second, he almost didn't recognize it. There wasn't a trace of sneering disdain or prickly condescension to be found, only a sadness as soft and quiet as rain.
