Taking Off

After a week, the Blue Sky was finally ready to fly again. Just in time, as their supplies had started running low. Not even Lodo's cooking could save four consecutive meals of dried monster jerky.

Though when Theo saw the extent of the repairs, he couldn't help but think maybe they needed a couple more days. The paste slathered over the damaged parts had dried into a plaster-like white coating, which Theo couldn't imagine lasting very long once they took to the air.

But Kress had deemed them skyworthy, so Theo would have to take her word for it. She'd taken charge these past few days, since Amaro was still recovering. Though from the sound of it, he kept trying to leave the infirmary.

Cay must be winning that particular fight, since Theo had seen very little of either of them this past week. Now as the crew gathered on the deck in preparation for takeoff, Theo figured he could make himself useful checking if everything was okay belowdecks.

He'd just popped in on Nevy in the engine room, and was now on his way to the infirmary. Even before the door came into view, he heard arguing voices drifting down the corridor.

" – seriously fine now, so won't you – "

"You aren't the judge of that, I am. So stay in bed."

"Aw c'mon, haven't I been a good boy?"

As Cay sputtered indignantly, Theo chanced a peek inside. Amaro was sitting upright on the bed, a bandage around his torso but otherwise looking just fine. At least judging by the big grin on his face. Cay faced him with hands on his hips.

"Um, excuse me," Theo piped up, feeling like he'd walked in on the middle of something. "We're going to take off soon, so…."

His voice died when Cay shot him a withering glance. Yep, definitely interrupting. He made to scurry away, but that was when Cay stepped closer to the door.

"Thank you for letting us know. Actually, if you don't mind, could I have a word?"

"Huh? Oh, sure," Theo blurted, trying not to gape. He still couldn't quite wrap his mind around getting actual courtesy from Cay.

"You're leaving me alone?" Amaro pouted.

Cay's entire face turned red. "I won't be long. You rest!" With that, he waved at Theo and stepped out into the corridor. Theo quickly followed him.

"So? What's up?"

"I just…." Cay's eyes darted to the side, before focusing on Theo's face again. "I feel that I have to inform you of something."

The skin prickled on the back of Theo's neck. He didn't like how serious Cay's expression had become. "Something?"

"Yes, it's…." Cay breathed out. "I didn't have an opportunity earlier, and to be honest a part of me still thinks I imagined it, but I still want to let you know. When you were channeling the Star of Miriel's power, even if for just a moment, I'm certain I saw you grow wings."

"What?" A chill stabbed down Theo's spine. His mind tumbled back to that night, but he couldn't seem to grab hold of specific memories. It was all a panicked blur, just like the previous times he'd used the Star.

Yet if he thought hard, some tangible sensations rose from the blur. Muscles straining in his back, powerful wingbeats propelling him forward….

Just like in his dreams. He'd always written it off as a hallucination or vision, part of the way he experienced the Star's Levia. So...what did it mean that Cay had seen the wings too?

"That's not all," Cay said, shifting from foot to foot. "Your eyes, as well. Right before you fell unconscious, it seemed that...they changed. They became like a cosmos full of stars."

"My eyes?" Theo's hand flew to his face, though he'd already gotten a good look in the bathroom mirror this morning. And his eyes had definitely been brown.

"It was only for a moment," Cay said. "Like I said, I wasn't sure if I had imagined it or not. Regardless, all the old texts are clear. Only seraphim possess such eyes."

Only seraphim. All Theo could do was stare at Cay, feeling like he'd been punched in the stomach.

"So what does that mean?" he found himself babbling. "Am I, what, gonna come into my power soon or something?"

Could it happen so easily? From what the others had told him, he'd thought wizards needed to spend years, if not decades, training their power before they could even hope to grow wings.

Unbidden, an image rose from the depths of Theo's mind. A woman shrouded in dawn light, six wings spreading behind her….

"I don't know." Cay's voice cut through his thoughts. "I just wanted to tell you, that's all. Now I've got a patient to attend, so get going."

With that, he strode back into the infirmary. For a moment Theo stared down the empty corridor, unsure what to feel or think. Then a low rumble built beneath his feet, thrumming through the metal floor and walls.

The propellers. Which meant they were taking off.

'I'll figure this out later,' Theo told himself. For now, he ought to join the others on the deck.


Up on the deck, the cool air helped clear Theo's head. He leaned over the railing, watching as the plateau steadily shrank below. Above him, Blue's taut tentacles creaked in the wind and her bell shed a soft glow across the deck.

Which made Theo smile a little. Good to see her and Eulyn back in full health.

Not just them. He turned toward Zenith, who stood to his right. Seeing him like this, clad in full armor with his hair and cape streaming behind him, filled Theo's heart with a warm mix of pride and relief.

Maybe he could ask Zenith about what Cay had told him. They were wizard and familiar, after all. If Theo was ready to come into his power, surely Zenith must be too.

"Zenith." Theo reached out, touching the knight's arm. "Hey, Zenith."

To his surprise, Zenith didn't reply. He continued gazing at the sky, his eyes strangely distant. As if he couldn't be further away from the Blue Sky, let alone Theo.

Frowning, Theo said Zenith's name again. Still no reaction.

By now Theo's heart was racing. He reached across the contract, feeling his way toward Zenith's core. To his relief, he found it easily, but something felt...off. The light shone as bright as ever, but it felt oddly clouded, as if Theo was viewing it through a filter.

"Zenith!" Theo yelled, his panic breaking over. He grabbed Zenith's arm and shook as hard as he could.

Which barely moved Zenith an inch – but he didn't need to. Because Zenith turned toward him right then, blinking in innocent confusion. "Yes, Theo?"

"Ah, um." Theo coughed, fighting down his rising embarrassment. "Are...are you okay? You seem kinda out of it."

Zenith blinked some more. "My apologies. I didn't mean to make you worry."

"No, I – just wanted to make sure you're okay," Theo said, waving his hands.

"I'm fine," Zenith said. "Forgive me, I was a little distracted."

A faint smile lifted his lips, yet it didn't seem to reach his eyes. And Theo couldn't help but feel those eyes still weren't really looking at him.

But before he could say anything, he heard footsteps heading his way. Zenith shot to swift attention, hand at his chest. "My liege."

Sure enough, Darian came striding toward them. She nodded at Zenith, who relaxed, then at Theo. "Glad to see you're both doing well. So, ready for what's up ahead?"

Theo did his best to suppress an immature spurt of resentment. Not like she'd intended to interrupt, and her question did make him curious.

"What do you mean? You've already got it planned?" he asked.

Darian shrugged. "Not quite, but I have some idea. Obviously, first we'll need to get the Blue Sky repaired. Let's hope it doesn't take more than a month."

A month spent on the ground. Theo had to admit he wasn't looking forward to the prospect. But maybe he could use that time to ask the others for more information about coming into his power.

"After that, we should seek more pieces of the Star of Miriel," Darian continued. "And of course, we ought to stay vigilant for the Infernal Legion – especially now that we know Victor Hua is in Tielos."

Victor. That was right, Ulrich had attacked them in the first place because he'd been chasing down Victor. Whatever Victor had done to cross Ulrich, Theo still had no idea, but that no longer mattered.

"We should assume Captain Mirage is with him as well," Darian said, setting her jaw. "They most likely will have joined the rest of the Legion, and I'm certain they'll come back for the Star."

Theo curled his hand around the pouch under his robes, feeling the contours of the Star of Miriel – now with an additional point. Its Levia pulsed soft and steady, yet his heart wouldn't stop pounding.

He might not understand everything – his own power, whatever was bothering Zenith – but one truth burned bright and clear. Sooner or later, he would have to face his brother again.