A Real Fight

Theo cast a basic strengthening spell. As the diagram surrounded Zenith, Zenith shoved his shield against the vine and sent it whipping to the side. Then he leaped into the air, swinging his sword at Hellebore's head.

This time, Theo cast a blade-sharpening spell. But before Zenith's sword could strike, Hellebore lifted his arm and blocked with a vine wrapped around his forearm. The enhanced sword bit into the vine, but couldn't sever it.

Zenith yanked his sword free and jumped back, landing on the rock in front of the machine. Hellebore gazed down at him, sharp teeth bared in a feral grin.

In a flash, he landed too. With a mighty roar, he swung his fists at Zenith. The vines had wrapped around them, their thorns now acting like spiked knuckles.

Zenith ducked and weaved, avoiding Hellebore's blows and fending off the ones he couldn't dodge with his shield. Each time the thorns struck the shield, bits of crystal scattered into the air.

Zenith couldn't stay stuck on the defense. Theo clenched his teeth, trying to dredge up as much Levia as he could. Ignore the throbbing in his head, the ache stabbing his muscles. Right here, right now, he needed to help Zenith with everything he had.

A flash of green light made him lurch. Avia's arrow struck the ground a few feet behind Hellebore, sending him stumbling forward. But he was so busy fighting Zenith he barely seemed to register it.

Theo whipped his head around, searching for Ryan. Somehow, the other wizard had ended up on the other side of the machine, clinging to a boulder at the edge of the cliff. Too far away to hear Theo's voice. They couldn't coordinate like this.

No time. As Hellebore raised both of his fists, Theo clenched his teeth and cast an elemental spell. Zenith started when his sword glowed with white light, but quickly took it in stride and met Hellebore's blow with the edge of his blade. The ensuing thud echoed through the night.

Lightning flashed, illuminating Hellebore's savage smirk. Even as he strained against Zenith, the smirk only grew wider.

"Yes, that's it. This is a real fight!"

Thunder roared, but it couldn't drown out Theo's violent heartbeat. As he flowed his Levia toward Zenith, Zenith shoved against Hellebore with all his strength.

Hellebore lurched back. Several thorns broke off his vine-gloves, tumbling to the rocks below him. Theo's heart leaped.

The elemental spell was still active, blazing bright beneath Zenith. Pointing his glowing sword, Zenith charged.

A length of vine unwrapped from around Hellebore's hand and lashed toward Zenith. Screaming wordlessly, Theo pumped even more Levia into the spell. For a heartstopping moment, he felt himself swooping through the Star of Miriel's vast Levia, now overflowing with waves of dawn light.

But the real world quickly slammed back into focus – the driving rain, the surging winds. The weak glow from the machine cast sickly highlights around the scene, but it faded to almost nothing beneath Zenith's radiant sword.

Light streaked in its wake, slicing the vine in half. The severed half landed on the ground, squirming like a snake.

Yes! Before, they hadn't even managed to cut the vines. Maybe, just maybe, they could do this.

Hellebore's delirious laugh rang through the air. "Well done! Well done indeed!"

Still laughing, he charged Zenith again. They exchanged more blows, blade and shield meeting vine. More thorns clattered to the ground, but even with the elemental spell Zenith didn't seem able to pierce the reinforced vines around Hellebore's hands.

Then Theo would have to help. A deep ache throbbed in his skull, but he forced himself to ignore it. Ignore everything except for his own Levia....

Easier said than done when Hellebore kept laughing like he was having the time of his life. "Yes! Keep it up! How long has it been since I've fought a worthy opponent? Congratulations, homunculus knight. General Hellebore himself acknowledges your strength!"

"Silence, demon!" Zenith yelled back, blocking Hellebore's latest blow with his shield. The two briefly strained against each other before Zenith swung his sword at Hellebore's side.

But before it could strike, Hellebore caught it with his other arm. The sword dug into the vines, making them creak and groan.

The two were locked in a stalemate, both arms occupied. Whoever broke free first would have the advantage. Theo clenched his teeth. If he cast a speed spell – but that'd require dropping the elemental spell –

A surge of Levia to his left caught his attention. Not his own or Hellebore's – it was harsh green. Whirling around, he saw Ryan crouched behind the boulder, eyes squeezed shut and brow furrowed in concentration.

What was he doing? Theo squinted, but he couldn't make out the details of the diagram beneath Ryan.

He got his answer when an answering green light flared from above. Avia had her bow trained directly on Hellebore, a massive arrow glowing within its curve. With every second, it swelled huger.

"Zenith!" Theo yelled, hoping the wind carried his voice to his knight. "Pin him down!"

Zenith's resolve sparked across their contract, a silent 'By your will.' He yanked his sword away from Hellebore's hand, briefly catching the demon off balance. This done, he gave a mighty shove of his shield that sent Hellebore stumbling back.

Straight into Avia's path.

The arrow streaked through the night, cutting a brilliant green trail. Theo lurched, blinded, and the elemental spell went up in sparks around him.

But it didn't matter, because Avia's arrow had found its target. With a deafening boom, it slammed into the ground in front of Hellebore.

The force of the impact sent Hellebore flying. Roaring like an enraged beast, he landed on his hands and knees. Just a few feet away, a massive shard broke off the cliff face and tumbled into the ocean below, leaving behind a gaping hole whose edges were melted as if struck by lightning.

"Oh no." Fia's tiny voice came from beside Theo. "It missed."

So it had, but the attack had successfully caught Hellebore off guard. Giving Zenith enough time to strike.

Though Theo's head whirled, he held up the staff and cast yet another elemental spell. This time it almost hurt to tear the Levia from his veins, but he set his jaw and forced himself to endure it. Anything, anything for Zenith's sake.

As his sword glowed, Zenith's resolve thrummed through Theo's chest. He lunged at the prone demon –

Hellebore clenched his hand into a tight fist. A spiked vine erupted from the ground beneath him, hurtling toward Avia.

She couldn't dodge in time. The vine struck her wing with a sickening crunch of metal. She flapped the other one furiously, but it was too late. Unable to stay aloft, she plummeted to the island like a stone.

Meanwhile, Hellebore reached out and caught Zenith's sword with his hand. Theo's heart twisted into knots as he saw the blade digging into the vines around his palm. As Hellebore pushed, the entire sword began to tremble.

No way. Just how strong could he be?

With a tremendous shove and bestial roar, Hellebore pushed Zenith away. Zenith stumbled, sword swinging uselessly through the air.

Hellebore took the chance to rise to his feet. He threw a glare behind him at the fallen Avia, hate blazing in his black eyes. "Don't fucking interrupt."

With that, he charged at Zenith again. This time when Zenith's sword struck his fist, the light wreathing the blade flickered.

Sweat rolled rivers down Theo's temples. No. Harder, stronger – or maybe this spell was starting to run its course. Then, then cast it again –

Or cast an even stronger spell. One of his dream-spells, maybe. The one that had defeated Victor and awoken Eulyn.

Did he have enough Levia to cast it? How many elemental spells had he already used? No choice, Theo told himself. He'd have to trust the Star of Miriel would augment his Levia.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he reached in his mind for the diagram. Its lines rose from his memory with unconscious ease. Now to infuse them with his Levia....

But before he could, green light flashed behind his lids again. Involuntarily, Theo's eyes flew open. Just in time to see a diagram blazing beneath Avia, who had lifted herself to her knees.

As she drew back her bowstring, three – six – a dozen arrows appeared in its arc. When she fired them, each arrow split into dozens, descending upon Hellebore like a rain of light.

Hellebore whirled around, but couldn't dodge all the arrows in time. One after another they struck, throwing him off his feet. Even when he landed, more arrows continued to fall, making him twitch and writhe with every one that found its target.

On its own, each arrow didn't have much strength. But together, they formed an onslaught Hellebore couldn't escape.

When the arrows finally stopped, silence filled the air for a heartbeat. Until an all-too-familiar smug voice blared across the cliff.

"Serves you right! That's what you get for ignoring us!"