The Point of No Return

Even without looking at him, Mirage sensed the discontentment in Victor's Levia. It made the icy purple flames flicker, losing every trace of their usual calm reserve.

Which was distracting to say the least, but what could Mirage do about it?

He straightened his back, trying to project the picture of stern attention. Trying to ignore not only Victor's Levia, but the rapidly fading thud of boots marching down the corridor.

Trying to forget what he'd seen moments before.

Though the battle had begun, Mirage and Victor had been forbidden from participating. Instead, they'd been assigned to guard a corridor in the Wildheart. A completely pointless post, but it wasn't like Mirage had expected any better.

What he certainly hadn't expected to see was Major Veratrum marching on past, along with a soldier carrying an unconscious boy in his arms. A boy who, if Mirage wasn't mistaken, possessed a shocking pink streak in his hair.

Despite himself, Mirage darted a sidelong glance at Victor. Not that he could see much – just Victor's stark profile, the patch hiding his eye. But he couldn't miss the tight set of his mouth, let alone the tormented state of his Levia.

By now, Mirage's pounding heart almost drowned out the footsteps. He took a deep breath, warring with himself, before nudging Victor with his elbow.

Victor stiffened as if he'd snapped out of a trance. "Lieutenant?" he murmured.

Some part of Mirage still bristled upon being addressed by that rank, but it was easy to ignore. Right now, he had far more pressing concerns.

"You're curious what they're doing, aren't you?" he murmured back, striving to keep his tone casual.

Victor throat convulsed. "No, Lieutenant. It's none of my concern."

So he said, yet his voice came out thin and wavering. Smirking to himself, Mirage spun on his heel and started down the corridor.

"Lieutenant!" The shock in Victor's voice made Mirage's smirk widen. Always a bonus if he wrung a genuine emotion out of the stoic lunk. "What are you – "

"Come, now." Mirage threw Victor a glance over his shoulder. "Let's find out what Major Veratrum is up to, shall we?"

"Ah, that – " Victor turned sharply away. "That isn't our business."

"Don't be such a bore. Hurry, or we'll lose track of them."

With that, Mirage went merrily on his way. Hands behind his back, a spring in his step like he was having himself some idle fun. Of course, that couldn't be further from the truth.

It took all his willpower not to look back. And he didn't need to – before long, he heard Victor draw in a shuddering breath, followed by the soft thud of a footstep. And another....

Soon Victor caught up, his familiar presence looming behind Mirage's shoulder. Mirage's smirk widened. As much as he told himself it was out of smug satisfaction, he knew the real reason.

It was silly of him, and pointless – oh, how he knew – but just once, if he could do something for Victor's sake....

He shoved these thoughts aside, hoping Victor hadn't caught wind of them through the contract. Somehow, he doubted it. Not when those purple flames were storming so violently.


As he peered around the corner of the wall, Mirage's heartbeat slammed in his ears. The corridor beyond was narrow and dimly lit, terminating in an unmarked door guarded by a lone soldier. But its unassuming appearance couldn't hide the Levia gathering behind the door, heavy as the pressure before a storm.

The Levia grew stronger with every frantic pulse of Mirage's heart, until he could barely breathe through it. It took all his effort to fight the primal instinct to run away, his body still remembering the suffering it had endured the last time he had come so close to this power.

But he kept his feet planted in place. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't move an inch. Not with Victor looming behind him, every muscle taut as a bowstring.

Not five minutes earlier, they'd witnessed Veratrum enter the room – and emerge without the unconscious boy.

Mirage had spared himself and Victor from detection by casting an invisibility illusion, but it couldn't hold forever. Especially not beneath the Infernal Lord's crushing power. Even if it wasn't aimed at him, he could barely dredge up his own Levia beneath its sheer weight.

All right, they'd found out what Veratrum was up to. For whatever reason, he'd brought Theo Hua directly before the Infernal Lord. Perhaps it had something to do with Theo's connection to the Star of Miriel, hell if Mirage knew. And it didn't have anything to do with him.

So he had to get out of here before the invisibility faded. Yet at the same time, he couldn't ignore Victor behind him. His rasping breaths, the increasingly tormented state of his Levia. Somehow Mirage sensed it even beneath the Infernal Lord's power.

Though it wasn't easy. The pressure deepened, shoving down on Mirage's shoulders as if trying to force him to kneel. Only by clinging to the wall did he manage to stay upright.

What must it be doing to its intended recipient?

Well, he didn't care. The Infernal Lord had gotten what he wanted; good for him. If only Mirage had been the one to bring the boy to him instead of that sycophant Veratrum, but he couldn't change what had already happened.

His mind made up, he turned toward Victor. Even that simple movement made his neck ache. "Victor," he whispered. "Let's get out of here."

Victor didn't respond. He had his eye fixed on the door as if nothing else existed. His skin was slick with sweat, and the tendons bulged in his throat.

Yes, it was for the best if they left as quickly as possible. Mirage nudged Victor's side, but Victor didn't budge. "Come on," Mirage hissed, more urgent.

Victor took a deep breath. Then at long last, he moved. But rather than retreat, he took a step forward.

"Where are you going?" Mirage demanded, though some terrible part of him already knew.

"I...." Victor's voice came out thin and hoarse, but his hands curled into determined fists. "I can't let this continue."

"What are you talking about?" Aghast, Mirage grabbed Victor's arm. But it seemed Victor's strength had returned, for he easily wrenched free of Mirage's grip and continued down the corridor.

At least the invisibility must still be holding, for the guard at the door didn't so much as glance their direction. Small comforts, since Victor refused to stop. Frozen in shock, Mirage could only stare at his firmly set shoulders.

"Come back!" he cried, hating how it came out more a plea than an order. "Think, you fool. If you interfere, it will amount to betraying the Infernal Lord himself. Surely you can't be – "

"I don't care." Now Victor sounded steadier, but it only made Mirage's heart sink further. "I've made my choice. I won't sit by any longer."

Even as he prattled nonsense, his Levia didn't waver an inch. Mirage's legs trembled, but Victor pushed on ahead.

"Come back, damn it!" Mirage yelled. "You fucking idiot! Do you have any sense of self-preservation at all? Oh, but I suppose nothing else matters when it comes to your precious little brother, hm?"

He couldn't keep the bitterness out of his voice. Why had he suggested they follow Veratrum in the first place? For Victor's sake? He should have known it would end up like this.

In spite of everything, all his grand promises, Victor would always choose his brother above everything else. Even the Infernal Legion to which he had sworn his loyalty. Even his own commander.

Then again, Mirage was no longer his commander. Hadn't he told Victor as much himself? With nothing tying him to Mirage anymore, of course Victor had no reason to listen to him.

A sharp click startled Mirage out of his thoughts. He looked up, and his heart lurched when he saw Victor had fallen still.

No way. Was the fool going to obey him after all? Despite himself, the pale ghost of hope fluttered in Mirage's chest.

Victor didn't look back. His Levia was taut with purpose.

When he spoke, his voice was low, but it sliced through Mirage's very soul.

"You're wrong. This is for your sake too."

"What?" Mirage felt like he'd been punched in the gut. "What the hell are you – "


Victor's voice cut through his ramblings like a knife. Everything else fell aside in its wake – his fury, despair, even the Infernal Lord's Levia. All that remained was the shock reverberating in his head.

His name. In Victor's voice.

"Mirage," Victor said again, firmer. "Just think about it. What has the Infernal Legion ever done for you besides cause you pain and suffering?"

If his name had been like a knife, these words were bullets to his heart. Mirage couldn't speak, couldn't even begin to answer. All he could do was watch as Victor marched onward.

By now, he had almost reached the guard. One hand crept into his jacket pocket, ready to retrieve the armor crystal.

He truly was serious. If Mirage didn't stop him now, both of them would tumble past the point of no return.

Mirage couldn't let that happen. Victor was wrong about the Infernal Legion. There was still a chance to regain his rank, to earn glory – but these half-hearted thoughts sputtered to nothing beneath Victor's pure resolve.

At last, he found the strength to move. He lurched forward, stumbling into the corridor. "Wait!" burst out of his mouth.

Shoulders stiffening, Victor took another step forward. So he was going to play the ignoring game, was he?

Mirage wouldn't let him. Gathering all his courage, he forced himself to speak.

"Wait, I said. What can you accomplish on your own, anyway? I'm coming with you."