Something Only I Can Do

The shriek of shattering metal and terrified screams pierced the air. Ryan could only watch, sick with horror, as the vines flung Zenith away. He sailed through the air, limp as a rag doll and shedding scraps of armor the entire way.

"NO!" The scream tore from Ryan's throat. He leaped forward, arm extended, but of course he'd never reach Zenith in time.

Sure enough, Zenith had already disappeared from view. A distant crash suggested he might've landed somewhere on the island, but there was no time to check.

Chaos erupted around the deck. Darian whirled toward Meg, who had fallen to her knees, the diagram no longer glowing beneath her. "Meg! Hurry, augment me!"

"Darian, wait – "

"I can't wait! Sir Zenith is – "

Down below Victor swooped around on his dragon wings, slashing at Hellebore's vines. They easily avoided his wild swipes, but some dim part of Ryan couldn't help noticing how oddly withered they appeared beneath their shroud of corrupted Levia.

Most of him didn't give a shit. In his mind, he kept seeing Zenith soaring through the air. Battered. Helpless. A hole torn through his chest, just like – like –

A violent shiver wracked Ryan's body. He fell to his knees, stomach heaving, but nothing came out of his throat except bitter spit.

A knot twisted in his chest, choking off his breath. It took a moment to realize this feeling didn't just belong to him. No, it also came from a Levia storming even more violently than the ocean below.

Sick with dread, Ryan turned toward Fia.

Their eyes were wide open. The tears glistening in them reflected Ryan's ashen face like a mirror.

But not for long. With a gut-wrenching sob, Fia curled into a ball on the deck. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Fia." Ryan's voice came out a broken whisper. To his shame, it was all he could manage.

Fia shivered harder, crying for real now. "I can't – I can't do it. I can't reach Samakah. I can't find my way to her, it's just, it's like there's a giant wall. It – I never should have tried. And now – now – "

Their voice broke off in a muffled wail. Ryan tried to shuffle toward them, but his muscles just wouldn't move.

"I'm so stupid." The anger shuddering in Fia's voice hit him like an icy wind, even if none of it was directed at him. But maybe that just made it worse. "Why did I even think I could? I – you know, I've never actually channeled Samakah before. I never have! But I still said I'd do it. Something only I can do...but I can't! Everyone put their faith in me, and it's all for nothing."

"Fia, you can't give up," Ryan said weakly. Even as he said it, he hated himself. Fia would have every right to punch him in the face.

But they didn't. Instead, they slumped lower and buried their face in their hands. "I'm so sorry. Mare deserves a better medium. Ryan, you deserve a better familiar."

The words stabbed at Ryan's heart, sharp as a knife. He remembered how he'd accidentally called out for Avia not long ago, and the knife twisted harder. Maybe some part of him really did think he'd do better if he was still fighting with her.

That's not true, Ryan told himself furiously, curling his hands into trembling fists. It wasn't Fia's fault he couldn't do anything. It was his own fault for being a useless wizard.

Just like he'd been with Avia. And he might have kept on being useless long after her death if it weren't for Fia. Fia had saved him, and Ryan couldn't even begin to return the favor. None of the Crowley spells he was so proud of would help them channel Samakah. Not when it was something only they could do.

Something only they can do. Hold on a minute. Didn't that was like their elemental powers?

No way. Ryan was thinking crazy. Besides, he already knew Fia's powers involved water control.

But was that really the case? All sea sprites knew how to control water; some were just better or worse at it than others. On the other hand, Fia's abilities as a medium belonged only to them, the same way as Zenith's light powers and Lodo's metal claws.

Ryan's heart beat faster. He was going insane, he had to be. Any minute now, he'd come to his senses and realize just how stupid this whole idea was. But while the excitement still blazed fresh, he had to get it all out. Before it was too late for good.

"Fia." He reached out, grabbing his familiar's shoulders. When they convulsed, he almost let go, but then they lifted their head and looked at him.

The tears staining their face made Ryan feel like complete garbage. He didn't want to see Fia like this. Not when they were the most upbeat person he knew, brightening any place just by being there.

Ryan gripped tighter, pulling Fia closer. Their lips trembled. "Ryan? What's wrong?"

"I – I – " Ryan breathed in, then out. He wouldn't get another chance to explain. "Listen, Fia. What if I cast an elemental spell while you channel Samakah? That could amplify your powers, let you reach her easier."

There. He'd said it. The blood pounded in his head, but he forced himself to ignore it, not wanting to miss Fia's reply.

They stared at him with huge eyes, looking exactly like he'd told them to grow a second head. "Wh...what are you saying?"

Just like that, Ryan's doubts came roaring back with a vengeance. Dammit, he should've kept his big mouth shut –

But he hadn't finished explaining yet. So he swallowed hard and made himself say, "This whole channeling thing, it's like your unique powers, right? That's what elemental spells are designed to enhance."

"I...." Fia hesitated. "Is that even possible?"

"We'll figure it out together," Ryan said, trying to keep his voice steady. Right now, he had to be strong for Fia just like they'd been strong for him. "Please, just give me a chance. I'm your wizard. This is something only I can do."

Fia's eyes grew even wider. He could feel their astonishment trembling across the contract, pale and delicate yet filled with a hope that made him feel light enough to fly.

"Come on." He smiled more for Fia's sake than anything, but it was easier than he expected. "What we can't do alone, we'll do together. 'Cause we're wizard and familiar."

He'd learned this lesson much too late with Avia. No way was he going to make the same mistake with Fia.

"Ryan," Fia whispered. Then an answering smile tugged at their lips, making Ryan's heart flip somersaults, and they lowered their head in a nod.

"Yeah. Let's try it."

Their eyes sparkled so bright their entre face seemed to glow. For a moment, Ryan forgot how to breathe. Suddenly he wanted nothing more than to grab Fia by the shoulders, pull them close, and – and –

His gaze landed on their full lips, still curved in a smile and glistening from the rain.

Just when his heart skipped a beat, the Blue Sky jolted beneath him. Water splashed over the railing, knocking Ryan flat and drenching him to the skin.

Sputtering, Ryan hauled himself upright. He felt like he'd been knocked out of a dream – and maybe all for the better.

Looking up, he saw Hellebore back on top of Samakah, both of them glowing so bright it almost blinded him. As Hellebore roared like a wounded beast, Samakah summoned jet after jet from the ocean. Each one came a little closer to striking the Blue Sky, despite Amaro's increasingly wild flying.

Right. No time to get distracted. Ryan met Fia's gaze, and they reached out for him. He didn't hesitate to take their hand and rise to his feet.

Time to do their job.