An Offer

As the sun rose over Mare, bathing sky and sea in soft pink, Theo almost felt like he was waking up from a nightmare. Or maybe he was slipping into a sweet dream?

He shook his head, trying to shoo away these random thoughts. Lack of sleep must be getting to him, but he didn't have time to take a rest. Not when there was still so much left to do.

The battle might be over, the Infernal Legion troops routed and their ruined skycraft sent limping off across the ocean, but the town was still devastated. After hours of nonstop work, Mare's strongest sprites finally managed to drain the flooded streets, after which rescue crews went to search for survivors – and casualties.

Though Theo stayed on the Blue Sky, that didn't mean he was sitting idle. Perched where the extraction machine had once stood, the craft acted as a base of operations. There Cay kept him busy stirring pots in the galley, passing out mugs of hot soup to the townspeople, even bandaging minor injuries in the infirmary.

By the time dawn arrived, Theo couldn't believe he was still standing. Then again, he'd managed to get some sleep during the battle. So he worked without complaint, ignoring the ache pounding in his skull and his increasingly numb legs. At least this way he could help – not to mention it kept him from thinking too hard.

From remembering the things he'd seen, the secret Darian had revealed.

And he wasn't alone. Townspeople and crew alike toiled alongside him – including Victor.

While Zenith had gone to help with the search and recovery efforts, Victor stuck close to Theo's side. A silent yet strangely reassuring presence, handing out blankets, carrying heavy pots, even guiding lost children back to their parents. His help was so welcome Theo didn't bother questioning it.

Theo was heading back to grab some more blankets when he stumbled on the uneven ground. He lurched, but a strong hand grabbed his arm before he could fall.

Heart hammering, Theo turned to see Victor's face. His hair was a wild mess, dark shadows beneath his eye, but his voice sounded steady when he said, "Watch your step."

"Th-thanks." Theo nodded, fighting the overpowering urge to yawn. If Victor was handling himself fine, he wouldn't give in either.

Just as Victor let go of him, a small commotion caught his attention. When he turned around, his breath caught: Darian was striding toward them, followed closely by Zenith and a few other crew members.

Darian looked more haggard than Theo had ever seen her, her face almost gray. After not only fighting in the battle but casting that spell on Zenith, she must be running on fumes. But she'd joined the search party anyway, and even now she remained stubbornly upright with her head held high.

Zenith looked much better, which made sense since he didn't need to sleep. Even so, Theo's heart skipped when Zenith looked straight at him, eyes narrowed with suspicion. No – he was looking at Victor.

Theo suddenly realized how close he was still standing to his brother. Should he step aside? But Victor hadn't done anything to harm him yet; in fact, he'd been nothing short of helpful.

"My liege!" Guntar squawked, pushing through the crowd to reach Darian. "Please, I urge you to rest!"

Darian sighed heavily, pushing back the hair from her brow. "I'm fine, Guntar. Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Her voice rose to a bark, directed not at Guntar but behind him. Following her gaze, Theo saw a rosy-haired demon crouched in front of a sprite child.

Zenith instantly stepped forward, hand on his sword. Victor stiffened in turn, making the hairs rise on Theo's arms.

Should he do something? But Mirage had already risen to his feet, hands held up and expression clearly annoyed. "Cool your jets, Prince. The brat wouldn't stop crying, so I showed her an illusion of some pretty flowers. See, she's happy now."

He gestured at the girl, who was giggling at the empty air cupped in her palms. Neither Zenith nor Darian relaxed an inch.

"You're certainly being helpful," Darian drawled, idly tapping the hilt of her rapier.

"Hmph, I can't stand crying children. That's all," Mirage declared with a dramatic flip of his hair.

Darian took a careful step forward. "What are you two still doing here, anyway?"

"What, did you expect us to leave with the rest of the Legion?" Mirage sneered. "That'd be a little awkward, wouldn't it?"

"So what do you intend to do?"

"What indeed?" Mirage glanced at Victor, who nodded solemnly in return. Then he turned back to Darian. "Well, if you wouldn't mind, I was actually thinking of joining your crew."

Gasps rippled across the crowd, echoing Theo's feelings perfectly. He'd already picked up that Mirage and Victor had betrayed the Infernal Legion in order to save him – something he still didn't know what to feel about – but that didn't necessarily mean they wanted to change sides for real.

"So you can undermine us from within?" Trembling all over, Zenith unsheathed his sword a fraction. "Absolutely not."

Mirage rolled his eyes. "Must we go through this again?"

"You know we can't accept it this easily," Darian snapped.

"Why not? Or did you forget what we've done for you?" Mirage waved his hand at Theo, making him start. "If it weren't for us, your emo friend here would still be the Infernal Lord's honored guest."

Zenith breathed in sharply, drawing his sword further. And Theo couldn't miss the way his Levia churned.

"Accepting a temporary alliance in the middle of battle is one thing." Darian fixed Mirage with a steely glare. "It's quite another allowing you into our crew."

"What do you think I'd do anyway? Telepathically transmit your secrets to headquarters?" Mirage said bitingly. "I'm asking in good faith. We already have nowhere else to go. The Legion will hunt us down as traitors."

"Ah, so that's what this is about. You're hoping we'll offer you protection."

"I won't deny that's my main motivation." Mirage smirked, though there was something taut and brittle to it. "But I can also give you something valuable in exchange: information. While I can't say I was privy to the Legion's highest secrets, there's still quite a few things I happen to know. Such as, say, the exact size and location of each remaining Grand General's command…."

Darian stiffened like a wire had been run down her spine. Even without sensing her Levia, Theo knew exactly what she must be thinking.

Zenith did too. He whirled upon her, wide-eyed and indignant. "My liege, you can't be considering it! He's obviously lying!"

"That's indeed a possibility," Darian said, "but on the chance he isn't…"

"There is no chance of that, my liege!"

"You can't say for certain." Darian raised her voice. "After all, I can't deny that they have already helped us."

Just like Mirage earlier, she glanced over at Theo. He swallowed hard, wondering if he should say something. While he understood Zenith's suspicion, he had to admit...he agreed more with Darian right now.

Before he could speak, Darian turned back to Mirage. "I'll consider your offer, but first I have to discuss it with the rest of my crew. Guntar, Meg – "

"Wait a minute, my liege." Clucking indignantly, Guntar trotted up to her. "Before you consider any offers, consider your own condition. You're practically dead on your feet. Get some rest first!"

"All right, all right," Darian said with a weary smile. "Still, Magistrate, I'm curious about your opinion on the matter."

"Well." Guntar looked taken aback. "I'd say it can't hurt to discuss, at least. But after you rest!"

"My liege!" Zenith cried, aghast. "Have you forgotten everything they've done? All the times they tried to capture you? Let alone that they have already betrayed us once! How can you possibly take them at their word now?"

"Sir Zenith, that's enough!" Darian snapped, sharper than Theo had ever heard her. "You know I value your opinion, but I will not accept you patronizing me."

Zenith flinched like he'd been slapped. Theo could feel his Levia sparking like a live wire, and it made him sick with concern. Before he could do anything, though, Zenith pressed his lips together and bowed stiffly with his fist to his chest.

"Apologies, my liege."

His voice came out so strained he barely sounded like himself. Theo's concern spiked, but this seemed to do it for Darian because she started heading to the Blue Sky again. "All right, let's confer – "

"No, rest!" Guntar hopped up and down in front of her face, flapping his wings like he was futilely trying to fly. "Magistrate's orders!"

"Fine." Heaving a sigh, Darian followed Guntar, and Theo was treated to the bizarre sight of the prince trotting after the werebird like a chick behind its parent.

Not that he could enjoy it for long, what with Zenith's fury still sizzling through the contract. Theo stepped toward him, only for Zenith to whirl around and march back toward the town.

"Zenith, wait!" Theo called.

"I shall continue to aid the rescue efforts. Theo, you get some rest too," Zenith said without looking back, every word stiff and carefully enunciated.

"Wait," Theo said again, but Zenith was walking so fast he had already almost vanished from sight. All Theo could make out of him was his cape swishing back and forth. Staring after him, Theo felt more helpless than ever.

Later, he told himself. Maybe after everyone got some sleep, they'd be calm enough to discuss things properly.