Chapter 6

He sat next to my grave stone, running his hand through his hair. His leg played in front of him as the other was bent into his chest. His rested his arm on his bent leg and used the other to run through his hair. He rereading the words carved into the stone that made his fury relentlessly grow.

Beloved girlfriend and soon-to-be mother

He was silent but his face showed the fury he had from those false words beloved almost like he referred his damn choices but distracted by soon-to-be mother.

I wasn't beloved. I loved him. Or atleast I thought I did. But he never loved me. He was just a cheating bastard. She was a fucking slut. Never fit for me or my baby.

Something once again caught his eye. He looked up from his spot to the thing in my direction. If I was alive, then he'd be looking into my eyes.

"Who the hell are you? And why have you been following me?" He demanded.

"Not gonna answer? I know your here! I seen that fucking light you flash!"

He stands up. He looks around but doesn't see anybody so he put his hand to head and looked down.

"I'm going fucking insane..." He muttered.

He sighs deeply before walking over to his car. Opens the door and gets into the driver's seat. He quickly drove off down the room.

I slowly walked out of the cemetery and walked down the sidewalk.

*****Some time later*****

My mom was im the kitchen making dinner. My brothers had locked themselves in their rooms. My dad had been in his office since he came home from the funeral. My mother dropped a spoon on the white tile floor which was now red with sauce from the pan. Right on front on my foot.

She bent down to pick up the spoon but once her hand touched my leg, she immediately pulled back.

She stared up at me, almost as if I were still alive and she felt my ankle. Her hand reached out again. Her dainty fingers grazed my leg again. Her hand instantly drew back.

"Hayden! Reece!" My mother called. Their footsteps were heard as they climbed down the stairs.

"Yeah mom?" Hayden muttered tiredly.

"Where are your phones?" My mom asked.

"In our pockets?" Reece said even though it came out more of a question.

"D-does those paranormal thingy ghosts feel c-cold when you touch t-them?" She asked. She kinda learned his from watching ghost adventures or some shit. Hayden and Reece types the question into good and read the search to her.

"According to paranormal investigators, if there is a ghostly presence in your home the temperature in the air tends to drop. If the ghostly presence is peaceful, you may feel a gentle atmosphere however, if it is very agitated, the aura may feel dangerous or angry." Hayden read.

"Feel right here!" She said.

My brothers reached their hands out and touched my back. Their hands drew back in a flash.

"Holy fuck..." Hayden cursed

"Its warm everywhere else here but right in this spot..." Reese said.

"Do you think...?" They all looked at eachother with hope.

"C-Cordelia?" My mother stuttered out.

I walked over to the fogged up window from the heat of the stove inside and the cold air on the outside.

I wrote them a message with my index finger. The words appeared on the window.

'Hi mom, Hayden and Reece' I wrote neatly.

Their eyes wide and smiles so big on their faces. My mom's eyes welled up with tears. My brothers standing in place with shock evident in their eyes.

"My baby..." My mother muttered to herself

"You're here..."


Word count: 628 words