Chapter 11

His body formed as it came to the surface, through the fire in the middle of the kitchen.

He was wearing a well-fitted suit, he had long black hair, he had big red wings, the underneath black, black horns and a long black tail.

"Ah, Cordelia Stone... a lovely young woman indeed" His sharp nailed fingers catch onto my chin, "Such a shame what had happened dear" He chuckled then he turned Jay.

"All because of these 2 insolent humans" He showed his fangs to Jay.

Jay's looked to the ground, his eyes full of fear

"Why have you summoned me, Jayson Drake?" He asked.

"I want you to bring Cordelia back" Jay demanded

"Bring her back? To some humans, you may be glad she's dead" He snickered

"I never wanted her to die! I just want her and our baby back!" He yelled

"The baby and the woman you have killed" He turned back to me and took my hand in his big ones

"Can you do it? Can you bring us back?" I ask him as I hold my hand to my belly

"Of course, but it will cost something" He snickered more

"I'll do anything! Just please! Bring them back to me" Jay pleads

"Fine, but the deal is; if you dare to upset Ms.Stone again, I shall take her as the queen of my kingdom and a child as mine and you will be an eternal servant to hell" He held out his hand to Jay, waiting for him to agree to which, Jay grabbed his hand and shook it, "Deal!" He said. Satan turned back to me. His clawed hand caressed my cheek.

"I'll see you soon, my queen" He whispers

He steps back from me, lifts his hand, and snaps his fingers. Flames surrounded my body, the pain exploding through me. My screams filled the room. The pain growing more. Then darkness...


Word count: 318 words