Chapter 15

Eros helped me grab the things I needed to bake the cookies while Jay set the oven to 350º.

"What are we making exactly?" Eros asks

"My homemade cookies!" I smile

"What do we need next then?" He asks

I count the things on the counter, eggs, flour, sugar, butter, and a bag of milk chocolate chips.

"Table salt, Brown Sugar, and baking soda" I inform

They gathered the rest of the ingredients, placing them on the counter with the others.

"What now?" Jay asks

"Nothing, you can go sit down until I call you for something" I dismissed the 2 fairly large men in the kitchen. After they passed through the doorway, I couldn't see them any longer but I heard Jay's sofa make a soft squeak

I make the cookie dough and place each cookie into a ball then place it on the pan, put them in the oven, and finally set the timer for when they're done.

I cleaned up the dishes, washed my hands, and took off my apron before I went into the living room.

I gasped quietly as I watched Eros have Jay against the wall, his horns and tail out and his claws enlarged and sharp.

"Eros! What the hell are you guys doing!" I yell

"He's a fucking monster, Cordelia! I only said something to him then he snapped as if I did something wrong" Jay yelled

"Fucking bullshit! He said he was gonna get you back even If it meant hurting you enough to keep you stuck here again without me!" Eros growled

"He's a damn liar!" Jay said

"I used to believe everything you said Jay but now...I can see your tricks, come on Eros, put him down" I muttered. Eros nodded and dropped Jay so he fell to his hands and knees. Eros came next to me and we began to walk back to the kitchen as Jay called out to me

"C-Cordelia! I-I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" He begged

"..." I stood in the same soot for a second just thinking

"You have 1 more chance and that's it," I say, finishing the conversation as me and Eros walk back into the kitchen


Word count: 365 words