Chapter 2: Teams

Naruto sat on his bed with his eyes closed. He knew that it was still early in the morning but he couldn't sleep. He had three things on his mind. The first was who was his soulmate, the second was who was going to be on his team, and last was should he be his real self. Its been a week since the genin exams and today was the day that they were going to get their teams announced.

"You minus well open your eyes and get started with the day." Kurama stated within his mind, making him sigh.

"Yeah I know." Naruto stated before opening his eyes and saw that it was still dark out because it was four thirty in the morning, behind the screen that stated that he was well rested.

Naruto went through the tutorial for his gamer mind. It told him that it was different from the normal gamers mind. The difference was that there are no dungeon's where he can get experience because living is its own experience. It does have practice room/time dimensions where he can train without being disturbed or worry about others figuring out how strong he really is. There were party's. This is where he can create groups they can temporarily have gamers' minds when given the access. The party's also include personal locations, limited self-healing, and com's. The others that would temporarily have the gamers mind would also be able to see their status and stats so they can tell how far they advanced. He also figured out that all his quests would be his missions and other odd jobs that he can get.

The ranking for levels are:

Civilian: 0-1

Levels for Academy Student: 2-5

Low-Academy Student: 2-3

Mid-Academy Student: 3-4

High-Academy Student: 4-5

Levels for Genin: 5-20

Low-Genin: 5-8

Mid-Genin: 8-10

High-Genin: 10-20

Levels for Chunin: 20-35

Low-Chunin: 20-23

Mid-Chunin: 23-25

High-Chunin: 25-35

Levels for Jonin: 35-75

Special Jonin: 35-40

Low-Jonin: 40-50

Mid-Jonin: 50-60

High-Jonin: 60-75

ANBU: 75-80

Sannin: 80-90

Hokage: 90-150

Tailed-Beast: 150-300


Naruto trained and then ate breakfast before getting dressed, he decided that he would change to his real self after meeting his Sensei. He looked at the time and saw that it was already 7:30, just right time to make his way to the school where the teams would be announced. He decided on taking the rooftops because he didn't want to deal with the villager's any more than necessary.

He got to the Academy but decided to not make a scene because he wanted to see how his team as well as his Sensei would react to him mellow before he goes and completely changes their perspective of him. Naruto got to his assigned seat and seeing that only two other people were there he just decided to sleep. Sasuke looked at him for a second once he realized that the blonde was sitting next to him again like he's been doing all week, then he looked out the window with a small smile.

'Maybe I can actually be his friend' Sasuke thought.

Shikamaru also looked at Naruto for a split second before following his example and tried to sleep some more.r Though he was trying to figure out the puzzle that was Naruto Uzumaki.

Two hours later everyone that's supposed to be in the classroom was and luckily all the girls remembered the chewing out that they got from the sleeping blonde. Though the only reason that they remembered was because he was sitting next to Sasuke, their past obsession. Sasuke was happy with the new arrangement. Shikamaru had at one point moved to the other side of a sleeping Naruto because he knew that there wouldn't be too much drama there anymore.

Iruka walked into the room with a slightly saddened smile on his face.

"From this day forth you all will be Genin. Now it's time to tell you all who your teams will be." Once this was said all but three sat up straight: Naruto and Shikamaru because they were sleeping and Sasuke because he didn't see the need to. "Team 1... Team 7 consists of Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto opened an eye before closing it again though it was enough for Iruka to know that the blonde heard him. "Sakura Haruno," Sakura groaned loudly making her displeasure known while Naruto groaned lowly in annoyance, this made Sasuke and Shikamaru both silently snicker. "and Sasuke Uchiha." Naruto gave a slight noise of approval, Sasuke a grunt of approval right back making Shikamaru let out a silent snort of amusement. Sakura forgetting about her soulmate gave a loud cheer of approval while both of her teammates sighed not only in annoyance but also disapproval. "Team 8 consists of Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyguya and Kiba Inuzuka. Team 9 is still in rotation. Team 10 consists of Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi. Now that you know your teams you will be meeting your sensei's after lunch."

Naruto sat up and stretched slightly.

"Do you two wanna get lunch?" He asked his table mates. They were hesitant so Naruto spoke up again. " I know a great restaurant that serves tomato Udon, okaka onigiri, and mackerel."

The two boys looked interested so they agreed. They went to the Shinobi side of the village where all the retired Ninja's set up shops. The restaurant that they were headed to was a little ways from the Akimichi restaurant. Once they entered the person that did the seating immediately recognized Naruto and smiled brightly.

"Hey, Ruto. Same table?" He asked a little uncertainly because Naruto normally only ate alone.

"Yea Kirabi. They're my friends and even though we aren't teammates I thought that we could have lunch together before we have to meet our Sensei's." Naruto said in a neutral voice.

Kirabi nodded his head in understanding. He then showed the three to a secluded table in the back of the restaurant that was put there specifically for Naruto. This is because while Ninja's are more open minded about his situation that doesn't mean that they are very trusting. Ninja's are very paranoid.

"Mango milk, please." Naruto stated and Kirabi nodded his head.

"Green tea." Sasuke stated.

"Lemon milk." Shikamaru drone.

Kirabi walked away to go get their drinks.

"About us being friends," Naruto started getting the other two's attention. "I meant that. That is if you guys want to." Naruto said while looking down at his hands shyly.

Sasuke and Shikamaru looked at each other before really looking at Naruto. They noticed that he was shy but if he really liked something he was passionate about it. They knew that he was genuine when he stated that he wanted to be their friend.

"Sure." They both said in a monotone but smiled genuine smiles to let him know that they meant it.

This got them a genuine smile from Naruto.

Kirabi came back with their drinks. "Ruto ya getting yer normal?" Naruto nodded his head. "What about you two?"

They didn't really know so Naruto spoke up instead. "Tomato Udon with extra tomatoes on top and Okaka onigiri for Sasuke. Mackerel onigiri soup with extra Mackerel for Shikamaru."

Kirabi nodded his head before walking away again.

"What's your normal?" Sasuke asked. He asked for two reasons: the first being that seeing as they are now friends they need to know more about each other and this seemed like a good place to start. The second being that no matter what everyone else thinks he didn't appreciate silence, it unnerved him too much.

"Okonomiyaki, Karaage, Sumiyaki, Stuffed Steamed Breads, Chicken Breast, and Bakudan." Naruto stated quietly.

"That's a lot." Sasuke commented lamely.

They were shrouded in silence again.

"Why don't we ask questions and all of us have to answer them as a way to get to know each other. I'll go first. When are your birthdays? Mine is October 10th."

"You already know mine seeing as you said it to the whole class." Sasuke grumbled, making Naruto look down at the table sadly. Shikamaru glared at Sasuke making him sigh. Sasuke knew that he was being stubborn but he also knew that he had to put an effort in this friendship he wanted it to last. "July 23rd."

Naruto looked up at him and smiled slightly.

"September 22nd." Shikamaru stated making Naruto's eyes widen.

'Do you think?' Naruto started to think to Kurama but trailed off as to not get his hopes up.

'I don't know kit. You'll just have to wait and ask him on your birthday.' Kurama stated softly. He knew that for the longest time that Naruto didn't believe that he would get a soulmate but now that he's gotten his soulmate mark he's been apprehensive.

Naruto gave a saddened mental nod to his furry companion.

"Favorite food? Mines tomatoes." Sasuke stated

"Mackerel." Shikamaru simply stated.

"Mango." Naruto stated which surprised them.

"My favorite color is blue." Shikamaru stated calmly.

Naruto's cheeks faintly tinted red.

"Purple, because that was the last color that I saw when everything was still airtight." Sasuke stated before looking down at the table.

"Red, because the first time that someone comforted me I first took notice of their red hair." Naruto said softly.

Kurama was purring in the back of his mind to comfort him.

Sasuke and Shikamaru both looked at each other before looking at him.

"My favorite animals are foxes and tigers." Naruto said.

"Deer and dragons." Shikamaru stated make the other two look at him in shock before they started laughing.

"Cats and Ravens." Sasuke stated with a smirk making Naruto and Shikamaru snort at the contradictory that was the animals.

Kirabi came back with their food. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

Sasuke and Shikamaru shook their heads while Naruto just stared at the extra plate that he didn't order was put in front of him.

"Kirabi I didn't order the plate of Mango and salmon Onigiri." Naruto stated with a groan.

"You, me, and the rest of the staff know the real reasons why you come here. Besides it's on the house." Kirabi stated in a non argumentative tone making Naruto sigh.

"Then for dessert can we get two sticks of fangs drizzled in tomato syrup, Mango Machi ice cream, and Regular Machi ice cream? Please." Naruto asked.

"Of course." Kirabi said with a smile before walking away.

"What did he mean?" Shikamaru asked while Sasuke stated eating.

Naruto sighed before stating. "I come here everytime that I haven't eaten in a long time and I need to be stuffed so that I can last a while. The staff here figured out some of my favorite food and gives it to me for free no matter my complaints."

They looked at him with shocked wide eyes.

"How long have you been without food before coming here with us?" Sasuke asked, looking at Naruto intensely.

Naruto looked down at the table before talking hesitantly. "Not counting the times that I have to hunt I would say about three weeks."

"And why is that?" Shikamaru asked with a slight growl.

"The villager's don't like me so they sell me rotten food and outfits like this in hopes that I die." Naruto said quietly.

"Why would they do that?" Sasuke questioned curiously because they treated him differently and he was an orphan just like Naruto.

"You promise that you won't hate me after?"

"We promise." They said with conviction.

"Well I can't out right tell you but I can give you two clues and have you figure it out on your own."

"Ok." Shikamaru stated.

"We won't think any differently of you." Sasuke said with a small smile that made Naruto smile at him.

"My birthday as you know is October 10th and Tailed-Beast are beyond of chakra so they can't be killed." Naruto said so quietly that they had to strain their ears to hear him.

"You mean it's sealed..." Shikamaru stated to say before talking off and looking pointedly at Naruto.

Naruto nodded his head and looked down at the table.

"Well we stand by what we said. We don't think of you any different. You. Are. Still. Our. Friend." Sasuke said.

Naruto looked at them with teary eyes and a happy smile letting them know that they made the right choice.


Team 7 were the only ones left in the classroom, they were waiting for their sensei who was three hours late. Sakura who once again forgot about her soulmate was fawning over and having daydreams about Sasuke. Sasuke on the other hand was ignoring her and trying to figure out how he can make sure that Naruto was eating properly. And Naruto was trying to find out who their sensei was and if they would have a grudge against him.

Their sensei walked into the classroom and was met with three kunai penetrating the doorway right next to his head. This made him blink before looking at the perpetrator. He was shocked to see that Naruto's hand was extended and he was blinking in shock before looking at their sensei horrified.

"I-I-I'm s-so s-sorry. Y-you appearing i-in t-the door s-startled m-me." Naruto stuttered, shocked and scared at what he just did.

His reaction was a reflex. Their sensei and Sasuke both noticed this. Sasuke was planning on bringing it up with Shikamaru later.

"I like you. Meet me up on the roof in five minutes." The sensei stated before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Naruto just blinked in shock while Sasuke smirked slightly.

"Why are you trying to be cool?" Sakura asked in a snobbish tone.

This made Sasuke scowl before he got, grabbed Naruto's hand and proceeded to drag Naruto out of the classroom because said blonde was still in shock. After a few more seconds of being in shock Naruto snapped out of it and then he and Sasuke rushed towards the roof. They made it with at least two and a half minutes to spare. Sakura on the other hand was two minutes late and was sweating profusely.

"Now that we are all here, why don't we introduce ourselves." The sensei said.

"How do we do that?" Sakura asked.

The other three just stared at her like she was stupid.

"Name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams." The sensei said.

"Why don't you go first seeing as we don't know you." Sakura snarked.

"Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes are none of your business. You're too young to know my hobbies. And I don't know what my dream is. Pinky next."

"THE NAMES SAKURA HARUNO NOT PINKY!!!! My likes... Well, who I like is..." She looked at Sasuke before her eyes drifted towards Naruto and remembered what he said. "I mean... uh. Anyways, my dislikes are Naruto-baka and Ino-pig. My hobbies are... um... I mean they were... nobodies business. I don't have a dream."

"Well that I just got second-hand embarrassment and awkwardness." Naruto whispered low enough for only Sasuke to hear him. Sasuke snorted while Kakashi was trying to smother his laughter because his keen sense of hearing picked up what the blonde said.

"Emo. Go."

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha." He said and thought about not giving up any information like their sensei. Then looking at Naruto who was looking at him hopefully because he wanted to know more about the raven and caved. "My likes are tomatoes, Shikamaru, and Naruto." Naruto beamed at this while Sakura and Kakashi looked completely shocked. "My dislikes are fan-girls, sweets, and people who can't tell the difference between a kunai and the scroll that holds it. My hobbies are training, and spending time with Shikamaru and Naruto." Naruto beamed even brighter. "I don't have a dream right now."

"Blondie you're up."

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. My likes are foxes, tigers, mangos, salmon, animals, Shikamaru, and Sasuke. My dislikes are assuming and assumptions, people who can't tell the difference between a kunai and the scroll that holds it. My hobbies are training, cooking, and star gazing. I don't know exactly what I want to do for my dream."

They stared at him in shock because the Naruto thry knew wasn't what they seemed.

"Well tomorrow is when you'll have your real Genin test. Be at training ground 7 at five in the morning. Don't eat breakfast." Kakashi stated before pooping away.