Your Secret is Safe(너의 비밀은 안존해)

"really?" Joohyun said

"yes" Jimin said

"hmmm this is my perfume" Joohyun said

"this is limited edition right?" Jimin said

"Eunji gave that to me heheh "Joohyun said

"seems like your really close?" Jimin said

"we're bestfriends and we're just like sister by the way let's eat now, just forget your problem for a minute instead" Joohyun said

Jimin got up and follow Joohyun.

"yah what took you so long>>?"Eunji said

"why? "Joohyun said

"Jimin ssi please eat" Eunji said

"wow delicious "Jimin said

"joohyun is good in cooking, studying , hacking "Eunji said

Joohyun cough...

"your hacking??"Jimin said

"its not that bad hacking example when someone ask for me to delete or retrieve something on internet or put a virus haahaha" Joohyun said

"then your a bad hacker why are you putting a virus>:?"Jimin said

"of course if the target did something wrong of course" joohyun said

"oh that's cool" Jimin said

"just tell me if something happened to you" Joohyun said

"hmmm okay" Jimin said

"here eat more" Joohyun said

"by any chance are you in diet?" Jimin said

"she not even she will ate all of this there's no effect to her still thin like that but she's strong "Eunji said

time skip.

Joohyun just finished showering .

"Jimin are you playing online games?" Eunji said

"yes but I stop for a while "Jimin said

"oh" Eunji said

Joohyun just throw herself on her bed.

"goodnight" Joohyun said

"goodnight" Jimin said

"goodnight see you in dreamland" Eunji said

Time skip

Next day

Joohyun woke up first and cook for their breakfast...

Jimin went to school first.

"hey Eunji yah" Joohyun said

"just like Jimin hiding something on us" joohyun said

"really?" Eunji said

"yes I saw her crying yesterday" Joohyun said

"aisshhh my friend is really worried to her crush" Eunji said

"until when your gonna tease me Ji EunJi?"Joohyun said

"yah faster , let's eat "Eun Ji said

time skip

at the school..

eunji and Joohyun just walking when she saw a guy wearing a cap.

"hey Joohyun wait wait" Eunji said

"he is Jimin stalker" Eunji said

"wait your right I saw him yesterday she's following Jimin "Joohyun said

"really?" Eunji said

"I'm wondering if you just see what happened yesterday or what" Joohyun said

"hmmm I saw you on the street with Jimin "Eunji said

"maybe its yesterday" Joohyun said and continue to walk

"I'm worried about her." Joohyun said

as they walk to the 2-2 she saw Jimin talking to her friend she is really down.

She saw Jimin friend.

"wow Jimin' s friend is cute" Joohyun whispered to Eunji

"so you like her again?" Eunji said

"no i wish i can be her sister hahaha"Joohyun said

"what about me eonni" Eunji said

"stop it "joohyun said

they entered to their classroom

"Hwang joohyun ji eunji"Joori said

"oh joori ah why?"Eunji said

"did you make your homework?"Joori said

"of course"Eunji said

"i'm so jealous you have a friend like Joohyun "Joori said

"yes and that's limited edition"Eunji said

"yah Eunji are you gonna sell me or something?"Joohyun said

"hahaha"Eunji said

"oh don't worry, we can be your friends "Joohyun said

"yah Joohyun let's hangout again?"Jae Hee said

"next time haha i need to do something maybe on Sunday"Joohyun said

"by the way we still didn't get your number"Joori said

Eunji gave it to her

the bell rang and Jimin entered.

Joohyun is really gay for her hahaha

Joohyun is blushing haahhaaaa

"Joohyun ah"Kwon Ji Ho said

"why?"Joohyun said

"your really beautiful today"Jiho said

"what a non sense thing"Joohyun said

"its true"Jiho said

"okay go back to your seat Mr Kwon"Joohyun said

Jimin smiled.

Joohyun gave jimin sandwiches.

"your hungry"JOohyun said

"gomawo"Jimin said

"So good morning!!! students "Ms Park said

"please past your homework"Ms Park said

they pass their homework.


Its Physical Education Time.

"Joohyun"Eunji said

"why?" Joohyun said

"hmmm I'm hungry too, you should give me sandwiches too"Eunji said

"yah!!!" Joohyun said

Joohyun watching Jimin

"ah I should ask her what's problem"Joohyun said

"yah do you have problem?"Eunji said

"nothing"Joohyun said

"your worried to her right?"Eunji said

"so today we're going to exercise"Mr John Lee said

Kang Eunbi pushed joohyun again.

"Mr Lee can i transfer to the left side?"JOohyun said

"okay at the back of Lee Jimin "Mr john said

Eunji is wondering why she didn't told to Mr Lee that Nabi pushed her.

After that eunji asked her.

"yah why you didn't"Eunji said

"no just ignore her she just want to get attention of everyone"Joohyun said

"attention seeker"Eunji said

"yes your right so let's go i still need to find something."Joohyun said

Joohyun wall to the classroom of the senior...

She went there to saw if there is a cctv....

"oh are you the transferee?"Im Jae Young said

"annyeong haseyo"Joohyun said

"why are you here?"Jae Young said

"oppa just walk here ,i'm going now oppa"Joohyun said

joohyun saw the guy.

Joohyun walk to the guy and pretend to drop her pen.

"hey miss is this yours?"Kang Hoon Bin said

Kang Hoon Bin is a playboy ,

and he is older brother of Kang nabi .

"oh that's mine"Joohyun said

"here"Hoon Bin said

"kamsahabnida (thank you)" Joohyun said

Joohyun walk then..

"wait ms Hwang do you have a time later after school?"Hoon Bin said

"sorry sunbae i'm busy"Joohyun said

"what about next time"Hoon Bin said

"okay"joohyun said

Joohyun went home and saw Jimin glaring at her.

Jimin slapped her.

"what's wrong with you ?"Jimin said

"why?"Joohyun said

"your flirting with Hoon Bin? "Jimin said

"its not that, i saw him he's the one who followed you yesterday since you didn't tell your problem , ,I'm just trying to help you cause i know that stalker seems very dangerous this days they can harm you"Joohyun said

"why do you care about me?"Jimin said

"your my friend now my dorm mate my class mate its my responbility to worried about you ,your good person, its okay if you don't want to tell me your problem"Joohyun said

Joohyun lay on her bed.

"Joohyun about slapping you earlier, I'm really really sorry I didn't mean it , I hope you will forgive me"Jimin said

Joohyun get up.

"its okay" Joohyun said

"my friends on other section still didn't know about this they tried to stop me dating that Asshole but still date him secretly" Jimin said

"why do you think your friends will kick you out from your group?" Joohyun said

"how about you if you found out Eunji will date that guy" Jimin said

"if I found out I will probably like an angry eomma to her "Joohyun said

"its that so?" Jimin said

"no matter what are your going to say i believe in you" Joohyun said

"thank you" Jimin said

"we dated and we went out that day since its raining he told me to go to her sister's room to change my clothes and he lend me some shirt of his sister and I don't know that there is a hidden camera there" Jimin said

"after that day he send me a copy and saying that if I didn't follow what he wants he will show and post it to the Internet, i felt threatened I can't even tell this to my parents, so I asked them if I can live in a dorm" Jimin said

"just for today I will try to find his account and hack it" Joohyun said

"you can do that for me?" Jimin said

"I'll send it to the police"Joohyun said

"no!, I don't want everything will know "Jimin said

"okay" Joohyun said

Joohyun opened her laptop its an old design but its okay for her.

"Joohyun do you want some coffee?" Jimin said

"I want milk" Joohyun said and Smiling looking to her laptop.

"I already found his account and i need to continue to the next step" joohyun said.

Joohyun hacked his account and are so many victim on the facestagram messages.

Joohyun find all the sources of Jimin 's video and delete this .

"oh its done i already hide his facestagram account he can't opened it again" joohyun said

"really?" Jimin said and hug her

"but don't be happy I still need to go to his kakao id and his laptop or flash drive we're not sure if he still have copy there" joohyun said

"okay" Jimin said

"just don't think about it for a while just focus on your studies, don't worry your secret is safe" Joohyun said