Chapter 2

I was pulled awake by the abrupt halt of the van. Rubbing my eyes, I started to peer around at my surroundings.

"We're here!!" My mom basically screeched in excitement as she began to unbuckle herself.

Instinctively, I did the same while watching my mother swing the door open and jump out of her seat. Before opening mine, my eyes caught the beauty of the castle like building a couple of yards in front of us. We were indeed here.

I pushed my door open and stepped out onto the gravel beneath me. The rays of sunlight warmed my pale skin but refused to be kind to my sensitive eyes, causing me to squint as I moved to help my mom with the boxes.

Reaching the tail of the van, I saw that my mom had already had several cardboard boxes already out of the trunk and piled on top of another. This is one one of the moments when I doubt that she's going to miss me as much as she claims.

"In a rush to get rid of me I see" I said, catching my busy mother's attention.

She pulled her head out from the back and turned to me with a face full of sass and just to add to the dramatic effect, she places her hands upon her hips, "You know that's not true, I just want you to get settled in first so you have time to relax before you do what you always do"

I raised my eyebrows, I most likely could guess what she was going to say, "And what is this thing that I always do" I asked knowingly.

My mom held back a clear eye roll, "You always dig yourself right into your studies," she stated.

To be honest, she wasn't wrong, I always was the first to turn in work to my teachers, always the one to complete projects first and always the one to do nothing but work. It was easier this way than trying to make friends or to be intimate with someone, friendships and especially relationships always end in heartbreak and backstabbing and I guess I never felt like that idea was as appealing as the plagarithm theorem.

"Ehh, I guess you're right" I gave in to my mother

"Thank you" she gave a Cheshire smile, "Now let's get these boxes inside, yeah?

I bent down and lifted a heavier box with a smaller container on top of it, "Yeah" I grunted in agreement, while I tried to continue to hold the weight of the box.

We both started to walk to the main doors, my mom power walking ahead of me while my arms were struggling to hold the boxes, not even 50 feet from the vehicle. I felt the cardboard start to slip from my fingers but I couldn't catch it before it hit the ground.

Countless novels piled over onto the grass, earning an irritated groan from my throat. "Laken, I told you not to bring those books" My mother half yelled from where she was standing.

I flashed her a half grin and dropped down onto my knees and began to place the books back into the box, "Need some help?" A light voice said, making me look up from the grass.

A girl with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes peered down at me. I went to deny her request but before I could she dropped her bag and started grabbing ahold of the books.

She tried to catch my gaze but I did everything to avoid eye contact.

After the last novel was in, the girl closed the box and picked it up without any struggle. I stood up along with her, "Thanks" I muttered.

"No problem" she stated cheerfully, "My name is Farren, and I'm guessing this is your first year due to all the boxes."

"My name is Laken, and yes it's my first year" I said almost in a whisper, keeping my head down.

"Cool, well I'll let you get settled in, maybe I'll see you around" Farren suggested.

"Yeah, maybe" I answered unsure, it seemed like a big campus off of the website photos.

Farren handed me back the box and I took it carefully, letting my arms droop back down. She gave me one last toothy smile and started off in the opposite direction.

I continued my trek towards the doors and so did my mom once I had caught up to her. We reached the double glass doors and entered inside the almost hallowed out area. A humongous chandelier hung from the roof along with a marble desk further into the room.

I was so amazed at the sight, I almost didn't hear my mom, "Come on" she motioned towards the desk with a woman with frizzy red hair behind it.

I followed and shortly arrived at the circle, black and white desk, "Good morning" the lady said looking up from her computer.

"Good morning," my mother responded, "We're here to figure out where my daughter's dorm room will be."

The woman smiled brightly, glancing in my direction, "What is your name, young lady?" She simply asked.

"Um Laken Casey" I muttered quietly.

"Great" the red headed woman stated before lowering her eyes back to the computer screen and typing away at the keys.

"Ahh, here it is" she said joyfully, "your room is B13, second floor just across the campus yard. You do have a roommate, but he shouldn't be a problem."

My mother's eyes widened as wide as saucers, "He?" She panicked.

"Calm down mom, since when have I engaged in anything to do with men," I tried to settle her.

"Yes, I know Laken, but you don't know this guy and your exspected to room with him." My mom dramaticized.

Before I could respond, the lady interrupted the conversation, "Ma'am if I may, I happen to know this boy and he's only in his second year. He's very respectful and he would never do anything without permission."

I eyed my mother, to try and get her stare off of the woman, "I'll be fine" I said setting my hand on my moms shoulder.

The worried look she held in her eye started to diminish, "Fine" she said finally giving in.

"Okay, your all set to go, just take this key and head straight across the lawn to the brown building, those are the dorms" the woman behind the desk stated while handing me a key with a yellow ribbion attached.

I thanked her and grabbed the metal trinket. We headed back to the glass doors and walked across the grass to the brown brick building, that seemed much smaller from afar.

Time to get moved in.