First day

Luckily I woke up early thanks to the alarm, took a bath, changed and got my things ready. As I left I went to knock on Josh's door. It took a few minutes, but eventually it opened. He looked at me with the face of what are you doing here at this hour.

-I come to help you with your notebooks, do you forget?

-ahh sure, come on- Josh

I went through and started doing all of that.


When I finished I went downstairs with my things and waited for my brothers. I checked my cell phone and a call was just coming in.

-hello poop

-hahaha are you already in school? - Emily

-I haven't even left the house yet, my brothers take a long time

-I'll kill them you'll see- Emily

-hahaha they are already going down, I'll leave you

-well, see you later- Emily

-byeee poop

My brothers were coming down, Mom and Dad said goodbye to us. We got into Ty's car and he drove off. When we arrived, we went downstairs and entered, Ty was talking with some girls who were impressed with his car. Just for that, damn.

Anyway, each one went to his living room, I walked until I found mine. In that course I saw a blonde who was walking with her cell phone, she did not look up at all, she was right in front of me, I am not even crazy that I move, she does not have to look at her cell phone when she walks.

We collided, well, she hit some notebooks that I was carrying in my hand, because they didn't fit in my backpack. She looked up and opened her mouth.

-Can't you see where you're going?!!

AJAJJAJA she still yells at me, what has this?

-me? hahaha, you don't know where you're going, you could go to China and it doesn't even count

-How can you tell me that? !! It's your fault idiot

-Sorry?!! here the idiot is you who are glued to your cell phone that you don't even realize where you are going- I said and I was hitting her shoulder.

I hate people like that. I kept looking like an idiot for my class, there was no one to ask him. A boy appears next to me.


-It shows right?

-I can help you, let me see which one you have

I gave him my schedule and he started looking at it. he gave it back to me.

-I know where it is, I also have math

-Finally, thank you very much, by the way, what is your name?

-Emilio Ramos and you? - Emilio

-Nora Collins, nice to meet you- I said, shaking his hand.

We entered the class and I had to introduce myself. I sat down next to Luke.

-Hello Nora, you took a long time- Luke

-I couldn't find the class, thank goodness I found Emilio, he helped me- I said pointing to my other side.

-Hi Emilio, I'm Luke, his best friend-Luke

-Hello- Emilio

-And Cam?

-He has another class, much better, I don't like him- Luke

-seriously? LOL

-because he is your first best friend, I want to be the first- Luke


The teacher turned to where I am.

-All right Miss Collins?

I had to restrain myself, the laugh wanted to come out again and more for Luke's face.

-Yes teacher, I only remembered a joke

-and can you tell me?

Shit. Shit. Shit. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me.

-what does the paper say to the heart?

Now if I kill myself.

-What it says, Norita? - says Luke mockingly, he already knew the joke.

-Your heartbeat, I stop the butt JAJAJANSKAKAJAJAJAJAJ

My desire to laugh came out and this time I could not contain myself, everyone laughed and the teacher had an annoyed face.

-for being new, I'll pass it to you this time Collins, I don't want a second

I nodded and turned to continue writing. I looked at Luke and he was very red.

-I can't believe what you said- Luke

-It's the only thing I remembered, asshole

-It was very good- says Emilio from my other side.

I just pay attention. The bell rang indicating that I have another class. I went out together with Luke, Emilio had another class and he said goodbye.

-Where will Cam be? i will send him a message

-nooo, he's coming towards us- Luke

He was dressed in a black jean and white shirt, his vans black. It's too much for my eyes. He came up to me and greeted me with a kiss on the obvious cheek.

-Hi Nora, hey Lukee- Cameron

-You don't know what happened today, I have to tell you AAJAJJA- Luke

-I better get ahead, couple of geeks

I left there and was looking for my other class, I have civics, I hope I don't get too bored. I was about to enter and from a distance I see the blonde with two more friends talking and looking at me, I took out my favorite finger and went inside.

Luke and Cam came in afterward, the two of them sitting next to me.

-You passed Nora- Cameron

-Enough, I'll kill them and burn their bodies

-ok ok grumpy- Luke

They sent us to do a job for two, I met with one ... I don't know, but then I ask her. I went to her seat.

-Hi, I'm Nora Collins, I've come to coordinate on the work they sent us

-Yes, it's for the other Monday, when do you want to do it?

-I think tomorrow, now I'm dying

-well, it will be tomorrow, I'll give you my number- she says writing on a small sheet- here you go, you call me to go to your house.

-Thank you, I warned you- I was going to leave but I forgot to ask her what her name is- wait, what is your name?

-Katia Moore

-okk byee

-See you tomorrow- Katia

As I left I found my friends waiting for me.

-You're so late, I'm starving- Cameron

-You would have gone to eat then

I did not say that with Cam we are not the typical best friends, that they say nice words or support you, we are not like that, it is like we are not very close, weird right? But hey, it is not known if that will change.

-Okay, I'll go ahead- Cam said leaving.

-I stay with my friend- Luke


-I say sister- Luke

-much better silly

We went to the dining room, we served ourselves food and we looked all over the place for my friend and cousin.

-Look, Emily is raising her hand over there- Luke

-good boy, then I'll give you your prize

-woaf woaf- Luke

-now I got traumatized

-You were treating me like a dog duh- Luke

-ok go Lukisito

We start walking towards the table where Emily and Flora are. Upon arrival Luke went into love mode.

-Emily can you change my place, please?- Luke

-emm yeah right- Emily

My cousin always told me that everything Luke says to her has to be done because she is good, she likes him, but she does not think they will come to anything else, seeing Luke with a face in love with Flora.


At last I got home, now I'm lying on my bed listening to music by my favorite singer Bruno Mars, when I was little I met him and above all I still have the photo where I go out with him, I would like to see him again.