Chapter 1: I have to choose

Heathe POV

I'm currently inside the building of Star Hit Entertainment we're having a meeting with CEO Atkins we don't know what to expect today because Mr. Atkins will be deciding whether will be making a debut or not.

All my life I've been a trainee pursuing my dream to become an Idol and thankfully there are people behind me who stays with me through thick and thin my family always there especially my girlfriend Kateline.

She's been super supportive of me and my dreams and I'm so lucky I have found a girl like her I didn't know what did I do to deserve such an amazing girlfriend.

Going back to the meeting, my feet were trembling so hard and my heart feels like they are ready to burst any moment now.

*labdab* *labdab* *labdab*

*labdab* *labdab*


CEO Atkins suddenly cough to get our attention all PTS member Jammie, Hype, Suggy, KL, T and Cliff Including me was staring at him nervously...

Cross fingers!


"Jammie, Hype, Suggy, KL, T, Cliff and Heathe!" CEO Atkins said loudly.

None of us responds to him at first we're just intently staring at him and praying that he will make us debut for sake!

"Congratulations! You're going to debut 2013 is the year of your debut." CEO Atkins said enthusiastically.

*we were silent and dumbfounded for a second like we can't really believe it.*

Until Hype jumps out of his chair and tearfully screaming saying "Finally, guys we're going to debut!" Hype was almost crying out of happiness.

I shift my stare to my other members I saw that they are also quietly crying out of joy and happiness because I know how much they work so hard for this debut to happen.

"Heathe" I heard my name and shifted my attention and see that CEO Atkins was calling me. He signaled me to come near him and I quickly stand up from my sitting and go to my boss.

When I'm already near him he says "Let's talk, for a moment" after what he said he quickly turned his back on me and goes outside heading to his office.

A question suddenly pops into my mind like did I do something bad? Or what...

I took a deep breath before going to CEO Atkins office.

I saw him drinking his cup of coffee and bowed to him first before I go inside.

"Don't just stand in front of me heathe there's a chair sit down will you." he said.

While taking another sip of his coffee.

I sit in the chair right in front of him just like what he said.

And again the nerves got back into me.

"Is it true that you and you're girlfriend will be going engage soon?" I suddenly cough because of the question.

"Ac---" just right about I'm to respond I was cut off by CEO Atkins again.

"Sorry to say this Heathe but you need to choose... Right now!" Mr. Atkins seriously staring at me.

"Choose what?" I replied.

"To debut or your future fiancé." as Mr. Atkins said that he stops drinking his coffee and put the coffee to the table in front of me.

I was seriously torn right at the moment I don't know what to do...

"Heathe I need answer now." CEO Atkins said loudly...

I was dumb founded and just staring at CEO Atkins and my mouth can't even speak and answer the question.

In my life this is the first time I have to decide and it's very hard because it's my Life and my Love who is at risk.

"I know you're a very strong and willed person Heathe sometimes we need to sacrifice something to get one thing" CEO Atkins said.

Like his giving me an advice.

A tear suddenly fell right in to my face. After hearing what CEO Atkins said to me and it's true I need to sacrifice to get one thing.

"I think I got the answer now, right Heathe?" CEO Bang asked me.

"Soon you'll be okay... And I'm sure she'll understand you. Good luck Young Man" CEO Atkins said while slightly smiling at me.

Tears continuously flowing down to my face as a respond to his question.

And It was actually heartbreaking like I don't have the courage on how do I say this to Kateline that I'm choosing my dream instead of her.

I'm a very selfish guy I know... When she was been so supported at me through all this...

Like I have a choice... But no I don't have...

5 minutes have passed I decided to exit CEO Atkins office. And I need to spread the good news somehow to my family...

I'm really being selfish now right?!

[Heathe and Heathe's MOM talking to phone]

"Mom" I said.

"Heathe my son!" Mom happily answered.

"Mom I have a good news and bad news for you which one do you want to hear first." I asked my mom on the phone."

"Good news first my son" mom said.

"Okay! Mom.... Finally I am debuting with PTS" I answered again and tears fell straight again at my face.

"Oh my god, my son are you serious?? I'm very proud of you...Mom is really happy for you" Mom answered tearfully I can hear her voice shaking.

"As much as I want to be happy like you mom, but I can't" I said while crying.

"The bad news then, what is it my son?" Mom asked in a serious tone.

"Mom.... You know it's been my dream to become an Idol right?" I asked her.

"Of course I knew that...." mom said reassuring me.

"And so, CEO Atkins made me choose...."

"Choose what my son??" Mom asked seriously.

"Choose to Debut.....or Choose Kateline" I answered while crying on the phone.

"Son, why did you do that??" Mom said worriedly.

"I know mom, I know I'm really a bad and selfish person" I said on the phone.

"What will happen to solar then my son?"

"I don't really have a choice mom.... I need to let her go for now."

"My heart is breaking for Kateline my son..." mom voice is different now I know that she's crying now too.

"I'm really sorry mom..." I continuously cry on the phone.

"Don't say sorry to me son.... Say it to Kateline" Mom said.

I know that I need to call her too right now right after I talk to mom.

"Mom------" I was about to talk again when I hear something breaking from mom's phone.

"Kateline Iha." Mom said. Like she didn't expect solar to be right there this moment.

Oh my god! Kateline is there??

How much does she heard from me and my mom's conversation....

"Kateline iha, don't leave talk to Heathe first..." mom said on the line. I know she will leave Its reasonable to do that.

I hear the door slumps hard after solar leaves the house on the phone.

"Mom..... I'm really sorry that this happen"

"I don't know Heathe my son, I just hope that you'll be happy on your decision." mom said. And that's just hit me right!!!

"Bye, Mom...."

[Heathe and Heathe's MOM phone call ended]

After saying good bye to mom on the phone my knees loose strength and my body slides to the wall until I'm down.

I know that I wouldn't be happy on this day forward...

Sorry Kateline. I'm choosing myself for now, but I really love you.