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V: Crash

The pair walked silently as they reached the last set of stairs. 'Come on Lewis, say something. Anything!' Lewis had the great chance; it is in his fingertips, all he had to do is grab it tightly.

"Uhhh, what's your Grandma like?" Lewis tried his best not to sound so weird. "Loving, a good listener..." Matthew stopped mid-sentence. "Very very caring." Lewis blushed at his expression. With the wind blowing lightly, his prospect blushing lovingly.

"She sounds so lovely."

"You can say that again. She's old, I know and I know that she'll leave me one day." Lewis tapped his shoulder. "You shouldn't think ahead of yourself. Just cherish every moment with her, that'll be great." The shy brunette continued.

"I-I know we aren't on that level of friendship but you know, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here." Lewis meant it will all his heart. Just because there basically strangers to start off, it never hurts to give someone a little kindness to make them go on.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." They stopped at a two-story house, quite large too. The gate is made out of steel but not too high, just enough. Matthew opened it and they both got in. Lewis saw a lot of beautifully arranged plants.

Chrysanthemums, lilies and different kinds of cacti. "Wow, your Grandma is so cool. I got of couple of plants at home but this is amazing. they all look good." He is impressed. Lewis takes care of his plants well, the same way he cares for his furry companions.

"Thank you so much dear!" A woman in her late 60s thanked Lewis.

"Grandma Star?"


"You guys know each other?" Matthew interjected.

"Of course, we know each other Matty! The folk here are well acquainted to one another, also I kept pestering Lewis here with my stories. He practically visits the library like it's church!" Lewis burst into laughter.

"I am shocked how the grandson you were talking about is him. Like what are the odds?" Grandma Star chuckled. "I didn't know you actually live here Ma; I always saw you hanging out the library apartment."

"Oh, that's because I own the place. I never mentioned that before?"

Lewis thought for a minute. "No, I don't think you haven't."

"Alright, alright, you guys. Mind to explain?" Matthew looked at his Grandma than to Lewis for an explanation. "I'll explain later, let's head inside for something to eat. You staying with us, right?" She waited for the brunette's reply.

"Uh yeah, I guess so. I'll just go feed my dogs really quick and I'll be right back."

"Great! That gives me time to prepare something good." Lewis bid them goodbye by bowing a little then left. As he walked back to his home, he didn't know how happy he was until he saw himself at the mirror.